ИХТТ УрО РАН / Разработки


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 ИХТТ УрО РАН / Разработки   Карта сайта     Language По-русски По-английски
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Статистика публикаций


1. Плазмохимический синтез высокодисперсных структур "ядро-оболочка" из механической смеси карбида титана с никелидом титана / Ю.А. Авдеева, И.В. Лужкова, А.М. Мурзакаев, А.Н. Ермаков // Известия вузов. Порошковая металлургия и функциональные покрытия. - 2024. - Т. 18. - С. 5-15.
2. Formation of ultra- and nanodispersed "core-shell" structures Ti0.8Mo0.2C0.5N0.5-Ni-Mo in the process of plasma-chemical synthesis of a mechanical mixture of titanium carbonitride with metallic nickel and molybdenum / Y.A. Avdeeva, I.V. Luzhkova, A.M. Murzakaev, A.N. Ermakov // Nanosystems: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics. - 2024. - V. 15. - P. 530-539.
3. Окисление поверхности поликристаллического бора / Л.А. Акашев, Н.А. Попов, Ю.В. Корх, Т.В. Кузнецова, В.Г. Шевченко, Л.Ю. Булдакова // Журнал физической химии. - 2024. - Т. 98. - С. 181-187.
4. Сенсибилизированная матрицей TiO2 люминесценция ионов Sm3+ / И.В. Бакланова, В.Н. Красильников, А.П. Тютюнник, Я.В. Бакланова // Журнал прикладной спектроскопии. - 2024. - Т. 91. - С. 15-21.
5. Люминесцентная термометрия оксидов (Y1-xErx)2O3 / И.В. Бакланова, В.Н. Красильников, А.П. Тютюнник, Я.В. Бакланова // Журнал прикладной спектроскопии. - 2024. - Т. 91. - С. 184-188.
6. Сорбционная очистка растворов синтетическими цеолитами / С.А. Бибанаева, В.М. Скачков, Н.А. Сабирзянов // Физико-химические аспекты изучения кластеров, наноструктур и наноматериалов. - 2024. - Т. 16. - С. 584-591.
7. Изучение возможности получения биокомозитов на основе наноразмерного гидроксиапатита, упрочненного оксидом титана и фторидом кальция / Е.А. Богданова, В.М. Скачков, К.В. Нефедова // Физико-химические аспекты изучения кластеров, наноструктур и наноматериалов. - 2024. - Т. 16. - С. 779-793.
8. Исследование транспортных свойств гидроксиапатита и его кремнийзамещенных производных / Е.А. Богданова, Т.Г. Хонина, Н.А. Сабирзянов // Физико-химические аспекты изучения кластеров, наноструктур и наноматериалов. - 2024. - Т. 16. - С. 767-778.
9. Температурная зависимость спектров оптического отражения монокристаллов CuInSe2 со структурой халькопирита / О.М. Бородавченко, В.Д. Живулько, И.Д. Мялик, А.В. Мудрый, М.В. Якушев // Журнал прикладной спектроскопии. - 2024. - Т. 91. - С. 409-416.
10. Атомистическая структура и морфология нанокристаллического карбида ниобия, полученного методом электрохимических транспортных реакций / А.А. Валеева, А.В. Вараксин, С.В. Ремпель, А.А. Ремпель // Металлург. - 2024. - Т. 69. - С. 84-88.
11. Effect of particle size of titanium oxide β-Ti3O5 on its thermal stability / A.A. Valeeva, E.Y. Gerasimov, O.G. Reznitskikh // Mendeleev Communications. - 2024. - V. 34. - P. 601-603.
12. Сильная анизотропия упругости неупорядоченного кубического монооксида титана TiOy / А.А. Валеева, А.И. Гусев // Физика твердого тела. - 2024. - Т. 66. - С. 789-798.
13. Синтез, структура и люминесцентные свойства анионзамещенных германатов Ca2La7.2Eu0.8(GeO4)6-x(PO4)xO2+x/2 со структурой типа апатита / А.А. Васин, М.Г. Зуев, И.Д. Попов, И.В. Бакланова, Е.В. Заболоцкая // Журнал неорганической химии. - 2024. - Т. 69. - С. 703-712.
14. Исследование гигроскопичности α-Zn2P2O7 / Д.А. Ватлин, О.Г. Резницких, Е.А. Шерстобитова, О.В. Бушкова // Неорганические материалы. - 2024. - Т. 60. - С. 205-213.
15. Диаграмма предельной пластичности сплава Al-2,3%V, полученного методом селективного лазерного сплавления / Д.И. Вичужанин, В.Г. Шевченко, Д.А. Еселевич // Деформация и разрушение материалов. - 2024. - Т. 11. - С. 11-22.
16. Электрохимические свойства суперионных проводников CsAg4Br3-хI2+х / А.А. Глухов, О.Г. Резницких, Т.В. Ярославцева, Н.В. Урусова, А.Е. Укше, Ю.А. Добровольский, О.В. Бушкова // Электрохимия. - 2024. - Т. 60. - С. 146-153.
17. Anisotropy of elastic properties of disordered cubic titanium monoxide TiOy / A.I. Gusev, A.A. Valeeva // Mendeleev Communications. - 2024. - V. 34. - P. 647-649.
18. Precursor method for the synthesis of highly dispersed ZrO2 doped with scandium / O.I. Gyrdasova, R.F. Samigullina, E.V. Vladimirova, I.S. Medyankina, L.Y. Buldakova, M.Y. Yanchenko, L.A. Pasechnik // Mendeleev Communications. - 2024. - V. 34. - P. 640-642.
19. XAS study of sol-gel synthesized amorphous and anatase TiO2 nanoparticles / I.B. Dorosheva, A.M. Kremneva, V.V. Kaichev, A.A. Valeeva, A.A. Rempel // Mendeleev Communications. - 2024. - V. 34. - P. 224-225.
20. Effect of 4-MeV Electron Irradiation on Radiative Recombination of Cu(In,Ga)(S,Se)2 Thin Films in Solar Cells / V.D. Zhivulko, A.V. Mudryi, O.M. Borodavchenko, E.V. Lutsenko, V.N. Pavlovskii, G.P. Yablonskii, M.V. Yakushev // Journal of Applied Spectroscopy. - 2024. - V. 91. - P. 734-741.
21. Анализ формирования твердых растворов ортохромитов РЗЭ / В.Д. Журавлев, Е.А. Шерстобитова // Журнал структурной химии. - 2024. - Т. 65. - С. 137678.
22. Композитные фотокатализаторы g-C3N4/TiO2 для получения водорода и разложения красителей / А.В. Журенок, А.А. Сушникова, А.А. Валеева, А.Ю. Куренкова, Д.Д. Мищенко, Е.А. Козлова, А.А. Ремпель // Кинетика и катализ. - 2024. - Т. 65. - С. 27-37.
23. Гидротермальный синтез и фотокаталитические свойства оксида вольфрама, допированного железом / Г.С. Захарова, Н.В. Подвальная, Т.И. Горбунова, М.Г. Первова, А.Н. Еняшин // Журнал неорганической химии. - 2024. - Т. 69. - С. 1117-1127.
24. Фазовый состав и оптические свойства оксинитрида алюминия, легированного железом / А.В. Ищенко, Н.С. Ахмадуллина, Д.А. Пастухов, И.И. Леонидов, В.П. Сиротинкин, А.С. Лысенков, О.Н. Шишилов, Ю.Ф. Каргин // Неорганические материалы. - 2024. - Т. 60. - С. 322-330.
25. Низкотемпературный one-pot синтез нанокристаллических тонких пленок сульфида олова (II) / Н.С. Кожевникова, Л.Н. Маскаева, А.Н. Еняшин, О.А. Липина, А.П. Тютюнник, И.О. Селянин, И.В. Бакланова, М.В. Кузнецов, В.Ф. Марков // Журнал неорганической химии. - 2024. - Т. 69. - С. 3-13.
26. Ex-situ модифицирование наноструктурированного ГАП коллоидными частицами CdS / Н.С. Кожевникова, Е.А. Богданова, В.М. Скачков, И.В. Бакланова, А.П. Тютюнник, Л.Ю. Булдакова, М.Ю. Янченко, А.А. Юшков // Физико-химические аспекты изучения кластеров, наноструктур и наноматериалов. - 2024. - Т. 16. - С. 183-197.
27. Влияние спекающих добавок, синтезированных методом сжигания нитратов алюминия, на свойства керамики Al2O3-3YSZ / Ю.И. Комоликов, Л.В. Ермакова, В.Д. Журавлев, Е.И. Сенаева, Р.А. Шишкин // Неорганические материалы. - 2024. - Т. 60. - С. 373-380.
28. Получение пористой керамики α-Al2O3-3YSZ с добавками α(γ)-Al2O3 / Ю.И. Комоликов, Л.В. Ермакова, Р.А. Шишкин, В.М. Скачков, В.Д. Журавлев // Стекло и керамика. - 2024. - Т. 97. - С. 43-51.
29. Бораты лития как поверхностный защитный слой для литий-марганцевой шпинели / А.А. Кошкина, Т.В. Ярославцева, Н.В. Урусова, О.Г. Резницких, М.А. Хрусталев, К.В. Нефедова, В.Д. Журавлев, О.В. Бушкова // Электрохимическая энергетика. - 2024. - Т. 24. - С. 88-102.
30. Surface Degradation of Lithium-Manganese Spinel in Contact with Lithium-Hexafluorophosphate-Containing Electrolyte / A.A. Koshkina, T.V. Yaroslavtseva, A.E. Ukshe, M.V. Kuznetsov, V.T. Surikov, O.V. Bushkova // Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. - 2024. - V. 60. - P. 263-282.
31. Сорбция ионов никеля на гидроксиде железа(III), свежеосажденном из раствора сульфата железа (II). Часть 1. Механизм и эффективность сорбционного процесса / О.Д. Линников, И.В. Родина // Физикохимия поверхности и защита материалов. - 2024. - Т. 60. - С. 14-24.
32. Сорбция ионов никеля на гидроксиде железа(III), свежеосажденном из раствора сульфата железа (II). Часть 2. Структура и состав осадков гидроксида железа (III) / О.Д. Линников, И.В. Родина, Г.С. Захарова, И.В. Бакланова, Ю.В. Кузнецова, А.П. Тютюнник, З.А. Фаттахова, Л.Ю. Булдакова // Физикохимия поверхности и защита материалов. - 2024. - Т. 60. - С. 25-33.
33. Kinetic of colloidal-chemical transformations during the decomposition of ammonia complexes of Zn(II) in alkaline solutions / M.A. Maksimova, E.V. Polyakov, I.V. Volkov, A.P. Tyutyunnik, A.A. Ioshin // Nanosystems: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics. - 2024. - V. 15. - P. 498-509.
34. Структурные, оптические и фотокаталитические свойства дисперсий CuS, легированных Mn2+ и Ni2+ / Л.Н. Маскаева, М.А. Лысанова, О.А. Липина, В.И. Воронин, Е.А. Кравцов, А.В. Поздин, В.Ф. Марков // Конденсированные среды и межфазные границы. - 2024. - Т. 26. - С. 265-279.
35. Кинетика выщелачивания кремнезема гидрофторидом аммония из железорудных хвостов обогащения / И.С. Медянкина, Л.А. Пасечник // Теоретические основы химической технологии. - 2024. - Т. 58. - С. 62-67.
36. Механизмы биологической эффективности ионных форм металлов переменной валентности в респираторной медицине / В.Ю. Мишланов, А.Г. Чучалин, В.А. Черешнев, Е.В. Поляков // Научные результаты биомедицинских исследований. - 2024. - Т. 10. - С. 252-269.
37. Pressurized Phase Transitions Cascade in BaMn2P2 and BaMn2As2 / N.S. Pavlov, I.R. Shein, I.A. Nekrasov // JETP Letters. - 2024. - V. 120. - P. 140-145.
38. Новый катодный материал для твердооксидного топливного элемента La2/3Cu3Ti4-xFexO12-σ: синтез и электропроводность / М.И. Пантюхина, Л.А. Дунюшкина // Электрохимическая энергетика. - 2024. - Т. 24. - С. 161-168.
39. Статика сорбции кислородных анионов Cr(VI), Mo(VI), W(VI), Se(IV) наноструктурированным композитом Al2O3||C / Е.В. Поляков, В.Н. Красильников, И.В. Волков, А.А. Иошин // Радиохимия. - 2024. - Т. 66. - С. 669-678.
40. Квантовые точки: современные методы синтеза и оптические свойства / А.А. Ремпель, О.В. Овчинников, И.А. Вайнштейн, С.В. Ремпель, Ю.В. Кузнецова, А.В. Наумов, М.С. Смирнов, И.Ю. Еремчев, А.С. Вохминцев, С.С. Савченко // Успехи химии. - 2024. - Т. 93. - С. RCR5114.
41. Сорбция катионов La3+ цеолитами из водных растворов / Ю.В. Рех, С.А. Бибанаева, М.С. Валова, В.М. Скачков, О.В. Федорова, Н.А. Сабирзянов // Физико-химические аспекты изучения кластеров, наноструктур и наноматериалов. - 2024. - Т. 16. - С. 960-970.
42. Адсорбционно-структурные свойства порошка алюминия марки АСД активированного гидрогелем пентаоксида ванадия / А.В. Рябина, В.Г. Шевченко, В.Н. Красильников // Успехи в химии и химической технологии. - 2024. - Т. 38. - С. 135-136.
43. Покрывающая способность наночастиц сульфида серебра в сульфидных композитах / С.И. Садовников, И.И. Леонидов, А.А. Валеева, А.И. Гусев // Письма в ЖЭТФ. - 2024. - Т. 120. - С. 178-183.
44. Исследование влияния оксидов титана и циркония на прочностные характеристики наноразмерного гидроксиапатита / К.И. Сабанин, В.М. Скачков, И.С. Медянкина, Е.А. Богданова, Н.А. Сабирзянов // Физико-химические аспекты изучения кластеров, наноструктур и наноматериалов. - 2024. - Т. 16. - С. 981-994.
45. Термическая стабильность гетеронаноструктур (ZnS)(Ag2S)x сульфидов цинка и серебра / С.И. Садовников, С.В. Сергеева, А.И. Гусев // Журнал неорганической химии. - 2024. - Т. 69. - С. 792-800.
46. Размер экситонов в полупроводниковых сульфидах MS (M = Cu, Ag, Zn, Cd, Hg, Sn, Pb) / С.И. Садовников, А.И. Гусев // Неорганические материалы. - 2024. - Т. 60. - С. 667-676.
47. Предсказание низкотемпературных фаз сульфида серебра, производных от аргентита / С.И. Садовников, М.Г. Костенко, А.И. Гусев, А.В. Лукоянов // Журнал экспериментальной и теоретической физики. - 2024. - Т. 168. - С. 374-388.
48. Квантовая динамика ян-теллеровских комплексов Cr2+F8- в кристалле CdF2:Cr / М.Н. Сарычев, Н.Ю. Офицерова, И.В. Жевстовских, Е.В. Егранов, В.Т. Суриков, Н.С. Аверкиев, В.В. Гудков // Журнал экспериментальной и теоретической физики. - 2024. - Т. 165. - С. 226-232.
49. Деградация контактных материалов на основе Pd-Cu при протекании электрического тока / И.Н. Сачков, О.М. Огородников, И.И. Огородников // Фундаментальные проблемы современного материаловедения. - 2024. - Т. 21. - С. 337-344.
50. Компьютерное моделирование эффектов образования анизотропных структур при протекании тока через порошковые материалы / И.Н. Сачков, О.М. Огородникова, И.И. Огородников // Фундаментальные проблемы современного материаловедения. - 2024. - Т. 21. - С. 502-508.
51. Разработка материала на основе гидроксиапатита и алюмосиликатных цеолитов со связующим агентом для формирования биоактивных покрытий / В.М. Скачков, Е.А. Богданова, С.А. Бибанаева, А.Г. Широкова // Физико-химические аспекты изучения кластеров, наноструктур и наноматериалов. - 2024. - Т. 16. - С. 1004-1015.
52. Phase Equilibria in the PrOx-CoOx-NiO System, Structure, and Oxygen Content in the Formed Oxides / E.E. Solomakhina, M.A. Shadrina, A.V. Bryuzgina, A.S. Urusova, T.V. Aksenova, V.A. Cherepanov // Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. - 2024. - V. 98. - P. 1968-1975.
53. Сверхстехиометрический кислород и структурная неустойчивость феррита CaBaFe4O7: подход "из первых принципов" / А.Ю. Сунцов, В.П. Жуков, В.Л. Кожевников // Журнал структурной химии. - 2024. - Т. 65. - С. 120093.
54. Влияние условий синтеза наноразмерного диоксида титана на структуру и фазовый состав / А.А. Сушникова, А.А. Валеева, А.А. Журенок, И.С. Сипатов, А.А. Ремпель // Кинетика и катализ. - 2024. - Т. 65. - С. 688-694.
55. Effective Actinide Ion Charges in AnO2 (An = Th-Lr) / Y.A. Teterin, A.E. Putkov, M.V. Ryzhkov, A.Y. Teterin, K.E. Ivanov, S.N. Kalmykov, V.G. Petrov // Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. - 2024. - V. 98. - P. 2763-2766.
56. Электронное строение NoO2 / Ю.А. Тетерин, М.В. Рыжков, А.Е. Путков, К.И. Маслаков, А.Ю. Тетерин, К.Е. Иванов, С.Н. Калмыков, В.Г. Петров // Журнал структурной химии. - 2024. - Т. 65. - С. 1794-1804.
57. Electronic structure and chemical bond in MdO2 / Y.A. Teterin, M.V. Ryzhkov, A.E. Putkov, K.I. Maslakov, A.Y. Teterin, K.E. Ivanov, S.N. Kalmykov, V.G. Petrov // Mendeleev Communications. - 2024. - V. 34. - P. 802-804.
58. Изучение электропроводящих свойств керамики на основе стабилизированного диоксида циркония / Н.В. Хорошавцева, Э.И. Денисова, В.В. Карташов, О.В. Денисова, О.В. Меркулов, А.В. Чукин // Международный научно-исследовательский журнал. - 2024. - Т. 5. - С. 143.
59. Кристаллическая структура, люминесцентные свойства и термометрические характеристики германатов Ba2Gd2Ge4O13:Tb3+, Tb3+/Eu3+ / А.В. Чванова, О.А. Липина, А.Ю. Чуфаров, А.П. Тютюнник, Л.Л. Сурат, В.Г. Зубков // Оптика и спектроскопия. - 2024. - Т. 132. - С. 659-667.
60. Энтальпия взаимодействия литированной мембраны Nafion с водными растворами спиртов и полярными апротонными растворителями / С.Д. Чернюк, А.П. Сафронов, О.В. Бушкова // Мембраны и мембранные технологии. - 2024. - Т. 14. - С. 378-386.
61. Твердые растворы Sr2Ti1-xMnxO4 (x=0; 0,01; 0,025; 0,05; 0,1) со структурой K2NiF4 / Т.И. Чупахина, А.М. Упорова, О.И. Гырдасова, Л.Ю. Булдакова, Ю.А. Деева, И.В. Бакланова, М.Ю. Янченко // Физико-химические аспекты изучения кластеров, наноструктур и наноматериалов. - 2024. - Т. 16. - С. 1035-1045.
62. Study of photocatalytic activity in two light ranges of Sr2Mn0.4Ti0.6O4 oxide with the K2NiF4-type structure / T.I. Chupakhina, O.I. Gyrdasova, A.M. Uporova, L.Y. Buldakova, M.Y. Yanchenko, D.V. Mamedov, Y.A. Deeva, I.V. Baklanova // Nanosystems: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics. - 2024. - V. 15. - P. 540-547.
63. Влияние ванадия на эксплуатационные свойства материала сплава Al-2,3%V, полученного 3Д печатью / В.Г. Шевченко, Д.А. Еселевич, Н.А. Попов, М.Н. Бакланов, Д.И. Вичужанин // Физика металлов и металловедение. - 2024. - Т. 125. - С. 625-632.
64. Исследование физико-химических свойств порошка на основе сплава Al-2,3%V как сырья для 3-D печати / В.Г. Шевченко, Д.А. Еселевич, Н.А. Попов, М.Н. Бакланов // Физикохимия поверхности и защита материалов. - 2024. - Т. 60. - С. 105-112.
65. Окисление бора, модифицированного пентоксидом ванадия / В.Г. Шевченко, В.Н. Красильников, Д.А. Еселевич, А.В. Конюкова, О.Г. Резницких // Физика горения и взрыва. - 2024. - Т. 60. - С. 59-66.
66. Исследование физико-химических свойств композитов, полученных механохимическим синтезом наноразмерного гидроксиапатита и синтетических цеолитов / А.Г. Широкова, С.А. Бибанаева, Е.А. Богданова, В.М. Скачков, О.В. Корякова // Физико-химические аспекты изучения кластеров, наноструктур и наноматериалов. - 2024. - Т. 16. - С. 1046-1059.
67. Спектры комбинационного рассеяния света и фотолюминесценция цирконата стронция, допированного катионами Yb и Lu / С.Н. Шкерин, А.В. Павлович, Р.К. Абдурахимова, Т.В. Ярославцева, Е.С. Ульянова // Физика твердого тела. - 2024. - Т. 66. - С. 413-423.
68. Li3V2(PO4)3-Based Cathode Materials for Li-Ion Batteries: Time Evolution of the Vanadium Valence State / A.R. Yagfarova, I.V. Yatsyk, D.V. Mamedov, Y.A. Deeva, A.M. Uporova, T.I. Chupakhina, S.M. Khantimerov, T.P. Gavrilova // Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics. - 2024. - V. 88. - P. 1115-1121.
69. Сечения фотоионизации основных и возбужденных валентных электронов лантаноидов для исследований электронного строения материалов методом РФЭС и расчет спектра кластера Ce63O216 / В.Г. Яржемский, Ю.А. Тетерин, М.В. Рыжков, А.Ю. Тетерин // Неорганические материалы. - 2024. - Т. 60. - С. 765-773.
70. Электронные свойства топологического изолятора Sb2Te2Se / Ю.Е. Коваленко, М.В. Якушев, В.И. Гребенников, М. Орлита, С.Г. Титова, К.А. Кох, О.Е. Терещенко, Т.В. Кузнецова // Физика и техника полупроводников. - 2024. - Т. 58. - С. 192-195.
71. Effect of synthesis conditions on the thermoluminescence of Li9Mg3[PO4]4F3 fluorophosphate / D.A. Akulov, M.O. Kalinkin, R.M. Abashev, A.I. Surdo, O.G. Reznitskikh, D.G. Kellerman // Ceramics International. - 2024. - V. 50. - P. 28978-28987.
72. Intrinsic defect related optical properties of pure and rare-earth-doped LiMgPO4 / D.A. Akulov, M.O. Kalinkin, R.M. Abashev, V.G. Zubkov, A.I. Surdo, D.G. Kellerman // Optical Materials. - 2024. - V. 150. - P. 115187.
73. Enhanced thermoluminescence of sodium-doped lithium-magnesium fluorophosphate Li9Mg3[PO4]4F3 / D.A. Akulov, M.O. Kalinkin, A.Y. Chufarov, A.P. Tyutyunnik, M.A. Semkin, N.I. Medvedeva, N.A. Zhuravlev, R.M. Abashev, A.I. Surdo, D.G. Kellerman // CrystEngComm. - 2024. - V. 26. - P. 5632-5643.
74. Design and application of environmentally friendly composite magnetic particles for microplastic extraction from water media / I.A. Bakhteeva, M.S. Filinkova, I.V. Medvedeva, N.V. Podvalnaya, I.V. Byzov, S.V. Zhakov, M.A. Uimin, I.A. Kurmachev // Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. - 2024. - V. 12. - P. 113287.
75. Upconversion multicolor tuning in Er3+ and Yb3+ doped yttrium oxide prepared by precursor technique / I.V. Baklanova, V.N. Krasilnikov, A.P. Tyutyunnik, Y.V. Baklanova // Inorganic Chemistry Communications. - 2024. - V. 166. - P. 112615.
76. Synthesis of MAX phases Ti2AlC and V2AlC by carburization of hydrogenated alloys Ti2AlHx and V2AlHx / A.A. Bokov, A.S. Shelyug, A.S. Kurlov // Ceramics International. - 2024. - V. 50. - P. 3289-3298.
77. Cumulative effect of molybdenum doping and nitrogen atmosphere on the properties of vanadium oxycarbide cermets with iron binder / A.A. Bokov, A.S. Shelyug, A.S. Kurlov // Ceramics International. - 2024. - V. 50. - P. 40803-40813.
78. Thermally-Induced Reentrant Order-Disorder-Order Transitions in ALa9(GeO4)6O2 Apatites / A.Y. Chufarov, A.P. Tyutyunnik, N.V. Tarakina, A.D. Fortes, M.A. Melkozerova, A.N. Enyashin, O.A. Lipina, Y.V. Baklanova, A.N. Kiryakov, L.L. Surat, V.G. Zubkov // Advanced Optical Materials. - 2024. - V. 12. - P. 2401520.
79. Perovskite-like LaxSr2-xTi1-x/2Cux/2O4 (x = 0.2, 0.3, 0.5) oxides with the K2NiF4-type structure active in visible light range: new members of the photocatalyst family / T.I. Chupakhina, R.M. Eremina, O.I. Gyrdasova, M.Y. Yanchenko, L.Y. Buldakova, I.V. Yatsyk, T.P. Gavrilova, Y.A. Deeva, A.A. Sukhanov, I.V. Baklanova, A.M. Uporova // Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society. - 2024. - V. 61. - P. 623-635.
80. Dielectric properties of layered perovskite-like oxide LaSr2CoMnO7-δ / T.I. Chupakhina, N.V. Melnikova, Y.A. Deeva, A.A. Mirzorakhimov, V.V. Bazhal, A.I. Balitskiy // Journal of Alloys and Compounds. - 2024. - V. 1008. - P. 176720.
81. Keplerate {Mo132}-Stearic Acid Conjugates: Supramolecular Synthons for the Design of Dye-Loaded Nanovesicles, Langmuir-Schaefer Films, and Infochemical Applications / A. Denikaev, Y.V. Kuznetsova, A. Bykov, A. Zhilyakov, K. Belova, P. Abramov, N. Moskalenko, E. Skorb, K. Grzhegorzhevskii // ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. - 2024. - V. 16. - P. 7430-7443.
82. Determining the Oxidation Stability of Electrolytes for Lithium-Ion Batteries Using Quantum Chemistry and Molecular Dynamics / E.Y. Evshchik, S.S. Borisevich, M.G. Ilyina, E.M. Khamitov, A.V. Chernyak, T.A. Pugacheva, V.G. Kolmakov, O.V. Bushkova, Y.A. Dobrovolsky // Electrochem. - 2024. - V. 5. - P. 107-123.
83. Synthesis and transport properties of the brannerite-type oxides Na1-xV1-xMo1+xO6 / D.S. Fedorov, A.L. Buzlukov, L.G. Maksimova, N.I. Medvedeva, T.A. Denisova, A.P. Tyutyunnik, D.V. Korona, Y.V. Baklanova, I.Y. Arapova, E.V. Zabolotskaya, S.F. Solodovnikov // Ionics. - 2024. - V. 30. - P. 7007-7016.
84. Evaluation of rational design and hydration ability of medium-entropy Mn-doped LSCF-based phases / E. Filonova, A.Y. Suntsov, I.S. Grobovoy, A. Ivanova, E. Guseva, R. Ivanov, M. Semkin, A. Pirogov // Ceramics International. - 2024. - V. 50. - P. 40363-40374.
85. Li3V2(PO4)3 Cathode Material: Synthesis Method, High Lithium Diffusion Coefficient and Magnetic Inhomogeneity / T. Gavrilova, Y.A. Deeva, A.M. Uporova, T.I. Chupakhina, I. Yatsyk, A. Rogov, M. Cheresov, R. Batulin, M. Khrizanforov, S. Khantimerov // International Journal of Molecular Sciences. - 2024. - V. 25. - P. 2884.
86. Hematite Defect Development for Gallic Acid Sensing / M. Golovin, M. Seredova, M.V. Kuznetsov, V. Stankovic, T. Mutic, D.M. Stankovic, O. Bolshakov // ChemistrySelect. - 2024. - V. 9. - P. е202403073.
87. Intrinsic ferromagnetism in Hg1-xFexSe (0.00012 < x < 0.0013) diluted magnetic semiconductor bulk single crystals at room temperature: Role of hybridization of impurity electronic states / T.E. Govorkova, V.I. Okulov, E.A. Pamyatnykh, A.A. Vaulin, V.S. Gaviko, V.T. Surikov // Results in Physics. - 2024. - V. 56. - P. 107307.
88. Synthesis and properties of the NdSF compound, phase diagram of the NdF3-Nd2S3 system / V.M. Grigorchenko, M.S. Molokeev, A.S. Oreshonkov, A.S. Aleksandrovsky, A.V. Kertman, M.U. Abulkhaev, A.S. Mereshchenko, I.O. Yurev, N.A. Shulaev, D.N. Kamaev, A.V. Elyshev, O.V. Andreev // Journal of Solid State Chemistry. - 2024. - V. 333. - P. 124640.
89. Properties of La2F4Se, B-LaFSe phases. Phase diagram of the LaF3-La2Se3 system / V.M. Grigorchenko, M.S. Molokeev, I.O. Yurev, A.S. Aleksandrovsky, A.S. Oreshonkov, A.S. Krylov, N.V. Nesterova, D.N. Kamaev, A.V. Elyshev, O.V. Andreev // Journal of Solid State Chemistry. - 2024. - V. 338. - P. 124880.
90. The Waelz Slag from Electric Arc Furnace Dust Processing: Characterization and Magnetic Separation Studies / P. Grudinsky, A. Yurtaeva, D. Pankratov, L.A. Pasechnik, R. Musaelyan, V. Dyubanov // Materials. - 2024. - V. 17. - P. 2224.
91. Nonstoichiometry and elastic properties of disordered cubic hafnium carbide HfCy / A.I. Gusev // International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials. - 2024. - V. 120. - P. 106602.
92. Regularity of thermal characteristics, thermoelectric properties of EuLnCuSe3 compounds (Ln = La-Lu) / N.N. Habibullayev, A.T. Burkov, S.V. Novikov, I.O. Yurev, A.S. Aleksandrovsky, A.D. Zakharova, N.A. Shulaev, Y.G. Denisenko, O.V. Andreev // European Physical Journal Plus. - 2024. - V. 139. - P. 412.
93. Radiation-chemical synthesis and characterization of ferrihydrite from iron (III) nitrate / V.G. Ilves, M.E. Balezin, S.Y. Sokovnin, A.S. Gerasimov, E.G. Kalinina, D.S. Rusakova, P.M. Korusenko, M.G. Zuev, M.A. Uimin // Radiation Physics and Chemistry. - 2024. - V. 218. - P. 111612.
94. Influence of annealing on the physicochemical properties of 2L ferrihydrite synthesized by radiation-chemical method from iron (III) nitrate / V.G. Ilves, M.E. Balezin, S.Y. Sokovnin, P.M. Korusenko, M.G. Zuev, M.A. Uimin // Journal of Alloys and Compounds. - 2024. - V. 1008. - P. 176542.
95. Effect of air annealing on structural, textural, thermal, magnetic and photocatalytic properties of Ag-doped mesoporous amorphous crystalline nanopowders Bi2O3 / V.G. Ilves, V.S. Gaviko, A.M. Murzakaev, S.Y. Sokovnin, O.A. Svetlova, M.G. Zuev, M.A. Uimin // Nano-Structures and Nano-Objects. - 2024. - V. 39. - P. 101319.
96. Properties of an amorphous crystalline nanopowder Si-SiO2 produced by pulsed electron beam evaporation / V.G. Ilves, M.G. Zuev, A.A. Vasin, P.M. Korusenko, S.Y. Sokovnin, M.V. Ulitko, A.S. Gerasimov // Materials Chemistry and Physics. - 2024. - V. 316. - P. 129026.
97. Synthesis, phase composition, electronic and spectroscopic properties of cobalt-doped aluminum oxynitride / A.V. Ishchenko, N.S. Akhmadullina, I.I. Leonidov, V.P. Sirotinkin, L.G. Skvortsova, D.A. Mandrygina, O.N. Shishilov, I.S. Zhidkov, A.I. Kukharenko, I.A. Weinstein, Y.F. Kargin // Physica B. - 2024. - V. 695. - P. 416593.
98. Analysis of the reasons for the enhanced green luminescence of Mg2+-doped Zn2SiO4:Mn2+ phosphor / I.V. Ivanova, T.I. Krasnenko // Optical Materials. - 2024. - V. 157. - P. 116261.
99. Nanotubes and other nanostructures of VS2, WS2 and MoS2: Structural effects on the hydrogen evolution reaction / S.R. Kadam, M. Krishnappa, S. Ghosh, M.B. Sreedhara, A. Neyman, A. Upcher, E. NativRoth, L. Houben, A. Zak, A.N. Enyashin, R. Bar-Ziv, M. Bar-Sadan // Applied Materials Today. - 2024. - V. 39. - P. 102288.
100. Ab initio study of stability and quadrupole coupling constants in borophosphates / M.O. Kalinkin, D.G. Kellerman, N.I. Medvedeva // Dalton Transactions. - 2024. - V. 53. - P. 11928-11937.
101. Structural features and photoluminescence of new transparent MgAl2O4 nanoceramics with chromium impurity / A. Kiryakov, S. Dhanushkodi, D. Bajtimirov, Y. Kuznetsova, T.V. Dyachkova, A.Y. Chufarov, A.P. Tyutyunnik // Ceramics International. - 2024. - V. 25. - P. 2022-2031.
102. Local symmetry of manganese ions in MgAl2O4 optical nanoceramics / A. Kiryakov, A. Fokin, T.V. Dyachkova, A.P. Tyutyunnik, A.Y. Chufarov, G. Mikhalevskii // Journal of Luminescence. - 2024. - V. 266. - P. 120282.
103. Carbon dots embedded in solid-state optically transparent matrices / A. Kiryakov, Y. Kuznetsova, D. Sivaganesh, T.V. Dyachkova, A.Y. Chufarov, J. Murugan, A.P. Tyutyunnik // Carbon dots embedded in solid-state optically transparent matrices. - 2024. - V. 36. - P. 102067.
104. Electron transport and thermoelectric properties in (Pb,Ho)-modified Ca0.5Sr0.5MnO3-δ manganites with perovskite-type structure / E.I. Konstantinova, V.A. Litvinov, A.D. Koryakov, M.A. Ryzhkov, I.A. Leonidov // Ceramics International. - 2024. - V. 50. - P. 10144-10151.
105. Influence of holmium doping and oxygen nonstoichiometry on the transport properties of perovskite-type Ca0.6-xSr0.4HoxMnO3-δ / E.I. Konstantinova, M.A. Ryzhkov, O.N. Leonidova, V.A. Litvinov, I.A. Leonidov // Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry. - 2024. - V. 28. - P. 1945-1952.
106. Zero-waste preparation of mixed oxides for submicromolar sensing of Bentazone pesticide / E. Korina, A. Karaberova, O. Bolshakov, M. Golovin, M.V. Kuznetsov, D. Stankovic // Environmental Pollution. - 2024. - V. 345. - P. 123494.
107. Evaluation of electrode-oriented properties of BaFe1-xCexO3-δ / A.D. Koryakov, O.V. Merkulov, I.A. Leonidov, A.A. Markov, O.N. Leonidova, M.V. Patrakeev // Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry. - 2024. - V. 28. - P. 1953-1961.
108. Young's and shear moduli of Fe3+-doped chrysotile nanoscrolls probed by atomic force microscopy / A.A. Krasilin, M.M. Khalisov, A.V. Kozhevina, D.A. Kozlov, D.V. Danilov, A.S. Loshachenko, A.N. Enyashin, A.V. Ankudinov // Materials Today Communications. - 2024. - V. 38. - P. 108358.
109. Yellow-white emitting phosphor-in-glass with LuAG:Ce and embedded CdS quantum dots / Y.V. Kuznetsova, I.D. Popov, S.A. Yakovleva, V.A. Bykov, D.S. Barakovskikh, S.G. Vlasova // Journal of Luminescence. - 2024. - V. 269. - P. 120500.
110. Transport of Mg2+ cations and diffusion-induced spin-lattice relaxation of 51V NMR in orthovanadate Mg3V2O8 / O.N. Leonidova, K.N. Mikhalev, D.A. Prokopyev, O.A. Babanova, A.P. Tyutyunnik, E.I. Konstantinova, I.A. Leonidov // Acta Materialia. - 2024. - V. 281. - P. 120393.
111. Upconversion luminescence and temperature measurement performance of Ho3+/Yb3+ and Tm3+/Yb3+ codoped Na5Rb7Sc2(WO4)9 phosphors / O.A. Lipina, Y.V. Baklanova, T.S. Spiridonova, E.G. Khaikina // CrystEngComm. - 2024. - V. 26. - P. 277-285.
112. Color-tunable luminescence and temperature sensing properties of Bi3+/Sm3+ or Bi3+/Eu3+ codoped Ba2Gd2Ge4O13 / O.A. Lipina, A.V. Chvanova, L.L. Surat, Y.V. Baklanova, A.Y. Chufarov, A.P. Tyutyunnik, V.G. Zubkov // Dalton Transactions. - 2024. - V. 53. - P. 7985-7995.
113. Structural and magnetic properties of cadmium oxides with different annealing temperatures / Y. Ma, C. Zhang, D. Shi, D. Chen, X. Luo, T.V. Dyachkova, A.P. Tyutyunnik, V.N. Krasilnikov, V.V. Marchenkov, Y. Dedkov, Y. Guo, T. Gao // Journal of Alloys and Compounds. - 2024. - V. 998. - P. 174988.
114. Infrared luminescence properties and energy transfer mechanism in NaYGeO4:Tm3+ powders / A.A. Melentsova, O.A. Lipina, M.A. Melkozerova, A.N. Enyashin, A.Y. Chufarov, A.P. Tyutyunnik, V.G. Zubkov // Ceramics International. - 2024. - V. 50. - P. 18681-18688.
115. Energy transfer mechanism in infrared-emitting NaYGeO4:Tm3+,Ho3+ phosphors / A.A. Melentsova, O.A. Lipina, A.Y. Chufarov, A.P. Tyutyunnik, V.G. Zubkov // Ceramics International. - 2024. - V. 50. - P. 49545-49551.
116. Manipulating the phase stability of a halide perovskite, CH3NH3PbI3 by high-pressure cycling / N.V. Morozova, I.V. Zhevstovskikh, I.V. Korobeinikov, M.N. Sarychev, O.I. Semenova, S.V. Ovsyannikov // Journal of Alloys and Compounds. - 2024. - V. 988. - P. 174305.
117. The effect of temperature and oxygen partial pressure on the concentration of iron and manganese ions in La1/3Sr2/3Fe1-xMnxO3-δ / S.S. Nikitin, A.D. Koryakov, E.A. Antipinskaya, A.A. Markov, M.V. Patrakeev // Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. - 2024. - V. 26. - P. 1125-1134.
118. High-temperature mixed conductivity in PrBaFe2O6-δ / S.S. Nikitin, M.A. Zavyalov, M.S. Dyakina, E.V. Vladimirova, O.V. Merkulov, M.V. Patrakeev // Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry. - 2024. - V. 28. - P. 1839-1847.
119. Ultrasonic investigation of the Jahn-Teller effect in BaF2:Cu crystal / N.Y. Ofitserova, M.N. Sarychev, I.V. Zhevstovskikh, V.A. Ulanov, V.T. Surikov, N.S. Averkiev, V.V. Gudkov // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. - 2024. - V. 2769. - P. 012009.
120. Synthesis of anhydrous lanthanum acetate. Analysis of it's structural, thermal and electronic properties / A.S. Oreshonkov, N.O. Azarapin, A.P. Tyutyunnik, D.V. Pankin, I.A. Razumkova // Inorganica Chimica Acta. - 2024. - V. 572. - P. 122310.
121. Extended investigation of the conductive characteristics of monoclinic tungstates with a Bi3.24Ln2W0.76O10.14 (Ln = La, Pr or Nd) composition / E.I. Orlova, Y.A. Morkhova, N.V. Lyskov, A.V. Egorova, E.D. Baldin, A.A. Kabanov, E.P. Kharitonova, V.I. Voronkova // Dalton Transactions. - 2024. - V. 53. - P. 19403-19411.
122. Crystal structure and optical properties of Eu3+-doped and undoped complex sulfate KSc(SO4)2 produced by facile and efficient crystallization process / L.A. Pasechnik, O.A. Lipina, I.S. Medyankina, R.F. Samigullina, A.N. Enyashin, A.Y. Chufarov, M.A. Melkozerova, M.Y. Artyomov, A.P. Tyutyunnik // Journal of Alloys and Compounds. - 2024. - V. 984. - P. 173968.
123. Correlating High-Temperature Defect and Magnetic Structures with Anomalous Chemical Expansion in an Outstanding PrBa0.5Sr0.5Co1.5Fe0.5O6-δ Positrode / B.V. Politov, D.A. Shishkin, A.Y. Suntsov // Journal of Physical Chemistry C. - 2024. - V. 128. - P. 850-866.
124. ESR and magnetization studies of double perovskite Sr2FeNbO6 / D.V. Popov, R.G. Batulin, M.A. Cherosov, I.V. Yatsyk, T.I. Chupakhina, Y.A. Deeva, R.M. Eremina, T. Maiti // Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. - 2024. - V. 595. - P. 171611.
125. Intermediate-spin state of Co ions in magnetic and thermoelectric properties of double perovskite Ba2CoNbO6 / D.V. Popov, R.G. Batulin, M.A. Cherosov, I.V. Yatsyk, T.I. Chupakhina, Y.A. Deeva, A.S. Makarchenko, D.I. Fazlishanova, V.A. Shustov, R.M. Eremina, T. Maiti // Journal of Alloys and Compounds. - 2024. - V. 1009. - P. 176900.
126. Luminescent manifestations of ytterbium ions in the crystal structure of silicate apatite / V.A. Pustovarov, D.A. Tavrunov, M.G. Zuev // Journal of Luminescence. - 2024. - V. 270. - P. 120543.
127. Ligand-Assisted self-assembly of colloidal Ag2S nanoparticles / S.V. Rempel, E.S. Vorontsova, Y.V. Kuznetsova, A.A. Rempel // Journal of Molecular Liquids. - 2024. - V. 400. - P. 124556.
128. Self-supported oxygen carrier SrFe12O19 for chemical looping: thermodynamic analysis, kinetics and redox stability / D.A. Ryzhov, I.V. Shamsutov, M.V. Patrakeev, M.A. Zavyalov, O.V. Merkulov // Solid State Sciences. - 2024. - V. 149. - P. 107471.
129. Synthesis, morphology and Raman spectroscopy of ZnS/Ag2S heteronanostructures / S.I. Sadovnikov, I.I. Leonidov, A.I. Gusev // Solid State Sciences. - 2024. - V. 156. - P. 107662.
130. Quantum acoustics of the Jahn-Teller complexes in doped crystals: Configurational relaxation time as indicator of the complex / M.N. Sarychev, I.V. Zhevstovskikh, N.Y. Ofitserova, Y.V. Korostelin, V.A. Ulanov, A.V. Egranov, V.T. Surikov, N.S. Averkiev, V.V. Gudkov // Physical Review B. - 2024. - V. 109. - P. 214104.
131. Thermodynamic analysis of defect equilibration in highly nonstoichiometric perovskites LnBaMn2O6-δ (Ln=Nd, Sm) / A.M. Shalamova, A.Y. Suntsov // Ceramics International. - 2024. - V. 50. - P. 12195-12202.
132. Impact of multi-cationic B-sublattice upon crystal structure, transport and electrochemical properties of perovskite oxides LaBO3 / A.M. Shalamova, A.D. Koryakov, E.P. Antonova, D.A. Osinkin, A.Y. Suntsov // Solid State Ionics. - 2024. - V. 417. - P. 116729.
133. Performance Evaluation of SrFe12O19 and Fe2O3/Al2O3 Oxygen Carriers in Chemical Looping Reforming with Water Splitting / I.V. Shamsutov, D.A. Ryzhov, M.A. Zavyalov, A.A. Markov, O.V. Merkulov // Energy and Fuels. - 2024. - V. 38. - P. 14534-14547.
134. Electronic structure and chemical bonding in Ruddlesden-Popper phase BaLa2In2O7 / I.R. Shein, M. Vlasov, V. Voronin, V. Pryakhina, E. Abakumova, T. Kuznetsova, N. Tarasova // Ceramics International. - 2024. - V. 50. - P. 51560-51566.
135. Exploring Graphite-Based Thermal Greases For Optimal Microelectronic Device Cooling / R.A. Shishkin, V.G. Arkhipova, N. Zhirenkina, Z.A. Fattakhova, A. Leshok // International Journal of Thermophysics. - 2024. - V. 45. - P. 141.
136. Thermodynamic analysis and phase characterization of high-entropy oxide Sr(Ce0.05Sn0.08Zr0.2Ti0.16Y0.3Nb0.11Al0.1)O2.9: Insights into stability, microstructure, and mechanical properties / R.A. Shishkin, V.D. Zhuravlev // Ceramics International. - 2024. - V. 50. - P. 15348-15355.
137. New three-dimensional carbon felt reinforced thermal interface material / R.A. Shishkin // AIP Conference Proceedings. - 2024. - V. 3021. - P. 020013.
138. Effect of permanent magnetic field on photoluminescence of barium and calcium nanofluorides / S.Y. Sokovnin, V.G. Ilves, M.G. Zuev // Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A. - 2024. - V. 456. - P. 115846.
139. Structural, spectroscopic and improved photoelectrochemical properties of TiO2/C composites with anatase/brookite matrix, prepared by air-thermolysis of microspherical titanium glycolate / E.S. Ulyanova, E.V. Shalaeva, V.N. Krasilnikov, O.I. Gyrdasova, I.O. Selyanin, F.M. Zykov, A.A. Koshkina, A.A. Melentsova, L.Y. Buldakova, R.F. Samigullina // Materials Chemistry and Physics. - 2024. - V. 323. - P. 129638.
140. The influence of Ni intercalation on the crystal structure of polycrystalline NixTiS2 (0 < x <= 0.50) / N.V. Urusova, A.I. Merentsov, T.V. Yaroslavtseva, O.G. Reznitskikh // Materials Letters. - 2024. - V. 373. - P. 137111.
141. Phase composition tuning by high-energy ball milling of titanium dioxide powders / A.A. Valeeva, A.A. Sushnikova, A.A. Rempel // Inorganic Chemistry Communications. - 2024. - V. 159. - P. 111727.
142. The Sm2S3-X-SmS-Sm2O2S refractory system: thermal analysis, phase diagram, and properties of the phases / I.O. Yurev, A.S. Aleksandrovsky, D.N. Kamaev, A.A. Polkovnikov, V.M. Grigorchenko, A.A. Yarovenko, A.E. Zelenaya, M.D. Parfenova, O.V. Andreev // Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. - 2024. - V. 149. - P. 2057-2073.
143. Electronic structure of SrFe1-x(Mn,Co)xO3-δ: A CPA case study / V.M. Zainullina, M.A. Korotin, V.L. Kozhevnikov // Journal of Alloys and Compounds. - 2024. - V. 971. - P. 172660.
144. Comparative ab initio study of the electronic structure and thermoelectric properties of tin selenide with electron and hole conductivity / V.P. Zhukov, E.V. Chulkov // Physica B. - 2024. - V. 695. - P. 416529.
145. The study of photocatalytic characteristics of NiAl2O4 spinel and NiO/Al2O3 composites obtained in SCS reactions with glycine / V.D. Zhuravlev, L.V. Ermakova, L.Y. Buldakova, M.Y. Yanchenko // Advanced Powder Technology. - 2024. - V. 35. - P. 104342.
146. Threshold phenomena in photoluminescence of upconversion micro- and nanophosphors containing Er3+ and Yb3+ ions / M.G. Zuev, V.G. Ilves, S.Y. Sokovnin, A.A. Vasin, E.Y. Zhuravleva // Optical Materials: X. - 2024. - V. 24. - P. 100363.
147. Microwave-Assisted Hydrothermal Synthesis of MnO/C Composite in the Presence of Ascorbic Acid / G.S. Zakharova, Z.A.Fattakhova, A.A. Trofimov // Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. - 2024. - V. 69. - P. 1844–1852.
148. Iron(III) Monoglycerolate as a New Biocompatible Precursor in the Synthesis of Bioactive Nanocomposite Glycerohydrogels / T.G. Khonina, D.S. Tishin, L.P. Larionov, A.V. Osipenko, M.N. Dobrinskaya, E.A. Bogdanova, M.S. Karabanalov, M.A. Bulatova, E.V. Shadrina, O.N. Chupakhin // Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology. - 2024. - V. 25. - P. 2022 - 2031.


1. Polymorphic transformations of NaYGeO4 olivine under high pressure and high temperature / M.A. Melkozerova, T.V. Dyachkova, A.P. Tyutyunnik, A.N. Enyashin, A.Y. Chufarov, Y.V. Baklanova, V.G. Zubkov // Ceramics International. - 2023. - V. 49. - P. 6856-6863.
2. Morphology-controlling hydrothermal synthesis of h-WO3 for photocatalytic degradation of 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene / G.S. Zakharova, N.V. Podvalnaya, T.I. Gorbunova, M.G. Pervova, A.M. Murzakaev, A.N. Enyashin // Journal of Alloys and Compounds. - 2023. - V. 938. - P. 168620.
3. Cadmium sulfide quantum dots in water media: Enhanced photoluminescence, dispersion and stability / Y.V. Kuznetsova, I.D. Popov, E.Y. Gerasimov, A.A. Rempel // Journal of Molecular Liquids. - 2023. - V. 371. - P. 121084.
4. Structural and electrical properties of Mg-Cu- and Mg-Cu-Li-doped bismuth niobate semiconductors with the pyrochlore structure / M.S. Koroleva, A.G. Krasnov, D.A. Osinkin, D.G. Kellerman, A.S. Stoporev, I.V. Piir // Ceramics International. - 2023. - V. 49. - P. 7806-7813.
5. Microstructural and mechanical properties of pressureless sintered high-wear-resistant SiC composite materials / R.A. Shishkin, Y.V. Yuferov, R.P. Karagergi, A.V. Schak // Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society. - 2023. - V. 60. - P. 75-89.
6. A new method for evaluation of diffusion coefficients of alpha emitters via mathematical treatment of alpha spectra / V.S. Semenishchev, E.V. Polyakov, E.N. Kulyashova, V.A. Rogozhnikov // Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry. - 2023. - V. 332. - P. 153-165.
7. Plasma-chemical synthesis of nanocrystalline "core-shell" structures TiN-Mo-Co / Y.A. Avdeeva, I.V. Luzhkova, A.M. Murzakaev, A.N. Ermakov // Nanosystems: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics. - 2023. - V. 14. - P. 132-141.
8. Formation of an active layer for charge accumulation in NiCo2O4 spinel / A.V. Dmitriev, A.P. Esaulkov, E.V. Vladimirova, V.D. Zhuravlev, O.G. Reznitskikh, N.A. Zhuravlev, T.A. Denisova, M.V. Kuznetsov // Journal of Power Sources. - 2023. - V. 554. - P. 232319.
9. Synthesis and spectroscopic properties of aluminum oxynitride doped with 3d-metal ions: The case of γ-AlON:Ti / A.V. Ishchenko, N.S. Akhmadullina, I.I. Leonidov, V.P. Sirotinkin, L.G. Skvortsova, O.N. Shishilov, I.S. Zhidkov, A.I. Kukharenko, Y.F. Kargin // Journal of Alloys and Compounds. - 2023. - V. 934. - P. 167792.
10. Residual strain and effects of lattice compression in thermobaric-synthesized optical nanoceramics MgAl2O4:Mn / A.N. Kiryakov, A.F. Zatsepin, T.V. Dyachkova, A.P. Tyutyunnik // Journal of the European Ceramic Society. - 2023. - V. 43. - P. 1671-1682.
11. Defect equilibrium and charge transport in R0.25Sr0.75FeO3-δ (R = La, Nd, Y, Ho): The effect of cation type / A.D. Koryakov, S.S. Nikitin, O.V. Merkulov, A.A. Markov, E.V. Shalaeva, I.A. Leonidov, M.V. Patrakeev // Journal of Alloys and Compounds. - 2023. - V. 937. - P. 168428.
12. Theoretical study of the M7X6 type of vacancy ordered phases in nonstoichiometric hafnium and tantalum carbides / M.G. Kostenko, A.I. Gusev, A.V. Lukoyanov // International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials. - 2023. - V. 110. - P. 106005.
13. Hydrofluoride processing of tailings from wet magnetic separation of titanomagnetite to obtain amorphous silicon dioxide / I.S. Medyankina, L.A. Pasechnik // ChemChemTech [Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Khim. Khim. Tekhnol.]. - 2023. - V. 66. - P. 70-77.
14. Unusual enhancement of high-temperature electronic transport in PrBaCo2O6-δ under Ga doping: reasons and consequences / B.V. Politov, A.Y. Suntsov // Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. - 2023. - V. 25. - P. 3395-3400.
15. Influence of high energy milling on titanium oxide Ti3O5 crystal structure / A.A. Valeeva, I.B. Dorosheva, A.A. Sushnikova // Nanosystems: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics. - 2023. - V. 14. - P. 107-111.
16. Magnetism and EPR Spectroscopy of Nanocrystalline and Amorphous TiO2:Fe upon Al Doping / A. Yermakov, M. Uimin, K. Borodin, A. Minin, D. Boukhvalov, D. Starichenko, A. Volegov, R. Eremina, I. Yatsyk, G.S. Zakharova, V. Gaviko // Magnetochemistry. - 2023. - V. 9. - P. 26.
17. New phosphate vanadates Ba2.4Mn2.6V1.5P2.5O15 and Ba2.6Mn2.4VP3O15 / V.D. Zhuravlev, A.P. Tyutyunnik, A.Y. Chufarov, T.A. Patrusheva // Journal of Structural Chemistry. - 2023. - V. 64. - P. 142-150.
18. Kinetics and Mechanism of Red Mud Carbothermic Reduction and Reduced Iron Grain Growth: An Influence of Sodium Sulfate / D. Zinoveev, L.A. Pasechnik, P. Grudinsky, A. Yurtaeva, V. Dyubanov // Crystals. - 2023. - V. 13. - P. 1.
19. Study of the Photocatalytic Properties of Ni-Doped Nanotubular Titanium Oxide / F.M. Zykov, I.O. Selyanin, R.A. Shishkin, V. Kartashov, K. Borodianskiy, Y. Yuferov // Coatings. - 2023. - V. 13. - P. 144.
20. Highly efficient all-perovskite fuel cell for intermediate temperature range / B.V. Politov, E.P. Antonova, E.S. Tropin, D.A. Osinkin, A.Y. Suntsov, V.L. Kozhevnikov // Renewable Energy. - 2023. - V. 206. - P. 872-878.
21. Oxygen intake and giant thermo-chemical expansion of ceramics in the non-stoichiometric CaBaFe4O7+δ ferrite / D.I. Turkin, A.M. Shalamova, A.Y. Suntsov, V.L. Kozhevnikov // Materials Letters. - 2023. - V. 337. - P. 133986.
22. Exploring oxygen non-stoichiometry in presumably stoichiometric double perovskites: the case study for LaCu0.5Mn0.5O3-δ / B.V. Politov, A.M. Shalamova, I.R. Shein, A.Y. Suntsov // Acta Materialia. - 2023. - V. 250. - P. 118872.
23. Decarburization of nanocrystalline TiC during sintering and its implications for in-situ reduction of Fe2O3 and fabrication of cermets / A.A. Bokov, A.S. Shelyug, A.S. Kurlov // International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials. - 2023. - V. 112. - P. 106122.
24. New glass ceramics: an effective conjunction of wet chemistry synthesis and sintering / Y.V. Kuznetsova, V.D. Putilova, I.D. Popov // Mendeleev Communications. - 2023. - V. 33. - P. 130-132.
25. Optical properties and electronic characteristics of polycrystalline and amorphous thin films of the Al4Sm alloy / L.A. Akashev, N.A. Popov, A.A. Makhnev, E.S. Vorontsova, V.G. Shevchenko // Journal of Applied Spectroscopy. - 2023. - V. 90. - P. 29-37.
26. Electronic Structure of InCo2As2 and KInCo4As4: LDA + DMFT / N.S. Pavlov, I.R. Shein, K.S. Pervakov, I.A. Nekrasov // JETP Letters. - 2023. - V. 117. - P. 61-67.
27. Microstructure and phase composition of hard alloys produced from nanocrystalline powder mixture WC-6wt.%Co with C, Al and ZrC additives / S.V. Briakunov, A.S. Kurlov // Powder Metallurgy аnd Functional Coatings. - 2023. - V. 17. - P. 49-62.
28. Vanadyl formate VO(HCOO)2xH2O as a precursor for preparing nanoscale vanadium sesquioxide V2O3 / V.N. Krasilnikov, I.V. Baklanova, O.I. Gyrdasova, E.V. Shalaeva, V.P. Zhukov, A.Y. Chufarov, A.P. Tyutyunnik // Ceramics International. - 2023. - V. 49. - P. 15912-15921.
29. Properties of GdSF and phase diagram of the GdF3 - Gd2S3 system / M.U. Abulkhaev, M.S. Molokeev, A.S. Oreshonkov, A.S. Aleksandrovsky, A.V. Kertman, D.N. Kamaev, O.V. Trofimova, A.V. Elyshev, O.V. Andreev // Journal of Solid State Chemistry. - 2023. - V. 322. - P. 123991.
30. Effect of nonstoichiometry on anisotropy of elastic properties of disordered cubic zirconium carbide ZrCy / A.I. Gusev // International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials. - 2023. - V. 113. - P. 106192.
31. Microwave-assisted synthesis and luminescence properties of NaYb1-xErxGeO4, NaY1-yYb3y/4Ery/4GeO4 olivines / A.A. Melentsova, O.A. Lipina, A.Y. Chufarov, A.P. Tyutyunnik, V.G. Zubkov // Journal of Solid State Chemistry. - 2023. - V. 322. - P. 123946.
32. High-temperature properties of the solid solution BaNi2(V1-xPxO4)2 / V.D. Zhuravlev, O.N. Leonidova, I.A. Leonidov, A.P. Tyutyunnik, A.Y. Chufarov, T.A. Patrusheva, R.F. Samigullina // Journal of Solid State Chemistry. - 2023. - V. 321. - P. 123874.
33. All-oxide thermoelectric π-element with a composite interconnector obtained by hydrostatic pressing / I.V. Shamsutov, A.A. Markov, O.V. Merkulov // Ceramics International. - 2023. - V. 49. - P. 14281-14290.
34. Effect of Ni non-stoichiometry on the structural, thermal and conductivity properties of Nd2Ni1-xO4+δ / S.V. Naumov, M.I. Vlasov, E.Y. Pikalova, V.A. Tsvinkenberg, O.G. Reznitskikh, E.A. Filonova // Solid State Ionics. - 2023. - V. 389. - P. 116082.
35. Chemical and environmental stability of monazite-cheralite solid solutions Ln1-2xCaxThxPO4 (Ln = Pr, Nd; x = 0-0.15): A thermodynamic study / D. Qin, A.S. Shelyug, S. Szenknect, A. Mesbah, N. Clavier, N. Dacheux, A. Navrotsky // x = 0-0.15): A thermodynamic study. - 2023. - V. Applied Geochemistry. - P. 148.
36. Solid-state synthesis of ZnMn2O4 spinel: Sequence of phase transformations, thermal stability, localization and charge state of manganese ions in the intermediate and final reaction products / I.V. Ivanova, N.A. Zaitseva, R.F. Samigullina, T.I. Krasnenko // Solid State Sciences. - 2023. - V. 136. - P. 107110.
37. Magnetic and Dielectric Properties of Sr2MnTiO5.87 Double Perovskite / R.M. Eremina, T.I. Chupakhina, R.G. Batulin, D.V. Popov, Y.A. Deeva, A.A. Mirzorakhimov // Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics. - 2023. - V. 87. - P. 326-330.
38. Influence of baric and thermobaric effects on dielectric properties of complex oxide ceramics La1.8Sr0.2Ni0.8Co0.2O4+δ / T.I. Chupakhina, N.V. Melnikova, N.I. Kadyrova, Y.A. Deeva, A.A. Mirzorakhimov, G.V. Sukhanova // Ceramics International. - 2023. - V. 49. - P. 16879-16890.
39. Magnetic Phase Separation in Double Perovskite Sr2TiMnO5.87 / D.V. Popov, I.V. Yatsyk, R.G. Batulin, M.A. Cherosov, I.R. Vakhitov, I.A. Faizrakhmanov, R.V. Yusupov, T.I. Chupakhina, Y.A. Deeva, I.I. Fazlizhmanov, T. Maiti, R.M. Eremina // Applied Magnetic Resonance. - 2023. - V. 54. - P. 561-580.
40. CeO2-based thin-film electrolyte membranes for intermediate temperature SOFCs: Direct electrophoretic deposition on the supporting anode from additive-modified suspensions / E.G. Kalinina, D.S. Rusakova, K.S. Shubin, L.V. Ermakova, E.Y. Pikalova // International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. - 2023. - V. 48. - P. 22559-22572.
41. Adsorption of Cr(VI) by Nanosized Rutile under the Action of UV Radiation / N.V. Pechishcheva, D.P. Ordinartsev, A.A. Valeeva, P.V. Zaitseva, A.D. Korobitsyna, A.A. Sushnikova, A.V. Kim, K.Y. Shunyaev, A.A. Rempel // Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. - 2023. - V. 97. - P. 392-396.
42. Properties and biocompatibility of colloid cadmium sulfide nanoparticles / E.S. Vorontsova, Y.V. Kuznetsova, M.V. Ulitko, S.V. Rempel // Mendeleev Communications. - 2023. - V. 33. - P. 218-220.
43. Synthesis and photocatalytic activity of the Co-containing materials based on amorphous SiO2 / K.I. Svetlakova, I.S. Medyankina, L.A. Pasechnik, L.Y. Buldakova, M.Y. Yanchenko // Mendeleev Communications. - 2023. - V. 33. - P. 269-271.
44. Effect of synthesis conditions on morphology, crystal structure and electrochemical properties of β-NaV6O15 / O.I. Gyrdasova, E.V. Vladimirova, L.Y. Buldakova, M.Y. Yanchenko, A.V. Dmitriev // Mendeleev Communications. - 2023. - V. 33. - P. 368-371.
45. Electronic and Mechanical Properties of Endohedral Composites of Carbon Nanotubes with Potassium Iodide: DFT Study / N.M. Anuchin, A.N. Enyashin // Journal of Structural Chemistry. - 2023. - V. 64. - P. 662-673.
46. Effect of air annealing on properties of maghemite nanoparticles produced by radiation-chemical method / V.G. Ilves, N. Pizurova, P.M. Korusenko, S.Y. Sokovnin, M.E. Balezin, A.S. Gerasimov, M.A. Uimin, M.G. Zuev, A.A. Vasin // Ceramics International. - 2023. - V. 49. - P. 25414-25426.
47. A Comparative Analysis of the Adsorption Properties and Porous Structure of an ASD-4 Powder Impregnated with Copper Formate in Different Concentrations / A.V. Ryabina, V.G. Shevchenko, V.N. Krasilnikov // Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces. - 2023. - V. 59. - P. 19-24.
48. Adjusting electrochemical properties of PrBaCo2O6-δ as SOFC cathode by controllable Ca3Co4O9 additions / M.V. Yurchenko, E.P. Antonova, E.S. Tropin, A.Y. Suntsov // Ceramics International. - 2023. - V. 49. - P. 21485-21491.
49. Oxygen stoichiometry and isotope exchange of oxides Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8Fe0.2O3-δ doped with Ta, Nb, Mo or W / A.R. Akhmadeev, V.A. Eremin, M.V. Ananyev, B.V. Voloshin, M.P. Popov, I.L. Ivanov, A.V. Fetisov // Applied Surface Science. - 2023. - V. 629. - P. 157312.
50. Colloidal-chemical mechanism of Zn(OH)2-ZnO layer formation at the glass - ammonia solution - Zn(II) interface / E.V. Polyakov, M.A. Maksimova, Y.V. Kuznetsova, L.Y. Buldakova // Nanosystems: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics. - 2023. - V. 14. - P. 231-241.
51. Controlling the semiconductor-metal transition in Cu-intercalated TiSe2 by applying stress / N.V. Morozova, A.Y. Usik, I.V. Korobeinikov, A.N. Titov, S.V. Ovsyannikov // Journal of Materials Chemistry C. - 2023. - V. 11. - P. 6071-6081.
52. Electrical Properties and Chemical Resistance of the Composites (1-x)Gd2Zr2O7*xMgO in Li-Containing Chloride Melts / I. Anokhina, I. Animitsa, M. Erzhenkov, V. Voronin, N.I. Kadyrova, Y. Zaikov // Processes. - 2023. - V. 11. - P. 1217.
53. Magnetoelasticity of a Jahn-Teller Subsystem in Chromium-Doped II-VI Crystals / M.N. Sarychev, I.V. Zhevstovskikh, Y.V. Korostelin, V.T. Surikov, N.S. Averkiev, V.V. Gudkov // Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics. - 2023. - V. 136. - P. 80-88.
54. Spectroscopic Study of Five-Coordinated Thermal Treated Alumina Formation: FTIR and NMR Applying / M. Mashkovtsev, N. Tarasova, E. Baksheev, V. Rychkov, N.A. Zhuravlev, P. Solodovnikova, M. Galiaskarova // International Journal of Molecular Sciences. - 2023. - V. 24. - P. 5151.
55. Fluorine doping as a feasible method to enhancing functional properties of Се0.8Sm0.2O1.9 electrolyte / E.Y. Pikalova, L.V. Ermakova, M.I. Vlasov // International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. - 2023. - V. 48. - P. 22545-22558.
56. The effect of sulfur precursor on the morphology, properties and formation mechanism of chemical bath deposited Pb1+xS thin solid films / N.S. Kozhevnikova, L.N. Maskaeva, A.N. Enyashin, A.A. Uritskaya, A.V. Pozdin, V.I. Voronin, I.O. Selyanin, E.V. Mostovshchikova, V.F. Markov // Materials Chemistry and Physics. - 2023. - V. 305. - P. 127936.
57. Development of the production technology of a new highly effective thermal grease / R.A. Shishkin // The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. - 2023. - V. 126. - P. 709-717.
58. Structural, electronic and optical properties of BaRE6(Ge2O7)2(Ge3O10) (RE = Tm, Yb, Lu) compounds and BaYb6(Ge2O7)2(Ge3O10):Tm3+ and BaLu6(Ge2O7)2(Ge3O10):Yb3+,Tm3+ phosphors: potential applications in temperature sensing / O.A. Lipina, L.L. Surat, A.Y. Chufarov, I.V. Baklanova, A.N. Enyashin, M.A. Melkozerova, A.P. Tyutyunnik, V.G. Zubkov // Dalton Transactions. - 2023. - V. 52. - P. 7482-7494.
59. Electrophoretic Deposition and Characterization of Thin-Film Membranes Li7La3Zr2O12 / E. Lyalin, E. Ilina, E. Kalinina, B. Antonov, A. Pankratov, D.I. Pereverzev // Membranes. - 2023. - V. 13. - P. 468.
60. Strategy for improving the functional performances of complex oxide through the use of a fluorine-containing precursor / D.A. Osinkin, D.M. Zakharov, A.V. Khodimchuk, E.P. Antonova, N.M. Bogdanovich, E.V. Gordeev, A.Y. Suntsov, N.M. Porotnikova // International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. - 2023. - V. 48. - P. 22624-22633.
61. Crystal structure, electrical and magnetic properties of anion-deficient perovskite-like Ba3SmFe2O7.5 / K.S. Tolstov, N.E. Volkova, A.Y. Suntsov, I.L. Ivanov, L.Y. Gavrilova, V.A. Cherepanov // Ceramics International. - 2023. - V. 49. - P. 15237-15241.
62. A novel SiC composite material infiltrated by basalt glass-ceramic with a high hardness / R.A. Shishkin, Y.V. Yuferov // Ceramics International. - 2023. - V. 49. - P. 27674-27681.
63. Sorption Properties of Freshly Precipitated Iron(III) Hydroxide toward Nickel Ions. Part 2. Structure and Composition of Iron(III) Hydroxide Precipitates / O.D. Linnikov, I.V. Rodina, G.S. Zakharova, K.N. Mikhalev, I.V. Baklanova, Y.V. Kuznetsova, A.Y. Germov, B.Y. Goloborodskii, A.P. Tyutyunnik, Z.A. Fattakhova // Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces. - 2023. - V. 59. - P. 25-31.
64. Phase transformation in air of Bi2O3 nanopowder produced by pulsed electron beam evaporation / V.G. Ilves, V.S. Gaviko, A.M. Murzakaev, S.Y. Sokovnin, M.A. Uimin, M.G. Zuev // Ceramics International. - 2023. - V. 49. - P. 21848-21854.
65. The Electrophoretic Deposition of Lithium Cobaltate Nanosized Particles on the Surface of Metals and Electroconductive Oxide Ceramics / V.A. Khokhlov, D.V. Modenov, V.N. Dokutovich, E.G. Vovkotrub, V.A. Kochedykov, L.A. Akashev, V.B. Malkov, A.A. Pankratov, A.V. Fetisov // Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. - 2023. - V. 59. - P. 105-115.
66. Statics and Kinetics of Sorption of La(III), Ce(III), U(VI) Ions by a Nanostructured Composite Al2O3||C / E.V. Polyakov, I.V. Volkov, V.N. Krasilnikov, A.A. Ioshin // Radiochemistry. - 2023. - V. 65. - P. 68-80.
67. Features of structural ordering and magnetic properties of the cobalt intercalates of titanium dichalcogenides / N.V. Urusova, A.I. Merentsov, E.A. Stepanova, O.G. Reznitskikh // Chalcogenide Letters. - 2023. - V. 20. - P. 343-351.
68. Structure and thermal properties of SrCe1-xSnxO3 (x=0.1...0.5) as a promising thermal barrier coating / R.A. Shishkin // Ceramics International. - 2023. - V. 49. - P. 31539-31548.
69. Kinetics and Mechanism of BaLaCuS3 Oxidation / N.O. Azarapin, N.A. Khritokhin, V.V. Atuchin, A.A. Gubin, M.S. Molokeev, S. Mukherjee, O.V. Andreev // Crystals. - 2023. - V. 13. - P. 903.
70. Magnetic Phase Separation in Double Perovskite Sr2TiMnO5.87 / D.V. Popov, I.V. Yatsyk, R.G. Batulin, M.A. Cherosov, I.R. Vakhitov, I.A. Faizrakhmanov, R.V. Yusupov, T.I. Chupakhina, Y.A. Deeva, I.I. Fazlizhanov, T. Maiti, R.M. Eremina // Applied Magnetic Resonance. - 2023. - V. 54. - P. 561-580.
71. Influence of synthesis temperature on oxygen exchange behavior of electrode material PrBaFe2O6-δ / M.A. Zavyalov, S.S. Nikitin, O.V. Merkulov, E.V. Shalaeva, M.V. Patrakeev // Solid State Ionics. - 2023. - V. 400. - P. 116339.
72. Development of Membrane Reactor Coupling Hydrogen and Syngas Production / A.A. Markov, O.V. Merkulov, A.Y. Suntsov // Membranes. - 2023. - V. 13. - P. 626.
73. The role of defects in thermoluminescence of pure and rare-earth-doped magnesium tetraborate phosphor / M.O. Kalinkin, D.A. Akulov, R.M. Abashev, A.I. Surdo, M.V. Kuznetsov, D.G. Kellerman // Journal of Luminescence. - 2023. - V. 263. - P. 120119.
74. Thermodynamics of Interaction between Poly(perfluorosulfonic acid) Nafion and Water / S.D. Chernyuk, A.P. Safronov, L.V. Adamova, O.V. Bushkova // Polymer Science A. - 2023. - V. 65. - P. 119-127.
75. Optical properties of Ag2S quantum dots / S.I. Sadovnikov, A.V. Ishchenko, I.A. Weinstein // Materials Science and Engineering B. - 2023. - V. 296. - P. 116667.
76. Magnetic, Optical, and Thermic Properties of SrLnCuSe3 (Ln = Dy, Ho, Er, Tm) Compounds / N.N. Habibullayev, N.G. Naumov, A.N. Lavrov, N.V. Kuratieva, A.S. Aleksandrovsky, A.S. Oreshonkov, M.S. Molokeev, I.V. Palamarchuk, I.O. Yurev, Y.G. Denisenko, O.V. Andreev, A.D. Zakharova // Magnetochemistry. - 2023. - V. 9. - P. 194.
77. Technology of Sintering Phosphorite with KOH / V.M. Skachkov // Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Engineering. - 2023. - V. 57. - P. 316-320.
78. Impact of oxygen vacancies on thermal and electronic transport of donor-doped CaMnO3-δ / O.V. Merkulov, I.V. Shamsutov, M.A. Ryzhkov, B.V. Politov, I.V. Baklanova, E.V. Chulkov, V.P. Zhukov // Journal of Solid State Chemistry. - 2023. - V. 326. - P. 124231.
79. Evolution of the Electronic Properties of SrFe1-x-y-zAlxMnyCozO3 Solid Solutions Depending on the Composition and the Degree of Localization of Electronic States / V.M. Zainullina, M.A. Korotin, V.L. Kozhevnikov // JETP Letters. - 2023. - V. 118. - P. 51-57.
80. Novel Red Phosphor of Gd3+, Sm3+ co-Activated AgxGd((2-x)/3)-0.3-ySmyEu3+0.30[](1-2x-2y)/3WO4 Scheelites for LED Lighting / V.A. Morozov, B.I. Lazoryak, A.A. Savina, E.G. Khaikina, I.I. Leonidov, A.V. Ishchenko, D.V. Deyneko // Materials. - 2023. - V. 16. - P. 4350.
81. Preparation and Mechanical Characteristics of Multicomponent Ceramic Solid Solutions of Rare Earth Metal Oxides Synthesized by the SCS Method / V.D. Zhuravlev, L.V. Ermakova, R.F. Samigullina, A.N. Ermakov // Ceramics. - 2023. - V. 6. - P. 1017-1030.
82. Silicon Whiskers Extraction From Silica by Novel Simple Technology / V.S. Kudyakova, E.M. Vagizova, R.A. Shishkin // Silicon. - 2023. - V. 15. - P. 4335-4343.
83. Synthesis, structure, oxygen content and properties of layered Dy1.2Ba1.8Fe1.8Co1.2O8-δ / I.A. Bastron, N.E. Volkova, A.Y. Suntsov, V.A. Cherepanov // ZAAC. - 2023. - V. 649. - P. e202300065.
84. Simple express precursor synthesis of erbium-doped yttrium oxide luminescent material for optical thermometry / I.V. Baklanova, V.N. Krasilnikov, A.P. Tyutyunnik, Y.V. Baklanova // Optical Materials. - 2023. - V. 143. - P. 114232.
85. Stabilization of metallic phase in nanostructured hollow V2O3 spheres prepared by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis / A.V. Dmitriev, E.V. Shalaeva, E.V. Vladimirova, O.I. Gyrdasova, A.Y. Chufarov, A.P. Tyutyunnik, O.V. Merkulov, V.N. Krasilnikov, K.N. Mikhalev // Materials Research Bulletin. - 2023. - V. 2. - P. 112391.
86. Electrophoretic Deposition and Characterization of Er-Doped Bi2O3 Cathode Barrier Coatings on Non-Conductive Ce0.8Sm0.2O1.9 Electrolyte Substrates / E. Kalinina, L.V. Ermakova, E. Pikalova // Coatings. - 2023. - V. 13. - P. 1053.
87. Simultaneous Thermal Analysis of Lithium Aluminate SCS-Precursors Produced with Different Fuels / V.D. Zhuravlev, O.G. Reznitskikh, L.V. Ermakova, T.A. Patrusheva, K.V. Nefedova // International Journal of Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis. - 2023. - V. 32. - P. 208-214.
88. Niobium monoxide NbO single crystal growing by floating zone method / A.A. Valeeva, A.A. Rempel, S.V. Naumov, N.N. Kuranova, H. Schroettner // Materials Characterization. - 2023. - V. 205. - P. 113265.
89. The impurity centers in (N,F)-substituted barium titanate: The preferable models and probable mechanisms of formation according to ab initio simulations / V.V. Bannikov // Journal of Solid State Chemistry. - 2023. - V. 327. - P. 124266.
90. Anisotropy of elastic properties of cubic Nb3O3 niobium monoxide / A.I. Gusev // Solid State Communications. - 2023. - V. 372. - P. 115310.
91. Room-Temperature Ferromagnetism in the Crystalline Semiconductor Compound Hg1-xFexSe (x<0.06 at%) with an Ultralow Iron Impurity Concentration / T.E. Govorkova, V.I. Okulov, E.A. Pamyatnykh, V.S. Gaviko, V.T. Surikov // Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics. - 2023. - V. 87. - P. 735-738.
92. Negative Thermal Expansion in the Polymorphic Modification of Double Sulfate β-AEu(SO4)2 (A-Rb+, Cs+) / Y.G. Denisenko, M.S. Molokeev, X. Jiang, A.E. Sedykh, A.S. Aleksandrovsky, A.S. Oreshonkov, E.M. Roginskii, M.A. Zhernakov, M. Heuler, M. Seuffert, Z. Lin, O.V. Andreev, K.M. Buschbaum // Inorganic Chemistry. - 2023. - V. 62. - P. 12423-12433.
93. Heme and Globin Conformations in Fractionated Rat Erythrocytes by Raman Spectroscopy / B.G. Yushkov, M.G. Zuev, S.A. Brilliant, A.A. Vasin // Biophysics. - 2023. - V. 68. - P. 24-30.
94. Phase Instability, Oxygen Desorption and Related Properties in Cu-Based Perovskites Modified by Highly Charged Cations / R.A. Shishkin, A.Y. Suntsov, M.O. Kalinkin // Ceramics. - 2023. - V. 6. - P. 968-979.
95. Microstructure and thermal barrier coating properties of plasma sprayed SrCeO3 / R.A. Shishkin, N.R. Barashev, M.R. LoghmanEstarki // Surface and Coatings Technology. - 2023. - V. 472. - P. 129937.
96. Magnetic Nanocomposite Materials Based on Fe3O4 Nanoparticles with Iron and Silica Glycerolates Shell: Synthesis and Characterization / T.G. Khonina, A.M. Demin, D.S. Tishin, A.Y. Germov, M.A. Uimin, A.V. Mekhaev, A.S. Minin, M.S. Karabanalov, A.A. Mysik, E.A. Bogdanova, V.P. Krasnov // International Journal of Molecular Sciences. - 2023. - V. 24. - P. 12178.
97. Structural features and thermodynamic properties of Pr0.5Ba0.25Sr0.25MnO3-δ / P.A. Vanshina, V.S. Kudyakova, A.P. Tyutyunnik, E.Y. Gerasimov, A.Y. Suntsov, V.L. Kozhevnikov // Journal of Solid State Chemistry. - 2023. - V. 326. - P. 124204.
98. Photoadsorption of Cr(VI) on titanium dioxide modified by high-energy milling / N.V. Pechishcheva, D.P. Ordinartsev, A.A. Valeeva, P.V. Zaitceva, A.D. Korobitsyna, A.A. Sushnikova, S.A. Petrova, K.Y. Shunyaev, A.A. Rempel // Inorganic Chemistry Communications. - 2023. - V. 154. - P. 110968.
99. K5Yb1-xEux(MoO4)4 phosphors: aperiodic structures and luminescence properties / S.M. Posokhova, V.A. Morozov, E.M. Zonov, D.V. Deyneko, D.A. Spassky, F.D. Fedyunin, A.A. Belik, E.T. Pavlova, A.A. Vasin, B.I. Lazoryak // CrystEngComm. - 2023. - V. 25. - P. 4822-4833.
100. Oxygen exchange and phase stability of Y0.8Ca0.2BaCo4-xMxO7+δ (M = Fe, Ga, Al) / D.I. Turkin, M.V. Yurchenko, K.S. Tolstov, A.M. Shalamova, A.Y. Suntsov, V.L. Kozhevnikov // Journal of Solid State Chemistry. - 2023. - V. 326. - P. 124194.
101. Concentration and temperature dependence of the structural, magnetic, and dielectric properties of La2Ni(Mn1-xRux)O6 solid solutions / P. Pramanik, S.A. Ivanov, D.I. Turkin, G.V. Bazuev, D.C. Joshi, O.I. Gyrdasova, R. Mathieu // Journal of Alloys and Compounds. - 2023. - V. 968. - P. 171885.
102. Ba2Gd2-xSmxGe4O13: Luminescence Properties, Prospects for Non-Contact Temperature Sensing Applications and Light-Emitting Diodes / A.V. Chvanova, O.A. Lipina, A.Y. Chufarov, A.P. Tyutyunnik, Y.V. Baklanova, L.L. Surat, V.G. Zubkov // Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. - 2023. - V. 68. - P. 383-392.
103. Na5Rb7Sc2(WO4)9:Yb3+, Er3+: Luminescence Properties and Prospects for Non-Contact Thermometry / O.A. Lipina, T.S. Spiridonova, Y.V. Baklanova, E.G. Khaikina // Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. - 2023. - V. 68. - P. 603-612.
104. Adsorption Characteristics of Praseodymium-Doped Aluminum Film / A.I. Kiselev, N.A. Popov, V.G. Shevchenko // Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces. - 2023. - V. 59. - P. 563-569.
105. Features of Selective Laser Melting of Aluminum Powder Modified with Vanadium Pentoxide Gel / V.G. Shevchenko, D.A. Eselevich, A.V. Konyukova // Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces. - 2023. - V. 59. - P. 595-599.
106. Thermal Stability of the Al-2.3%V Powder Compared with That of Al Used on 3D Printers Depending on the Heating Rate / V.G. Shevchenko, D.A. Eselevich, N.A. Popov, M.N. Baklanov, Z.S. Vinokurov, G.A. Kim // Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. - 2023. - V. 97. - P. 2338-2344.
107. Cobalt-doped zinc glycolate as a precursor for the production of Zn1-xCoxO oxide with nanostructured octahedral particles: synthesis, crystal structure, thermal, spectral, and optical properties / V.N. Krasilnikov, A.P. Tyutyunnik, I.V. Baklanova, O.I. Gyrdasova, V.P. Zhukov, E.V. Chulkov // Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society. - 2023. - V. 60. - P. 990-1009.
108. Phase Separation in the Double Perovskite Sr2FeNbO6-δ / D. Popov, R. Batulin, M. Cherosov, F. Vagizov, A. Zinnatullin, T.I. Chupakhina, Y.A. Deeva, T. Maiti, R. Eremina // Magnetochemistry. - 2023. - V. 9. - P. 219.
109. Chemical bond in FmO2 / Y.A. Teterin, A.E. Putkov, M.V. Ryzhkov, K.I. Maslakov, A.Y. Teterin, K.E. Ivanov, S.N. Kalmykov, V.G. Petrov // Mendeleev Communications. - 2023. - V. 33. - P. 605-607.
110. Electronic structure and chemical bonding in EsO2 / Y.A. Teterin, M.V. Ryzhkov, A.E. Putkov, K.I. Maslakov, A.Y. Teterin, K.E. Ivanov, S.N. Kalmykov, V.G. Petrov // Journal of Structural Chemistry. - 2023. - V. 64. - P. 1644-1653.
111. Mechanism of sodium diffusion in Na5-xM1-xZrx(MoO4)4 (M = Y, La, Bi; 0 <= x <= 0.1) revealed from 23Na NMR, impedance spectroscopy and ab initio calculations / D.S. Fedorov, A.L. Buzlukov, Y.V. Baklanova, T.A. Denisova, D.V. Suetin, N.I. Medvedeva, L.G. Maksimova, D.V. Korona, T.S. Spiridonova, A.P. Tyutyunnik, I.Y. Arapova, S.F. Solodovnikov // Ceramics International. - 2023. - V. 49. - P. 40551-40559.
112. Evolution of crystal structure and redox activity of LnBaMn2O6-δ upon various external conditions: in-situ characterization / A.M. Shalamova, R.F. Samigullina, A.V. Chukin, A.Y. Suntsov // Journal of Materials Science. - 2023. - V. 58. - P. 16634-16650.
113. Synthesis and Luminescent Properties of Lu2O2SO4:Eu3+ Spherical Particles / K.A. Larionova, Y.G. Denisenko, S.A. Osseni, O.V. Andreev, I.A. Razumkova // Russian Journal of General Chemistry. - 2023. - V. 93. - P. 2071-2075.
114. Low-Temperature Predicted Structures of Ag2S (Silver Sulfide) / S.I. Sadovnikov, M.G. Kostenko, A.I. Gusev, A.V. Lukoyanov // Nanomaterials. - 2023. - V. 13. - P. 2638.
115. The influence of strontium deficiency on thermodynamics of defect formation, structural stability and electrical transport of SrFe0.5Ta0.5O3-δ-based solid solutions with an excess tantalum content / B.V. Politov, J.C. Waerenborgh, I.R. Shein, O.V. Merkulov // Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. - 2023. - V. 25. - P. 26692-26715.
116. NaGaPO4F - a KTiOPO4-structured solid sodium-ion conductor / S.N. Marshenya, A.D. Dembitskiy, D.S. Fedorov, A.G. Scherbakov, I.A. Trussov, O. Emelianova, D.A. Aksyonov, A.L. Buzlukov, N.A. Zhuravlev, T.A. Denisova, N.I. Medvedeva, A.M. Abakumov, E.V. Antipov, S.S. Fedotov // Dalton Transactions. - 2023. - V. 52. - P. 17426-17437.
117. Removal of microplastics from water by using magnetic sedimentation / I.A. Bakhteeva, I.V. Medvedeva, M.S. Filinkova, I.V. Byzov, A.S. Minin, S.V. Zhakov, M.A. Uimin, E.I. Patrakov, S.I. Novikov, A.Y. Suntsov, A.M. Demin // International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology. - 2023. - V. 20. - P. 11837-11850.
118. Core/rim microstructure of Ti(C, N) cermets with low nickel-molybdenum binder content / I.G. Grigorov, V.A. Zhilyaev // Izvestiya Vuzov. Poroshkovaya Metallurgiya i Funktsionalnye Pokrytiya. - 2023. - V. 17. - P. 46-52.
119. Li9Mg3[PO4]4F3 fluorophosphate as a new thermoluminescent material: Experimental and theoretical study / D.A. Akulov, N.I. Medvedeva, M.O. Kalinkin, V.G. Zubkov, R.M. Abashev, A.I. Surdo, E.V. Zabolotskaya, D.G. Kellerman // Optical Materials. - 2023. - V. 145. - P. 114418.
120. Heat Capacity of Solid Halide Eutectics and Their Enthalpy at Melting Point / A. Redkin, I. Korzun, T.V. Yaroslavtseva, O.G. Reznitskikh, Y. Zaikov, S. Kumkov, A. kodintseva // Thermo. - 2023. - V. 3. - P. 96-103.
121. The lifetime of polychlorophenyl radicals in methanol: A SCC-DFTB molecular dynamics study / T.I. Gorbunova, N.S. Kozhevnikova, A.N. Enyashin // Mendeleev Communications. - 2023. - V. 33. - P. 661-665.
122. Anatomy of the Band Structure of the Newest Apparent Near-ambient Superconductor LuH3-xNx / N.S. Pavlov, I.R. Shein, K.S. Pervakov, V.M. Pudalov, I.A. Nekrasov // JETP Letters. - 2023. - V. 118. - P. 707-708.
123. Effect of Fluorine on Thermoluminescence in LiMgPO4 / M.O. Kalinkin, D.A. Akulov, O.I. Gyrdasova, R.M. Abashev, A.I. Surdo, N.I. Medvedeva, D.G. Kellerman // Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. - 2023. - V. 68. - P. 265-270.
124. Effect of Synthesis Conditions on the Thermoluminescence of LiMgPO4 / O.I. Gyrdasova, M.O. Kalinkin, D.A. Akulov, R.M. Abashev, A.I. Surdo, D.G. Kellerman // Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. - 2023. - V. 68. - P. 277-282.
125. Hydrothermal Synthesis of Silver Sulfide / S.I. Sadovnikov // Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. - 2023. - V. 68. - P. 589-596.
126. Stability of Colloidal Silver Sulfide Solutions / S.I. Sadovnikov // Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. - 2023. - V. 68. - P. 411-418.
127. Thermal Stability of Nanocrystalline Zinc Sulfide ZnS / S.I. Sadovnikov, S.V. Sergeeva // Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. - 2023. - V. 68. - P. 444-451.
128. Hydrothermal Synthesis and Photocatalytic Properties of Cobalt-Doped Tungsten Oxide / G.S. Zakharova, N.V. Podvalnaya, T.I. Gorbunova, M.G. Pervova // Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. - 2023. - V. 68. - P. 435-443.
129. Influence of Formation Conditions on Physicochemical Properties of CsxV2O5*nH2O / N.V. Podvalnaya, G.S. Zakharova // Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. - 2023. - V. 68. - P. 300-309.
130. Electron Transport in Perovskite-Type Ca0.5-xSr0.5LuxMnO3-δ Manganites / I.A. Leonidov, E.I. Konstantinova, V. Litvinov, A.D. Koryakov // Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. - 2023. - V. 68. - P. 1398-1404.
131. Hydrothermal Synthesis of Calcium Silicates on the Recovery of Phosphorus from Phosphorite / V.M. Skachkov, L.A. Pasechnik, I.S. Medyankina // Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. - 2023. - V. 68. - P. 1532-1536.
132. On the Formation of Deposits during Autoclave Oxidative Leaching of Concentrates of Refractory Sulfide Gold Ores / O.D. Linnikov, A.G. Kitai, G.A. Bitkov // Russian Metallurgy (Metally). - 2023. - V. 2023. - P. 870-878.
133. Scintillation Ceramic Nanoparticles Obtained by Solution Combustion Synthesis / I.V. Krutikova, K.V. Nefedova // Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics. - 2023. - V. 87. - P. S76-S80.
134. Some Features of Trichlorobifenil Photolysis / T.I. Gorbunova, M.G. Pervova, G.S. Zakharova, N.V. Podvalnaya, A.N. Enyashin, V.I. Saloutin, O.N. Chupakhin // Russian Journal of General Chemistry. - 2023. - V. 93. - P. 2798-2804.
135. Phase Equilibria and Chemical Reactions in the Mn2O3-ZnO-SiO2, Mn3О4-ZnO-SiO2, and MnO-ZnO-SiO2 Systems / N.A. Zaitseva, R.F. Samigullina, I.V. Ivanova, T.I. Krasnenko // Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. - 2023. - V. 68. - P. 1779-1785.
136. Complexation of Humic Acids with Trace Elements: Methods and Approaches / I.V. Volkov, E.V. Polyakov // Journal of Analytical Chemistry. - 2023. - V. 78. - P. 1-32.
137. Sorption of Sr(II) Ions with Tricalcium Phosphate in the Presence of Humic Acids / A.A. Ioshin, I.V. Volkov, E.V. Polyakov // Radiochemistry. - 2023. - V. 65. - P. 546-556.
138. Изучение возможности получения биокомозитов на основе наноразмерного гидроксиапатита с металлами и биогенными / E.A. Bogdanova, V.M. Skachkov // Physical and chemical aspects of the study of clusters, nanostructures and nanomaterials. - 2023. - V. 15. - P. 649-658.
139. Исследование транспортных свойств гидроксиапатита и его производных / E.A. Bogdanova, T.G. Khonina, N.A. Sabirzyanov // Physical and chemical aspects of the study of clusters, nanostructures and nanomaterials. - 2023. - V. 15. - P. 659-669.
140. Свойства диффузионно-твердеющего композиционного припоя модифицированного порошком ванадия / V.M. Skachkov // Physical and chemical aspects of the study of clusters, nanostructures and nanomaterials. - 2023. - V. 15. - P. 823-830.
141. Изменение свойств диффузионно-твердеющих припоев упрочненных порошками титана, циркония и гафния / V.M. Skachkov, L.A. Pasechnik, I.S. Medyankina, N.A. Sabirzyanov // Physical and chemical aspects of the study of clusters, nanostructures and nanomaterials. - 2023. - V. 15. - P. 831-839.
142. Синтез и исследование функциональных характеристик композиционных материалов на основе наноразмерного гидроксиапатита и синтетических цеолитов / S.A. Bibanaeva, E.A. Bogdanova, V.M. Skachkov // Physical and chemical aspects of the study of clusters, nanostructures and nanomaterials. - 2023. - V. 15. - P. 913-923.
143. Сорбция тяжелых металлов из водных растворов синтетическими цеолитами / S.A. Bibanaeva, V.M. Skachkov // Physical and chemical aspects of the study of clusters, nanostructures and nanomaterials. - 2023. - V. 15. - P. 924-929.
144. Two Types of the Effect of Gallium on Aluminum / V.M. Skachkov, L.A. Pasechnik, S.A. Bibanaeva, I.S. Medyankina, N.A. Sabirzyanov // Russian Metallurgy (Metally). - 2023. - V. 2023. - P. 624-633.
145. Treatment of Phosphorus-Containing Raw Materials with Alkaline Solutions / V.M. Skachkov, L.A. Pasechnik, I.S. Medyankina // Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry. - 2023. - V. 96. - P. 264-268.
146. Nanocomposite material based on Fe3O4 magnetic nanoparticles modified with iron and silicon glycerolates: synthesis and characterization / T.G. Khonina, D.S. Tishin, A.M. Demin, A.Y. Germov, E.A. Bogdanova, M.S. Karabonalov, M.S. Valova // Russian Chemical Bulletin. - 2023. - V. 72. - P. 2791-2798.
147. Solubility of Scandium Cesium Double Sulfate CsSc(SO4)2 in Sulfuric Acid Solutions / L.A. Pasechnik, I.S. Medyankina, A.P. Tyutyunnik, V.G. Bamburov // Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. - 2023. - V. 68. - P. 1818-1823.
148. Oxygen Storage Capacity of Y0.8Ca0.2BaCo4-xMxO7+δ (M = Fe, Ga, Al; 0 < x < 1) Solid Solutions during Thermal Cycling in Air / D.I. Turkin, K.S. Tolstov, M.V. Yurchenko, A.Y. Suntsov, V.L. Kozhevnikov // Inorganic Materials. - 2023. - V. 59. - P. 1104-1110.
149. Sensing Properties of CdxPb1-xS/CdS Thin-Film Structures Produced by Chemical Deposition / A.D. Selyanina, D.A. Demina, L.N. Maskaeva, V.I. Voronin, I.O. Selyanin, V.F. Markov // INorganic Materials. - 2023. - V. 59. - P. 1172-1181.
150. Electrochemical Properties of 3-(3,5-Dimethylpyrazol-1-yl)-6-R-1,2,4,5-tetrazines and Their Complexes with Copper(II), Cobalt(II), and Nickel(II) / E.V. Dyakonova, L.Y. Buldakova, M.Y. Yanchenko, E.V. Polyakov, R.I. Ishmetova, G.L. Rusinov // Russian Journal of General Chemistry. - 2023. - V. 93. - P. S277-S284.
151. Magnetic Properties of the Double Perovskite Sr2CrNbO6 / D.V. Popov, R.G. Batulin, M.A. Cherosov, I.V. Yatsyk, T.I. Chupakhina, Y.A. Deeva, I.I. Fazlizhanov, R.M. Eremina, T. Maiti // Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics. - 2023. - V. 137. - P. 555-561.
152. Magnetic properties of the double perovskite Sr2CoNbO6-δ / D.V. Popov, R.G. Batulin, M.A. Cherosov, I.V. Yatsyk, T.I. Chupakhina, Y.A. Deeva, R.M. Eremina, T. Maiti // Magnetic Resonance in Solids. - 2023. - V. 25. - P. 23301.
153. Influence of the Physical and Chemical Properties of Particles on the Thermal Conductivity of Polymer Composite Materials / R.A. Shishkin // High Temperature. - 2023. - V. 61. - P. 163-172.
154. Simulation of a Fuel Reactor for Chemical Looping Combustion with Oxygen Uncoupling / R.A. Shishkin // Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Engineering. - 2023. - V. 57. - P. 1215-1224.
155. Surface topology, electrophysical properties and formation mechanism of tin(II) sulfide thin films / N.S. Kozhevnikova, L.N. Maskaeva, A.N. Enyashin, A.P. Tyutyunnik, O.A. Lipina, I.O. Selyanin, V.F. Markov // Nanosystems: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics. - 2023. - V. 14. - P. 699-704.
156. Investigation of the Penetration Ability of InP/ZnSe/ZnS 650 Quantum Dots into the Anterior Chamber of the Eye by Topical Application. Experimental Study / O.V. Shilovskikh, V.O. Ponomarev, V.N. Kazaykin, K.A. Tkachenko, E.G. Kovalenko, A.S. Vokhmintsev, I.A. Weinstein, Y.V. Kuznetsova // Ophthalmology in Russia. - 2023. - V. 20. - P. 743-752.
157. Sorption-oxidation mechanism for the removal of arsenic (III) using Cu-doped ZnO in an alkaline medium / O.I. Gyrdasova, L.A. Pasechnik, V.N. Krasilnikov, T.P. Gavrilova, I.V. Yatsyk, Y.V. Kuznetsova, M.O. Kalinkin, M.V. Kuznetsov // Water Environment Research. - 2023. - V. 95. - P. e10956.
158. Термоэлектрические свойства манганитов Ca0.5-xSr0.5LuxMnO3-δ / E.I. Konstantinova, V.A. Litvinov, M.A. Ryzhkov, A.D. Koryakov, I.A. Leonidov // Неорганические материалы. - 2023. - V. 59. - P. 1365-1371.


1. Новые апконверсионные объемные и нанолюминофоры на основе Sr2Y8-x-yYbyTmxSi6O26 / М.Г. Зуев, А.А. Васин, В.Г. Ильвес, С.Ю. Соковнин // Оптика и спектроскопия. - 2023. - Т. 131. - С. 683-690.
2. Влияние комбинированной добавки KMnO4 и NH4I на фоточувствительные свойства пленок PbS / Л.Н. Маскаева, А.В. Бельцева, О.С. Ельцов И.В. Бакланова, И.А. Михайлов, В.Ф. Марков // Оптика и спектроскопия. - 2023. - Т. 131. - С. 1380-1389.
3. Ab initio исследование термоэлектрических свойств йодидов CH33PbI3, CsSnI3, CH3NH3SnI3 / В.П. Жуков, Е.V. Chulkov // Физика твердого тела. - 2023. - Т. 65. - С. 1889-1898.
4. Дефектная структура допированного литием оксида никеля / С.Н. Шкерин, А.Ю. Николаев, О.И. Гырдасова, Т.А. Кузнецова, А.Р. Муллабаев, Р.К. Абдурахимова, А.В. Косов // Физика твердого тела. - 2023. - Т. 65. - С. 1795-1801.


1. Distinctive features of the crystal-chemical, thermal and luminescence properties of (Zn0.94Mg0.06)2SiO4:Mn phosphor / T.I. Krasnenko, R.F. Samigullina, N.A. Zaitseva, I.V. Ivanova, S.V. Pryanichnikov, M.V. Rotermel // Journal of Alloys and Compounds. - 2022. - V. 907. - P. 164433.
2. Structure and properties of phases in the Cu2-xSe-Sb2Se3 system. The Cu2-xSe-Sb2Se3 phase diagram / M.A. Shtykova, M.S. Molokeev, B.A. Zakharov, N.V. Selezneva, A.S. Aleksandrovsky, R.S. Bubnova, D.N. Kamaev, A.A. Gubin, N.N. Habibullayev, A.V. Matigorov, E.V. Boldyreva, O.V. Andreev // Journal of Alloys and Compounds. - 2022. - V. 906. - P. 164384.
3. Synthesis, sintering, and order-disorder transitions of non-stoichiometric nanocrystalline VCx / A.A. Bokov, A.S. Shelyug, A.S. Kurlov // International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials. - 2022. - V. 105. - P. 105802.
4. Intrinsic defect-related thermoluminescence in Li1-xNaxMgPO4 (0 <= x <= 0.20) / M.O. Kalinkin, D.A. Akulov, N.I. Medvedeva, R.M. Abashev, M.A. Melkozerova, E.V. Zabolotskaya, A.I. Surdo, D.G. Kellerman // Materials Today Communications. - 2022. - V. 31. - P. 103346.
5. Blue- and white-emitting Dy3+-doped aluminum oxide prepared using precursor synthesis / I.V. Baklanova, V.N. Krasilnikov, A.P. Tyutyunnik, Y.V. Baklanova // Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. - 2022. - V. 165. - P. 110683.
6. Oxygen non-stoichiometry and phase decomposition of double perovskite-like molybdates Sr2MMoO6-δ, where M = Mn, Co, and Ni / K.S. Tolstov, B.V. Politov, V.P. Zhukov, E.V. Chulkov, V.L. Kozhevnikov // Materials Letters. - 2022. - V. 316. - P. 132039.
7. Tremendous oxygen capacity, defect equilibration and thermodynamic stability of PrBaMn2-xCoxO6-δ solid solutions / V.S. Kudyakova, B.V. Politov, O.V. Merkulov, A.Y. Suntsov // Materials Research Bulletin. - 2022. - V. 149. - P. 111717.
8. Sorption-photocatalytic performance of NbOx nanocrystals synthesized via heat-stimulated oxidation of niobium carbide / M.I. Chebanenko, V.I. Popkov, H. Schroettner, A.A. Sushnikova, A.A. Rempel, A.A. Valeeva // Applied Surface Science. - 2022. - V. 582. - P. 152422.
9. Models of Ni- and Co-ion occupation in LiNi0.5Co0.5PO4 orthophosphate and its magnetic structure / M.A. Semkin, N.V. Urusova, A. Hoser, D.S. Neznakhin, A.N. Pirogov // Journal of Physics Condensed Matter. - 2022. - V. 34. - P. 165801.
10. Amorphous nanostructured composites Al2O3:nC with enhanced sorption affinity to La(III), Ce(III), U(VI) ions in aqueous solution / V.N. Krasilnikov, I.V. Baklanova, E.V. Polyakov, I.V. Volkov, N.A. Khlebnikov, A.P. Tyutyunnik, N.V. Tarakina // Inorganic Chemistry Communications. - 2022. - V. 138. - P. 109313.
11. Anode material for all-solid-state battery based on solid electrolyte CsAg4Br2.5I2.5: Theory and experiment / A.A. Glukhov, B. Belmesov, G.V. Nechaev, A.E. Ukshe, O.G. Reznitskikh, N.G. Bukun, L.V. Shmygleva, Y.A. Dobrovolsky // Materials Science and Engineering B. - 2022. - V. 278. - P. 115617.
12. Recycling of Vanadium-Containing BOF Slag with Agitation and Heap Leaching / D. Ordinartsev, A. Krasheninin, S. Petrova, O.I. Gyrdasova // Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B. - 2022. - V. 53. - P. 1162-1172.
13. Synthesis, structural and spectral characteristics of Cd3O2SO4 / V.N. Krasilnikov, A.P. Tyutyunnik, V.P. Zhukov, I.V. Baklanova, O.G. Reznitskikh, E.V. Chulkov // Materials Today Communications. - 2022. - V. 30. - P. 103215.
14. Nanotubes from the Misfit Layered Compound (SmS)1.19TaS2: Atomic Structure, Charge Transfer, and Electrical Properties / M.B. Sreedhara, K. Bukvisova, A. Khadiev, D. Citterberg, H. Cohen, V. Balema, A. Pathak, D. Novikov, G. Leitus, I. Kaplan-Ahiri, M. Kolibal, A.N. Enyashin, L. Houben, R. Tenne // Chemistry of Materials. - 2022. - V. 34. - P. 1838-1853.
15. Synthesis and characterisation of the crystal structure and magnetic ordering of double perovskite La3Co2MoO9 / G.V. Bazuev, A.E. Teplykh, A.V. Korolev, E.G. Gerasimov, P.B. Terentev // Materials Chemistry and Physics. - 2022. - V. 278. - P. 125604.
16. Synthesis and Structure of Quasi-One-Dimensional Niobium Tetrasulfide NbS4 / A. Poltarak, P. Poltarak, A.N. Enyashin, V. Komarov, S. Artemkina, V. Fedorov // Inorganic Chemistry. - 2022. - V. 61. - P. 2783-2789.
17. Individual iron(III) glycerolate: synthesis and characterization / T.G. Khonina, E.Y. Nikitina, A.Y. Germov, B.Y. Goloborodsky, K.N. Mikhalev, E.A. Bogdanova, D.S. Tishin, A.M. Demin, V.P. Krasnov, O.N. Chupakhin, V.N. Charushin // RSC Advances. - 2022. - V. 12. - P. 4042-4046.
18. Magnetic phase transitions in the LiNi0.9M0.1PO4 (M = Mn, Co) single crystals / M.A. Semkin, N.V. Urusova, A.I. Beskrovnyi, A.S. Volegov, A.P. Nosov, J.G. Park, S. Lee, A.N. Pirogov // Physica Scripta. - 2022. - V. 97. - P. 025707.
19. Nitric Acid Dissolution of Tennantite, Chalcopyrite and Sphalerite in the Presence of Fe (III) Ions and FeS2 / O. Dizer, D. Rogozhnikov, K. Karimov, E. Kuzas, A.Y. Suntsov // Materials. - 2022. - V. 15. - P. 1545.
20. Effect of defectiveness of carbon sublattice on elastic properties and microstrains of disordered cubic tantalum carbide TaCy / A.I. Gusev // International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials. - 2022. - V. 103. - P. 105760.
21. Effect of substitutions on the phase formation, structure and magnetic properties of the double perovskites Sr2MnSbO6 and SrLaMnSbO6 / G.V. Bazuev, A.P. Tyutyunnik, O.I. Gyrdasova, A.V. Korolev // Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. - 2022. - V. 543. - P. 168624.
22. Janus ZnS nanoparticles: Synthesis and photocatalytic properties / N.S. Kozhevnikova, M.A. Melkozerova, A.N. Enyashin, A.P. Tyutyunnik, L.A. Pasechnik, I.V. Baklanova, A.Y. Suntsov, A.A. Yushkov, L.Y. Buldakova, M.Y. Yanchenko // Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. - 2022. - V. 161. - P. 110459.
23. Deep learning potential for superionic phase of Ag2S / I.A. Balyakin, S.I. Sadovnikov // Computational Materials Science. - 2022. - V. 202. - P. 110963.
24. Study of the influence of anodizing parameters on the photocatalytic activity of preferred oriented TiO2 nanotubes self-doped by carbon / Y.V. Yuferov, I.D. Popov, F.M. Zykov, A.Y. Suntsov, I.V. Baklanova, A.V. Chukin, A.I. Kukharenko, S.O. Cholakh, I.S. Zhidkov // Applied Surface Science. - 2022. - V. 573. - P. 151366.
25. Vacancy ordered phases of nonstoichiometric hafnium carbide from evolutionary crystal structure predictions / M.G. Kostenko, J. Li, Z. Zeng, Y. Zhang, S.V. Sharf, A.I. Gusev, A.V. Lukoyanov // Journal of Alloys and Compounds. - 2022. - V. 891. - P. 162063.
26. Structural Diversity of Magnetite and Products of Its Decomposition at Extreme Conditions / S. Khandarkhaeva, T. Fedotenko, S. Chariton, E. Bykova, S.V. Ovsyannikov, K. Glazyrin, H.P. Liermann, V. Prakapenka, N. Dubrovinskaia, L. Dubrovinsky // Inorganic Chemistry. - 2022. - V. 61. - P. 1091-1101.
27. Elevated electrochemical activity of double perovskites PrBaCo2-xNixO6-δ towards hydrogen peroxide oxidation / A.M. Shalamova, Y.A. Glazyrina, A.Y. Suntsov // Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry. - 2022. - V. 905. - P. 115959.
28. Structural and mechanical properties of predicted vacancy ordered tantalum carbide phases / M.G. Kostenko, A.I. Gusev, A.V. Lukoyanov // Acta Materialia. - 2022. - V. 223. - P. 117449.
29. In situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction study of heat-induced structural changes in TiOy/HAp nanocomposites / S.V. Rempel, D.A. Eselevich, Z.S. Vinokurov, H. Schroettner, A.A. Rempel // Ceramics International. - 2022. - V. 48. - P. 2843-2852.
30. Structural, optical and electronic properties of the wide bandgap topological insulator Bi1.1Sb0.9Te2S / Y.E. Khatchenko, M.V. Yakushev, C. Seibel, H. Bentmann, M. Orlita, V. Golyashov, Y.S. Ponosov, N.P. Stepina, A.V. Mudriy, K.A. Kokh, O.E. Tereshchenko, F. Reinert, R.W. Martin, T.V. Kuznetsova // Journal of Alloys and Compounds. - 2022. - V. 890. - P. 161824.
31. W Doping in Ni12P5 as a Platform to Enhance Overall Electrochemical Water Splitting / S. Ghosh, S.R. Kadam, S. Kolatkar, A. Neyman, C. Singh, A.N. Enyashin, R. Bar-Ziv, M. Bar-Sadan // ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. - 2022. - V. 14. - P. 581-589.
32. Dual nature of high-temperature electronic transport in layered perovskite-like cobaltites: exhaustive consideration of experimental features observed / B.V. Politov, A.Y. Suntsov // Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. - 2022. - V. 24. - P. 249-264.
33. Synthesis, structure, and properties of EuLnCuSe3 (Ln = Nd, Sm, Gd, Er) / O.V. Andreev, V.V. Atuchin, A.S. Aleksandrovsky, Y.G. Denisenko, B.A. Zakharov, A.P. Tyutyunnik, N.N. Habibullayev, D.A. Velikanov, D.A. Ulybin, D.D. Shpindyuk // Crystals. - 2022. - V. 12. - P. 17.
34. Energy Gap Decrease in Cation Multidoped Aluminum Oxide / V.M. Zainullina, M. Korotin // Physica Status Solidi B. - 2022. - V. 259. - P. 2100355.
35. Effect of Li and Li-RE co-doping on structure, stability, optical and electrical properties of bismuth magnesium niobate pyrochlore / M.S. Koroleva, A.G. Krasnov, A. Senyshyn, A. Schokel, I.R. Shein, M.I. Vlasov, I.V. Piir // Materials Research Bulletin. - 2022. - V. 145. - P. 111520.
36. Effect of elastic properties of nanostructured Ag2S and ZnS sulfides on interface formation / S.I. Sadovnikov // Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing. - 2022. - V. 148. - P. 106766.
37. Synthesis, crystal structure, spectroscopic and optical properties of the new phosphate Pb0.954(3)Mn2(PO4)2 / A.P. Tyutyunnik, V.D. Zhuravlev, A.Y. Chufarov, I.V. Baklanova, T.A. Patrusheva // Journal of Solid State Chemistry. - 2022. - V. 312. - P. 123265.
38. Revealing the degradation mechanism of the lanthanum nickelates based double-layer electrodes during long-term tests in contact with chromium-containing steel interconnects / A.A. Solodyankin, V.A. Eremin, M.V. Ananyev, E.P. Antonova, V.A. Bulatov, D.A. Zamyatin, E.S. Tropin, N.M. Porotnikova, A.V. Khodimchuk // International Journal of Energy Research. - 2022. - V. 46. - P. 12579-12596.
39. Design and technological aspects of novel CdS quantum dots doped glass-ceramics / Y.V. Kuznetsova, I.D. Popov // Ceramics International. - 2022. - V. 48. - P. 18972-18982.
40. Properties of ZrO2 and Ag-ZrO2 nanopowders prepared by pulsed electron beam evaporation / S.Y. Sokovnin, N. Pizurova, V.G. Ilves, P. Roupcova, M.G. Zuev, M.A. Uimin, M.V. Ulitko, O.A. Svetlova // Ceramics International. - 2022. - V. 48. - P. 17703-17713.
41. Fabrication of SiC matrix composite material by pressureless aluminum melt infiltration in air atmosphere / R.A. Shishkin, Y.V. Yuferov // Composites Communications. - 2022. - V. 32. - P. 101176.
42. Manifestation of the Jahn-Teller effect subject to quadratic T x (e+t2) problem in ultrasonic attenuation. Case study of CaF2:Cr crystal with isovalent and aliovalent substitution / M.N. Sarychev, W.A.L. Hosseny, I.V. Zhevstovskikh, V.A. Ulanov, G.S. Shakurov, A.V. Egranov, V.T. Surikov, N.S. Averkiev, V.V. Gudkov // Journal of Physics Condensed Matter. - 2022. - V. 34. - P. 225401.
43. Li- and Na-doped bismuth titanate pyrochlores: From the point of view ab initio calculation and experiment / A.G. Krasnov, M.S. Koroleva, I.V. Piir, I.R. Shein // Solid State Ionics. - 2022. - V. 379. - P. 115904.
44. Electronic structure, sodium diffusion and redox potentials of low-symmetry NaMFe(MoO4)3 (M = Mg, Ni) / A.V. Serdtsev, N.I. Medvedeva // Journal of Computational Chemistry. - 2022. - V. 43. - P. 953-960.
45. Placement of H atoms in the crystal lattice of cubic titanium oxyhydride: Simulation and diffraction experiment / A.A. Valeeva, A.I. Gusev // Mendeleev Communications. - 2022. - V. 32. - P. 302-304.
46. Polymorphic Phase Transformations in Nanocrystalline Ag2S Silver Sulfide in a Wide Temperature Interval and Influence of Nanostructured Ag2S on the Interface Formation in Ag2S/ZnS Heteronanostructure / A.A. Valeeva, S.I. Sadovnikov, A.I. Gusev // Nanomaterials. - 2022. - V. 12. - P. 1668.
47. Precursor synthesis and properties of iron and lithium co-doped cadmium oxide / V.N. Krasilnikov, V.P. Zhukov, E. Chulkov, A.P. Tyutyunnik, T.V. Dyachkova, I.V. Baklanova, O.I. Gyrdasova, N.A. Zhuravlev, V. Chistyakov, T. Gao, M. Eisterer, V. Marchenkov // Journal of Electroceramics. - 2022. - V. 48. - P. 127-142.
48. Europium (II) Sulfate EuSO4: Synthesis Methods, Crystal and Electronic Structure, Luminescence Properties / Y.G. Denisenko, A.E. Sedykh, A.S. Oreshonkov, M.S. Molokeev, N.O. Azarapin, E.I. Salnikova, O.D. Chimitova, O.V. Andreev, I.A. Razumkova, K. Muller-Buschbaum // European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. - 2022. - V. 2022. - P. e202200043.
49. Mapping the Energetics of Defect States in Cu2ZnSnS4 films and the Impact of Sb Doping / D. Tiwari, M.V. Yakushev, T. Koehler, M. Cattelan, N. Fox, R.W. Martin, R. Klenk, D.J. Fermin // ACS Applied Energy Materials. - 2022. - V. 5. - P. 3933-3940.
50. Structure of the XPS Spectra of a ThO2 Crystal Film / A.E. Putkov, K.I. Maslakov, A.Y. Teterin, Y.A. Teterin, M.V. Ryzhkov, K.E. Ivanov, S.N. Kalmykov, V.G. Petrov // Radiochemistry. - 2022. - V. 64. - P. 133-142.
51. Sorption Kinetics of 60Co with Termoxid-35 Composite Sorbent in the Presence of Humic Acids / E.V. Polyakov, E.I. Denisov, I.V. Volkov // Radiochemistry. - 2022. - V. 64. - P. 183-192.
52. Surface Properties of Films Composed of Aluminum and Its Alloy with Lanthanum / A.I. Kiselev, L.A. Akashev, N.A. Popov // Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces. - 2022. - V. 58. - P. 308-317.
53. Mechanism of formation of nanocrystalline particles with core-shell structure based on titanium oxynitrides with nickel in the process of plasma-chemical synthesis of TiNi in a low-temperature nitrogen plasma / Y.A. Avdeeva, I.V. Luzhkova, A.N. Ermakov // Nanosystems: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics. - 2022. - V. 13. - P. 214-222.
54. Accumulation of Trace Elements in the Marsh Frog Pelophylax ridibundus in Cooling Ponds of the Middle Urals / M.Y. Chebotina, V.P. Guseva, D.L. Berzin, I.V. Volkov, E.V. Polyakov // Inland Water Biology. - 2022. - V. 15. - P. 189-194.
55. Cobalt-Doped Chemically Deposited Lead-Sulfide Films / L.N. Maskaeva, E.V. Mostovshchikova, V.F. Markov, V.I. Voronin, A.V. Pozdin, I.O. Selyanin, A.I. Mikhailova // Semiconductors. - 2022. - V. 56. - P. 91-100.
56. Study of the Al-V Alloy Density to Optimize the Conditions of Producing Powders for 3D Printing / V.G. Shevchenko, D.A. Eselevich, M.N. Baklanov, V.E. Sidorov, B.A. Rusanov // Russian Metallurgy (Metally). - 2022. - V. 2022. - P. 110-114.
57. Physicochemical Studies of Material Obtained by Pressing and Sintering Al Powder Modified with V2O5 / V.G. Shevchenko, V.N. Krasilnikov, D.A. Eselevich, A.V. Konyukova // Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces. - 2022. - V. 58. - P. 84-89.
58. Ion Mobility in Triple Sodium Molybdates and Tungstates with a NASICON Structure / A.L. Buzlukov, D.S. Fedorov, A.V. Serdtsev, I.Y. Kotova, A.P. Tyutyunnik, D.V. Korona, Y.V. Baklanova, V.V. Ogloblichev, N.M. Kozhevnikova, T.A. Denisova, N.I. Medvedeva // Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics. - 2022. - V. 134. - P. 42-50.
59. Structural, Optical, Luminescence, and Electrical Properties of Eu/Li- and Eu/Na-Codoped Magnesium Bismuth Niobate Pyrochlores / M.S. Koroleva, A.V. Ishchenko, M.I. Vlasov, A.G. Krasnov, E.I. Istomina, I.R. Shein, I.A. Weinstein, I.V. Piir // Inorganic Chemistry. - 2022. - V. 61. - P. 9295-9307.
60. Effect of Al Addition on Phase Composition, Microstructure, and Microhardness of Nanocrystalline WC Ceramics / A.S. Batenkova, A.S. Kurlov // AIP Conference Proceedings. - 2022. - V. 2466. - P. 060002.
61. Effect of Mechanical Activation and Solid-State Synthesis Temperature on the Composition and Grain Size of Tungsten Carbide / S.V. Bazhenov, A.S. Kurlov // AIP Conference Proceedings. - 2022. - V. 2466. - P. 060025.
62. Impact of Annealing of Nanotubular Titanium Dioxide in a Hydrogen Flow on Structure and Morphology / A.A. Sushnikova, I.B. Dorosheva, A.A. Valeeva, A.A. Rempel // AIP Conference Proceedings. - 2022. - V. 2466. - P. 030046.
63. Synthesis, Modification and Characterization of Titania Nanostructures / I.B. Dorosheva, S.A. Petrova, I.A. Weinstein, A.A. Rempel // AIP Conference Proceedings. - 2022. - V. 2466. - P. 030021.
64. Nonstoichiometry in Zinc Sulfide Quantum Dots: the Effect on Luminescence in Aqueous Solutions / Y.V. Kuznetsova, I.D. Popov, A.A. Rempel // AIP Conference Proceedings. - 2022. - V. 2466. - P. 030003.
65. The Effect of Stabilizer on the Properties of Colloidal Silver Sulfide Nanoparticles / E.S. Vorontsova, Y.V. Kuznetsova, S.V. Rempel // AIP Conference Proceedings. - 2022. - V. 2466. - P. 030006.
66. Sorption of copper(II) ions from aqueous solution by activated carbon BAU-A and coal sorbent MIU-S. The relationship between the structure of sorbents and their sorption properties / O.D. Linnikov, I.V. Rodina, I.V. Baklanova, A.Y. Suntsov, A.P. Tyutyunnik // Water Science and Technology. - 2022. - V. 85. - P. 3088-3106.
67. Contribution of the distorted Jahn-Teller complexes to the elastic moduli in fluorite crystal / M.N. Sarychev, W.A.L. Hosseny, V.A. Ulanov, A.L. Egranov, V.T. Surikov, I.V. Zhevstovskikh, N.S. Averkiev, V.V. Gudkov // AIP Conference Proceedings. - 2022. - V. 2466. - P. 030013.
68. Photocatalytic activity boron-doped TiO2 nanotubes / F.M. Zykov, Y.V. Yuferov, V.V. Kartashov // AIP Conference Proceedings. - 2022. - V. 2466. - P. 060017.
69. Luminescence of solid solution based on silicate-germanate with apatite structure doped with Eu3+ ions / P.V. Mikhailova, V.A. Pustovarov, A.A. Vasin, M.G. Zuev // AIP Conference Proceedings. - 2022. - V. 2466. - P. 060041.
70. Photovoltaic properties and phase composition of CdPbS films / A.D. Selyanina, L.N. Maskaeva, V.I. Voronin, I.O. Selyanin, V.F. Markov // AIP Conference Proceedings. - 2022. - V. 2466. - P. 030031.
71. Investigation on electrochemical reduction of Cu(II) using a nanocomposite track membrane electrode / I. Kuklin, N.A. Khlebnikov, E.V. Polyakov, N.R. Barashev, M. Zdorovets // AIP Conference Proceedings. - 2022. - V. 2466. - P. 030030.
72. Synthesis features and determination of oxygen content in double perovskite-like manganites LnBaMn2O6-δ (Ln = Nd, Sm) / A.M. Shalamova, A.Y. Suntsov // AIP Conference Proceedings. - 2022. - V. 2466. - P. 050030.
73. Optical properties of alumina ceramic doped by yttrium / V.Y. Churkin, V.A. Pankov, A.A. Markov, A.V. Chukin, A.V. Abramov, E.V. Moiseyikin, S.V. Zvonarev // AIP Conference Proceedings. - 2022. - V. 2466. - P. 030049.
74. Site-selective luminescence of solid solutions based on silicate-tungstates doped with Eu3+ ions / K.S. Mirgorodskikh, V.A. Pustovarov, A.A. Vasin, M.G. Zuev // AIP Conference Proceedings. - 2022. - V. 2466. - P. 060040.
75. Solid phase synthesis of luminescent ceramics based on aluminum, yttrium and titanium oxides / E.I. Frolov, V.Y. Churkin, A.A. Markov, A.V. Chukin, N.V. Obvintseva, S.V. Zvonarev // AIP Conference Proceedings. - 2022. - V. 2466. - P. 060015.
76. Photophysics of alpha-azinyl-substituted 4,4-difluoro-8-(4-R-phenyl)-4-bora-3a,4a-diaza-s-indacenes / D.N. Pevtsov, L.M. Nikolenko, A.V. Nevidimov, S.A. Tovstun, A.V. Gadomska, V.A. Kuzmin, V.F. Razumov, M.A. Trestsova, I.A. Utepova, O.N. Chupakhin, A.V. Shchepochkin, A.A. Valeeva, A.A. Rempel // Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A. - 2022. - V. 432. - P. 114109.
77. The Effect of a Dense Layer with Mixed IonicЦElectronic Conduction on the Characteristics of an SOFC Cathode / A.V. Nikonov, I.V. Semenova, N.B. Pavzderin, V.R. Khrustov, L.V. Ermakova // Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. - 2022. - V. 58. - P. 490-501.
78. Co-crystallization of red emitting (NH4)3Sc(SO4)3:Eu3+ microfibers: structure-luminescence relationship for promising application in optical thermometry / L.A. Pasechnik, A.O. Peshehonova, O.A. Lipina, I.S. Medyankina, A.N. Enyashin, A.Y. Chufarov, A.P. Tyutyunnik // CrystEngComm. - 2022. - V. 24. - P. 4819-4830.
79. The influence of iodide addition on the composition, morphology, crystal structure, and semiconductor and photoelectric properties of PbS films / V.F. Markov, L.N. Maskaeva, E.V. Mostovshchikova, V.I. Voronin, A.V. Pozdin, A.V. Beltseva, I.O. Selyanin, I.V. Baklanova // Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. - 2022. - V. 24. - P. 16085-16100.
80. Magneto-structural coupling induced multiple magnetic transitions and magnetocaloric effect of Ni43Mn46Sn9Ge2 alloy / Y. Cheng, X. Luo, Y. Cao, K. Xu, S.M. Emelyanova, A.P. Tyutyunnik, T.V. Dyachkova, V.V. Marchenkov, T. Gao // Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. - 2022. - V. 563. - P. 169944.
81. Zinc glycolate Zn(OCH2CH2O): Synthesis and structure, spectral and optical properties, electronic structure and chemical bonding / V.N. Krasilnikov, A.P. Tyutyunnik, V.P. Zhukov, I.V. Baklanova, O.I. Gyrdasova, E.V. Chulkov // Journal of Alloys and Compounds. - 2022. - V. 924. - P. 166320.
82. EPR study of intrinsic defects within NaYGeO4 olivine / M.A. Melkozerova, M.Y. Artyomov, A.N. Enyashin, A.Y. Chufarov, Y.V. Baklanova, E.V. Zabolotskaya, T.V. Dyachkova, A.P. Tyutyunnik, V.G. Zubkov // Journal of Solid State Chemistry. - 2022. - V. 315. - P. 123475.
83. Novel cermets based on vanadium oxycarbide with Co and Fe binders / A.S. Shelyug, A.A. Bokov, A.S. Kurlov // International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials. - 2022. - V. 108. - P. 105953.
84. Solid-state synthesis of the Zn2SiO4:Mn phosphor: Sequence of phase formation, localization and charge state of Mn ions in the intermediate and final reaction products / R.F. Samigullina, I.V. Ivanova, N.A. Zaitseva, T.I. Krasnenko // Optical Materials. - 2022. - V. 132. - P. 112788.
85. Properties of oxysulfide phases and phase diagram of the Nd2S3-Nd2O3 system / S.A. Osseni, P.O. Andreev, A.A. Polkovnikov, B.A. Zakharov, A.S. Aleksandrovsky, M.U. Abulkhaev, S.S. Volkova, D.N. Kamaev, I.M. Kovenskiy, N.V. Nesterova, M.V. Kudomanov, O.V. Andreev // Journal of Solid State Chemistry. - 2022. - V. 314. - P. 123438.
86. Effect of high pressure-high temperature treatment on the microstructure and dielectric properties of cobalt doped CaCu3Ti4O12 / N.I. Kadyrova, N.V. Melnikova, A.A. Mirzorakhimov // Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. - 2022. - V. 169. - P. 110870.
87. Properties of SrCe0.95M0.05O3 (M = La, Pr, Y, Sn) thermal barrier materials / R.A. Shishkin, O.G. Reznitskikh, A.Y. Suntsov, V.L. Kozhevnikov // Ceramics International. - 2022. - V. 48. - P. 27003-27010.
88. Kinetic study on arsenopyrite dissolution in nitric acid media by the rotating disk method / E. Kuzas, D. Rogozhnikov, O. Dizer, K. Karimov, A. Shoppert, A.Y. Suntsov, I. Zhidkov // Minerals Engineering. - 2022. - V. 187. - P. 107770.
89. Structural and elastic properties of Mn3InN antiperovskite: The anomalous behavior of compressibility with external pressure and its reasons / V.V. Bannikov // Computational Condensed Matter. - 2022. - V. 32. - P. e00729.
90. Reassessment of thermochemical energy storage in perovskite-like manganites at comparative studies of RP SrCa3Mn3O10-δ vs. orthorhombic Sr0.25Ca0.75MnO3-δ / E.A. Antipinskaya, B.V. Politov, S.A. Petrova, V.P. Zhukov, E.V. Chulkov, A.Y. Suntsov, V.L. Kozhevnikov // Journal of Energy Storage. - 2022. - V. 53. - P. 105175.
91. Influence of the synthesis method on the morphology, dispersion and porosity of nanostructured powders of nickelЦcobalt spinel NiCo2O4 / D.I. Pereverzev, I.M. Giniyatullin, E.V. Vladimirova, V.D. Zhuravlev, A.V. Dmitriev // Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology. - 2022. - V. 103. - P. 935-942.
92. Solubility of TiOy/HAp nanocomposites in body simulated fluid / S.V. Rempel, A.A. Valeeva, A.A. Rempel // Ceramics International. - 2022. - V. 48. - P. 25213-25218.
93. Structure and Magnetic Properties of a Nanosized Iron-Doped Bismuth Titanate Pyrochlore / N.V. Chezhina, I.V. Piir, A.G. Krasnov, M.S. Koroleva, D.G. Kellerman, V.G. Semenov, E.V. Shalaeva, I.I. Leonidov, I.R. Shein // Structure and Magnetic Properties of a Nanosized Iron-Doped Bismuth Titanate Pyrochlore. - 2022. - V. 61. - P. 13369-13378.
94. Near-IR photoluminescence and structural properties of TiO2 powders with nanocrystalline anatase/brookite matrix / E.S. Ulyanova, E.V. Shalaeva, Y.S. Ponosov, O.A. Lipina, A.A. Markov // Nanosystems: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics. - 2022. - V. 13. - P. 445-455.
95. Molybdates and tungstates of the alluaudite family: crystal chemistry, composition and ionic mobility / S.F. Solodovnikov, O.A. Gulyaeva, A.A. Savina, V.N. Yudin, A.L. Buzlukov, Z.A. Solodovnikova, E.S. Zolotova, T.S. Spiridonova, E.G. Khaikina, S.Y. Stefanovich, N.I. Medvedeva, Y.V. Baklanova // Journal of Structural Chemistry. - 2022. - V. 63. - P. 1101-1133.
96. Composition and Properties of Iron Oxides in the Products of Hydrothermal Treatment of Red Mud and Bauxites / L.A. Pasechnik, V.M. Skachkov, S.A. Bibanaeva, I.S. Medyankina, V.G. Bamburov // Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. - 2022. - V. 67. - P. 1101-1107.
97. Structural Features and Defect Equilibrium in Cubic PrBa1-xSrxFe2O6-δ / I.A. Leonidov, A.A. Markov, M.A. Zavyalov, O.V. Merkulov, E.V. Shalaeva, S.S. Nikitin, E.V. Tsipis, M.V. Patrakeev // Materials. - 2022. - V. 15. - P. 4390.
98. Giant Room-Temperature Power Factor in p-Type Thermoelectric SnSe under High Pressure / N.V. Morozova, I.V. Korobeynikov, N. Miyajima, S.V. Ovsyannikov // Advanced Science. - 2022. - V. 9. - P. 2103720.
99. Change in the Filling of Surface States of Aluminum with Electrons during Its Dispersion / A.I. Kiselev, V.G. Shevchenko, L.A. Akashev // Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces. - 2022. - V. 58. - P. 448-452.
100. Sodium Ion Mobility in Triple Molybdate Na25Cs8Sc5(MoO4)24 / Y.V. Baklanova, A.L. Buzlukov, D.S. Fedorov, T.A. Denisova, A.P. Tyutyunnik, A.A. Savina, E.G. Khaikina, I.Y. Arapova // Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. - 2022. - V. 67. - P. 772-779.
101. Chemical Bath Precipitation and Properties of β-Ni(OH)2 Films Prepared in Aqueous Ammoniac Solutions / E.V. Polyakov, R.R. Tsukanov, L.Y. Buldakova, Y.V. Kuznetsova, I.V. Volkov, V.P. Zhukov, M.A. Maksimova, A.V. Dmitriev, I.V. Baklanova, O.A. Lipina, A.P. Tyutyunnik // Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. - 2022. - V. 67. - P. 912-920.
102. Sodium Ion Transport and Phase Transition in the Vanadate Na3ErV2O8 with Glaserite Type Structure / O.N. Leonidova, I.A. Leonidov, M.V. Patrakeev, R.F. Samigullina // Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. - 2022. - V. 67. - P. 767-771.
103. Chemical Bond Nature and Structure of X-ray Photoelectron Spectrum of PaO2 / Y.A. Teterin, M.V. Ryzhkov, A.E. Putkov, K.I. Maslakov, A.Y. Teterin, K.E. Ivanov, S.N. Kalmykov, V.G. Petrov // Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. - 2022. - V. 67. - P. 881-887.
104. Features of Copper(II) Oxide Synthesis in Combustion Reactions with Glycine and Citric Acid / V.D. Zhuravlev, L.V. Ermakova, S.M. Khaliullin, V.G. Bamburov, T.A. Patrusheva, N.M. Porotnikova // Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. - 2022. - V. 67. - P. 790-798.
105. Synthesis and Optical Properties of R2O2S:Ln3+ (R = Gd, Y) / E.I. Salnikova, Y.G. Denisenko, O.V. Andreev // Ln = Eu, Tb). - 2022. - V. Inorganic Materials. - P. 58.
106. Ab Initio Study of NaMFe(MoO4)3 (M = Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Zn): Electron Structure, Sodium Diffusion and Potentials / A.V. Serdtsev, N.I. Medvedeva // Physics of the Solid State. - 2022. - V. 64. - P. 215-221.
107. The effect of processing conditions on the dielectric properties of doped calcium lanthanum nickelate / Y.A. Deeva, A.A. Mirzorakhimov, A.Y. Suntsov, N.I. Kadyrova, N.V. Melnikova, T.I. Chupakhina // Chimica Techno Acta. - 2022. - V. 9. - P. 20229410.
108. Composition and structure of "core-shell" nanocrystalline particles based on titanium-molybdenum carbides obtained under the conditions of plasma-chemical synthesis / Y.A. Avdeeva, I.V. Luzhkova, A.N. Ermakov // Izvestiya Vuzov. Poroshkovaya Metallurgiya i Funktsionalnye Pokrytiya. - 2022. - V. 16. - P. 4-12.
109. Mechanism of liquid-phase interaction between nanocrystalline composition (VC0.40O0.53-C)-C and titanium nickelide / Y.A. Avdeeva, A.N. Ermakov, I.V. Luzhkova, L.K. Askarova // Izvestiya Vuzov. Poroshkovaya Metallurgiya i Funktsionalnye Pokrytiya. - 2022. - V. 16. - P. 26-35.
110. Sodium diffusion in scheelite-type Na2Zr(MoO4)3 and Na4Zr(MoO4)4 / D.S. Fedorov, A.L. Buzlukov, Y.V. Baklanova, D.V. Suetin, A.P. Tyutyunnik, D.V. Korona, L.G. Maksimova, V.V. Ogloblichev, T.A. Denisova, N.I. Medvedeva // Ceramics International. - 2022. - V. 48. - P. 32338-32347.
111. Improvement of Extraction Technology and Electrotechnological Equipment for Obtaining Gallium from Alumina Production Solutions / V.M. Skachkov, L.A. Pasechnik, I.S. Medyankina, S.A. Bibanaeva, N.A. Sabirzyanov // Bulletin of the Karaganda University Chemistry Series. - 2022. - V. 106. - P. 125-133.
112. Investigation into the significant effect of CuO additive on the synthesis of ZrSiO4: phase formation and crystallization at low temperature / O.V. Merkulov, A.A. Markov, N.S. Uporova, D.A. Zamyatin // Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. - 2022. - V. 147. - P. 11747-11757.
113. Features of phase equilibria and properties of phases in the Sb-Sm-Se system / M.A. Shtykova, V.P. Vorobeva, P.P. Fedorov, M.S. Molokeev, A.S. Aleksandrovsky, A.V. Elyshev, I.V. Palamarchuk, I.O. Yurev, A.V. Ivanov, N.N. Habibullayev, M.U. Abulkhaev, O.V. Andreev // Journal of Solid State Chemistry. - 2022. - V. 316. - P. 123573.
114. Exploring the defect equilibrium and charge transport in electrode material La0.5Sr0.5Fe0.9Mo0.1O3-δ / A.A. Markov, S.S. Nikitin, O.V. Merkulov, M.V. Patrakeev // Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. - 2022. - V. 24. - P. 21892-21903.
115. Site-selective luminescence of Eu3+ ions in silicate-tungstates with apatite and scheelite structures / V.A. Pustovarov, A.A. Vasin, M.G. Zuev // Optical Materials: X. - 2022. - V. 15. - P. 100186.
116. Magnetic properties of CaCu3-xTi4-yFex+yO12 solid solutions: Valence state of iron ions and metamagnetic phase transitions / T.P. Gavrilova, I.F. Gilmutdinov, A.R. Yagfarova, I.V. Yatsyk, A.V. Shestakov, I.I. Fazlizhanov, N.M. Lyadov, F.G. Vagizov, Y.A. Deeva, T.I. Chupakhina, R.M. Eremina // Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. - 2022. - V. 564. - P. 170026.
117. High-temperature thermoelectrical properties of cubic SrMnO3-δ-based manganites / E.I. Konstantinova, A.A. Markov, M.A. Ryzhkov, I.A. Leonidov // Solid State Sciences. - 2022. - V. 134. - P. 107024.
118. Rhombohedral Niobium Monoxide: Theoretically Predicted High-Pressure Phase NbO / I.S. Popov, I.R. Shein, A.A. Valeeva, A.N. Enyashin // Journal of Structural Chemistry. - 2022. - V. 63. - P. 1639-1648.
119. Properties of Compacts from Mixtures of Calcium Fluoride Micro- and Nanopowders / V.G. Ilves, S.Y. Sokovnin, S.V. Zayats, M.G. Zuev // Photonics. - 2022. - V. 9. - P. 782.
120. Synthesis and Comparative Investigation of the Electrochemical Characteristics of CsAg4Br2.5I2.5 and RbAg4I5 Solid Electrolytes / O.G. Reznitskikh, T.V. Yaroslavtseva, A.A. Glukhov, N.A. Popov, N.V. Urusova, N.G. Bukun, Y.A. Dobrovolsky, O.V. Bushkova // Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. - 2022. - V. 58. - P. 927-937.
121. Features of Ni/Co Ordering in the LiNi1-xCoxPO4 (x = 0.3, 0.5, 0.7) Crystal Structure / N.V. Urusova, M.A. Semkin, A. Hoser, A.N. Pirogov // Journal of Surface Investigation. - 2022. - V. 16. - P. 847-853.
122. Plasmachemical Synthesis of TiC-Mo-Co Nanoparticles with a Core-Shell Structure in a Low-Temperature Nitrogen Plasma / Y.A. Avdeeva, I.V. Luzhkova, A.N. Ermakov // Russian Metallurgy (Metally). - 2022. - V. 2022. - P. 1019-1026.
123. Li3V2(PO4)3/Li3PO4 Cathode Materials for Li-Ion Batteries: Synthesis and Characterization / T. Gavrilova, Y.A. Deeva, T.I. Chupakhina, I. Yatsyk, N. Lyadov, R. Garipov, N. Suleimanov, M. Khrizanforov, S. Khantimerov // Magnetochemistry. - 2022. - V. 8. - P. 105.
124. Adsorption-Structural Characteristics of Aluminum Powder Modified with Manganese Formiate / A.V. Ryabina, V.G. Shevchenko, V.N. Krasilnikov // Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces. - 2022. - V. 58. - P. 688-695.
125. Synthesis and Properties of Aluminum Alloys with Group V Transition Metals / V.M. Skachkov, L.A. Pasechnik, S.A. Bibanaeva, I.S. Medyankina, V.T. Surikov, N.A. Sabirzyanov // Russian Metallurgy (Metally). - 2022. - V. 2022. - P. 825-829.
126. Physicochemical Study of the Possibility of Using the Waste of Shot Blasting of Al-V Master Alloys to Produce Aluminum-Based Functional Materials / M.N. Baklanov, D.A. Eselevich, V.G. Shevchenko // Russian Metallurgy (Metally). - 2022. - V. 2022. - P. 791-796.
127. Multicomponent Doping as a Tool for Controlling the Energy Gap of Corundum / V.M. Zainullina, M.A. Korotin // Physics of Metals and Metallography. - 2022. - V. 123. - P. 726-732.
128. Influence of Nonstoichiometry on the Magnetic Properties of CeFe2:Mn Alloys / V.M. Zainullina, M.A. Korotin // JETP Letters. - 2022. - V. 116. - P. 105-109.
129. Dilatometric characteristics of weakly sintered ceramics / Y.I. Komolikov, L.V. Ermakova, V.R. Khrustov, V.D. Zhuravlev // Chimica Techno Acta. - 2022. - V. 9. - P. 20229412.
130. Influence of Fuel on the SCS Temperature of Lithium Aluminate / V.D. Zhuravlev, L.V. Ermakova, T.A. Patrusheva, V.G. Bamburov // International Journal of Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis. - 2022. - V. 31. - P. 1-8.
131. Algorithm for Theoretical Assessment of the Electrochemical Stability of Electrolytes in Lithium-Ion Batteries by the Example of LiBF4 in the EC/DMC Mixture / S.S. Borisevich, E.Y. Evshchik, M.G. Ilina, E.M. Khamitov, T.I. Melnikova, R.Y. Rubtsov, O.V. Bushkova, Y.A. Dobrovolskii // Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. - 2022. - V. 58. - P. 1008-1019.
132. Recovery of Scandium, Aluminum, Titanium, and Silicon from Iron-Depleted Bauxite Residue into Valuable Products: A Case Study / P. Grudinsky, L.A. Pasechnik, A. Yurtaeva, V. Dyubanov, D. Zinoveev // Crystals. - 2022. - V. 12. - P. 1578.
133. Nanosized Titania for Removing Cr(VI) and As(III) from Aqueous Solutions / D.P. Ordinartsev, N.V. Pechishcheva, A.A. Valeeva, P.V. Zaitseva, A.D. Korobitsyna, A.A. Belozerova, A.A. Sushnikova, S.A. Petrova, K.Y. Shunyaev, A.A. Rempel // Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. - 2022. - V. 96. - P. 2408-2416.
134. Synthesis, Characterization and Photocatalytic Activity of Spherulite-like r-TiO2 in Hydrogen Evolution Reaction and Methyl Violet Photodegradation / A.K. Bachina, V.I. Popkov, A.S. Seroglazova, M.O. Enikeeva, A.Y. Kurenkova, E.A. Kozlova, E.Y. Gerasimov, A.A. Valeeva, A.A. Rempel // Catalysts. - 2022. - V. 12. - P. 1546.
135. Chemical Synthesis, Morphology, and Optical Properties of Manganese-Doped Zinc Sulfide Films / L.N. Maskaeva, O.A. Lipina, V.F. Markov, V.I. Voronin, A.V. Pozdin, I.A. Anokhina // Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. - 2022. - V. 96. - P. 2505-2514.
136. Assignment of the Crystal Structure to the Aza-Pinacol Coupling Product by X-ray Diffraction and Density Functional Theory Modeling / O. Savateev, N.V. Tarakina, A.P. Tyutyunnik, S.M. Rivadeneira, J. Heske, T.D. Kuehne // ACS Omega. - 2022. - V. 7. - P. 41581-41585.
137. Degradation study of La0.6Sr0.4Co1-xFexO3-δ based symmetric cells by means of impedance spectroscopy and oxygen isotope exchange / N.M. Porotnikova, E.P. Antonova, M.V. Ananyev, V.A. Eremin, A.S. Farlenkov // Solid State Ionics. - 2022. - V. 387. - P. 116058.
138. Molybdenum Oxide-Based Composites / Z.A. Fattakhova, G.S. Zakharova // Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. - 2022. - V. 67. - P. 2090-2098.
139. Electronic structure, chemical bonding, and phase stability of thorium borides ThB4, ThB6 and ThB12 / I.R. Shein // Journal of Structural Chemistry. - 2022. - V. 63. - P. 102821.
140. Thermal Treatment Impact on the Mechanical Properties of Mg3Si2O5(OH)4 Nanoscrolls / A. Krasilin, M. Khalisov, E. Khrapova, V. Ugolkov, A.N. Enyashin, A. Ankudinov // Materials. - 2022. - V. 15. - P. 9023.
141. Development of composite mixtures based on hydroxyapatite and biogenic elements for the formation of bioactive coatings / E.A. Bogdanova, V.M. Skachkov, K.V. Nefedova // Physical and Chemical Aspects of the Study of Clusters Nanostructures and Nanomaterials. - 2022. - V. 14. - P. 771-781.
142. Preparation of biocomposites based on nanoscale hydrxyapatite with titanium compounds / E.A. Bogdanova, V.M. Skachkov, K.V. Nefedova // Physical and Chemical Aspects of the Study of Clusters Nanostructures and Nanomaterials. - 2022. - V. 14. - P. 521-530.
143. Formation of cobalt hydroxosilicate in amorphous silica matrix / I.S. Medyankina, K.I. Svetlakova, L.A. Pasechnik // Physical and Chemical Aspects of the Study of Clusters Nanostructures and Nanomaterials. - 2022. - V. 14. - P. 800-810.
144. Synthesis of aluminosilicate zeolites in the conditions of alumina production / S.A. Bibanaeva // Physical and Chemical Aspects of the Study of Clusters Nanostructures and Nanomaterials. - 2022. - V. 14. - P. 747-753.
145. Properties of diffusion-hardening composite solder modified with tungsten powders / V.M. Skachkov, L.A. Pasechnik, I.S. Medyankina, N.A. Sabirzyanov // Physical and Chemical Aspects of the Study of Clusters Nanostructures and Nanomaterials. - 2022. - V. 14. - P. 707-716.
146. Features of dynamics change of properties of diffusion-hardening solder at various conditions / V.M. Skachkov // Physical and Chemical Aspects of the Study of Clusters Nanostructures and Nanomaterials. - 2022. - V. 14. - P. 699-706.
147. Effect of synthesis conditions on the formation of Y3-xLaxFe5-yO12+δ/La1-xYxFe1-yO3 composite / O.I. Gyrdasova, A.E. Stepanov, S.V. Naumov, S.N. Shkerin // Physical and Chemical Aspects of the Study of Clusters Nanostructures and Nanomaterials. - 2022. - V. 14. - P. 583-592.
148. Bioactive silicon-iron-containing glycerohydrogel synthesized by the sol-gel method in the presence of chitosan / T.G. Khonina, D.S. Tishin, L.P. Larionov, M.N. Dobrinskaya, I.P. Antropova, N.V. Izmozherova, A.V. Osipenko, E.V. Shadrina, E.Y. Nikitina, E.A. Bogdanova, M.S. Karabanalov, N.P. Evstigneeva, M.M. Kokhan, O.N. Chupakhin // Russian Chemical Bulletin. - 2022. - V. 71. - P. 2342-2351.
149. Sorption Properties of Activated Carbon BAU-A in Relation to Nickel Ions / O.D. Linnikov, I.V. Rodina, A.Y. Suntsov // Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces. - 2022. - V. 58. - P. 920-926.
150. Adiabatic Potential Energy Surface of Jahn-Teller Cu2+F-8 Complexes in a Fluorite Crystal / M.N. Sarychev, W.A.L. Hosseny, I.V. Zhevstovskikh, V.A. Ulanov, A.V. Egranov, V.T. Surikov, N.S. Averkiev, V.V. Gudkov // Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics. - 2022. - V. 135. - P. 473-483.
151. Coagulation removal of nickel (II) ions by ferric chloride: Efficiency and mechanism / O.D. Linnikov, I.V. Rodina, G.S. Zakharova, K.N. Mikhalev, I.V. Baklanova, Y.V. Kuznetsova, A.Y. Germov, B.Y. Goloborodskii, A.P. Tyutyunnik, Z.A. Fattakhova // Water Environment Research. - 2022. - V. 94. - P. e10827.
152. QC and MD Modelling for Predicting the Electrochemical Stability Window of Electrolytes: New Estimating Algorithm / Y.A. Dobrovolsky, M.G. Ilyina, E.Y. Evshchik, E.M. Khamitov, A.V. Chernyak, A.V. Shikhovtseva, T.I. Melnikova, O.V. Bushkova, S.S. Borisevich // Batteries. - 2022. - V. 8. - P. 292.
153. Polymer Electrolytes Based on the Lithium Form of Nafion Sulfonic Cation-Exchange Membranes: Current State of Research and Prospects for Use in Electrochemical Power Sources / O.V. Bushkova, E.A. Sanginov, S.D. Chernyuk, R.R. Kayumov, L.V. Shmygleva, Y.A. Dobrovolsky, A.B. Yaroslavtsev // Membranes and Membrane Technologies. - 2022. - V. 4. - P. 433-454.
154. Photocatalytic activity of titanium dioxide produced by high-energy milling / E.A. Kozlova, A.A. Valeeva, A.A. Sushnikova, A.V. Zhurenok, A.A. Rempel // Nanosystems: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics. - 2022. - V. 13. - P. 632-639.
155. Magnetic resonance analysis of spin dynamics in Sr2MnTiO5.87 double perovskite / I.V. Yatsyk, R.M. Eremina, T.I. Chupakhina, Y.A. Deeva // Magnetic Resonance in Solids. - 2022. - V. 24. - P. 22202.
156. Fabrication of Basalt Matrix Composite Material by Pressureless Aluminum Melt Infiltration in Air Atmosphere / R.A. Shishkin, Y.V. Yuferov, D.O. Polyvoda // Ceramics. - 2022. - V. 5. - P. 780-788.
157. Sorption Properties of Freshly Precipitated Iron(III) Hydroxide toward Nickel Ions. Part 1. Mechanism and Efficiency of the Sorption Process / O.D. Linnikov, I.V. Rodina // Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces. - 2022. - V. 58. - P. 1116-1124.

1. Люминофоры холодного голубого излучения на основе оксида алюминия, допированного диспрозием / И.В. Бакланова, В.Н. Красильников, А.П. Тютюнник, Я.В. Бакланова // Физика твердого тела. - 2022. - Т. 2022. - С. 95.
2. Размещение водорода в оксигидриде титана / А.А. Валеева, А.И. Гусев // Размещение водорода в оксигидриде титана. - 2022. - Т. 2022. - С. 33.
3. Фотолюминесценция диоксида циркония, допированного иттербием / С.Н. Шкерин, Е.С. Ульянова, Э.Г. Вовкотруб // Физика твердого тела. - 2022. - Т. 2022. - С. 467.
4. Возможности моделирования из первых принципов электрон-фононной релаксации и транспортных свойств на примерах оксида кадмия и титаната стронция / В.П. Жуков, Е.В. Чулков // Физика твердого тела. - 2022. - Т. 2022. - С. 418.
5. Электронная зонная структура и термоэлектрические характеристики SrTiO3, BaTiO3 и CaTiO3: ab initio подход / В.П. Жуков, Е.В. Чулков // Физика твердого тела. - 2022. - Т. 2022. - С. 1891.
6. Условия механической стабильности и упругие свойства кристаллических структур с разной симметрией / А.И. Гусев, С.И. Садовников // Физика твердого тела. - 2022. - Т. 2022. - С. 671.
7. Спектры комбинационного рассеяния света и фотолюминесценция диоксида гафния, допированного катионами Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, Lu и Y / С.Н. Шкерин, А.Н. Мещерских, Т.В. Ярославцева, Р.К. Абдурахимова // Физика твердого тела. - 2022. - Т. 2022. - С. 1985.
8. Структура и свойства двухфазных слоев CdxPb1-xS/CdS, полученных химическим осаждением из этилендиамин-цитратной системы / А.Д. Селянина, Л.Н. Маскаева, В.И. Воронин, И.О. Селянин, И.А. Анохина, В.Ф. Марков // Физика и техника полупроводников. - 2022. - Т. 2022. - С. 408.
9. Оптические свойства пленки линейно-цепочечного углерода, нанесенного на стальной образец / Л.А. Акашев, А.А. Махнев, В.Д. Кочаков, А.П. Владимиров, А.В. Дружинин // Оптика и спектроскопия. - 2022. - Т. 2022. - С. 787.
10. Влияние фотон-фононного взаимодействия на оптические свойства порошка алюминия / А.И. Киселев, В.Г. Шевченко, А.В. Конюкова // Оптика и спектроскопия. - 2022. - Т. 2022. - С. 1479.

Cписок общего КБПР институтов за 2021 г., входящих в Уральское отделение Российской Академии наук,
в сравнении с сильнейшими научными и образовательными организациями России


1. Investigation of thermal, electrical and electrochemical properties of Pr1-xSrxFe1-yCoyO3 (0 < x < 0.4, y = 0.2, 0.5) cathode materials for SOFC / A.V. Nikonov, N.B. Pavzderin, V.R. Khrustov, I.V. Semenova, K.I. Demidova, K.A. Kuterbekov, K.Z. Bekmyrza, S.N. Nurakov, Koketay, O.I. Gyrdasova // Journal of Alloys and Compounds. - 2021. - V. 865. - P. 158898.
2. Negative thermal expansion in one-dimension of a new double sulfate AgHo(SO4)2 with isolated SO4 tetrahedra / Y.G. Denisenko, V.V. Atuchin, M.S. Molokeev, N. Wang, X. Jiang, A.S. Aleksandrovsky, A.S. Krylov, A.S. Oreshonkov, A.E. Sedykh, S.S. Volkova, Z. Lin, O.V. Andreev, K. Muller-Buschbaum // Journal of Materials Science & Technology. - 2021. - V. 76. - P. 111-121.
3. MoO2/C composites prepared by tartaric acid and glucose-assisted sol-gel processes as anode materials for lithium-ion batteries / G.S. Zakharova, L. Singer, Z.A. Fattakhova, S. Wegener, E. Thauer, Q. Zhu, E.V. Shalaeva, R. Klingeler // Journal of Alloys and Compounds. - 2021. - V. 863. - P. 158353.
4. CaO catalyst for multi-route conversion of oakwood biomass to value-added chemicals and fuel precursors in fast pyrolysis / J. Gupta, K. Papadakis, E.Y. Konysheva, Y. Lin, I.V. Kozhevnikov, J. Li // Applied Catalysis B. - 2021. - V. 285. - P. 119858.
5. Electronic and thermodynamic properties of lanthanum tetraboride on low-temperature experimental and ab-initio calculation data / G. Surucu, H. Ozisik, E. Deligoz, I.R. Shein, A.V. Matovnikov, N.V. Mitroshenkov, A.V. Morozov, V.V. Novikov // Journal of Alloys and Compounds. - 2021. - V. 862. - P. 158020.
6. Effect of the cobalt content on properties of La2Ni1-xCoxO4+δ / K.A. Kuterbekov, K.Z. Bekmyrza, N.K. Aidarbekov, A.V. Nikonov, N.B. Pavzderin, V.R. Khrustov, I.V. Semenova, A.I. Medvedev, O.I. Gyrdasova // Solid State Ionics. - 2021. - V. 363. - P. 115594.
7. Phase equilibria and stability of intermediate phases in the Sm2O3-BaO-Fe2O3 system / N.E. Volkova, K.S. Tolstov, L.Y. Gavrilova, B. Raveau, A. Maignan, V.A. Cherepanov // Journal of the American Ceramic Society. - 2021. - V. 104. - P. 2410-2417.
8. Nd doping as a promising method to improve transport properties of SrFe(Mo)O3-δ materials for symmetrical fuel cells and hydrogen production membranes / A.D. Bamburov, B.V. Politov // Journal of Solid State Chemistry. - 2021. - V. 296. - P. 122012.
9. Thermal behaviour of TiOy/HAp nanocomposites / S.V. Rempel, D.A. Eselevich, H. Schroettner, A.A. Valeeva, A.A. Rempel // Ceramics International. - 2021. - V. 47. - P. 9613-9619.
10. Structure, thermal stability, optoelectronic and electrophysical properties of Mg- and Na-codoped bismuth niobate pyrochlores: Experimental and theoretical study / M.S. Koroleva, A.G. Krasnov, A. Senyshyn, A. Schokel, I.R. Shein, M.I. Vlasov, I.V. Piir // Journal of Alloys and Compounds. - 2021. - V. 858. - P. 157742.
11. Lithiated Nafion plasticised by a mixture of ethylene carbonate and sulfolane / E.A. Sanginov, S.S. Borisevich, R.R. Kayumov, A.S. Istomina, E.Y. Evshchik, O.G. Reznitskikh, T.V. Yaroslavtseva, T.I. Melnikova, Y.A. Dobrovolsky, O.V. Bushkova // Electrochimica Acta. - 2021. - V. 373. - P. 137914.
12. Thermally stimulated infrared shift of cadmium oxide optical absorption band edge / V.N. Krasilnikov, I.V. Baklanova, V.P. Zhukov, O.I. Gyrdasova, T.V. Dyachkova, A.P. Tyutyunnik // Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing. - 2021. - V. 124. - P. 105605.
13. Magnetic Properties, Electron Paramagnetic Resonance, and Photoelectron Spectroscopy Studies of Nanocrystalline TiO2 Co-Doped with Al and Fe / A.Y. Yermakov, V.R. Galakhov, A.S. Minin, V.V. Mesilov, M.A. Uimin, K. Kuepper, S. Bartkowski, L.S. Molochnikov, A.S. Konev, V.S. Gaviko, G.S. Zakharova // Physica Status Solidi B. - 2021. - V. 258. - P. 2000399.
14. Sol-gel synthesis of Li3VO4/C composites as anode materials for lithium-ion batteries / E. Thauer, G.S. Zakharova, S.A. Wegener, Q. Zhu, R. Klingeler // Journal of Alloys and Compounds. - 2021. - V. 853. - P. 157364.
15. Structure, thermal expansion and electrical conductivity of La2-xGdxNiO4+δ (0.0<=x<=0.6) cathode materials for SOFC applications / V.A. Tsvinkenberg, A.S. Tolkacheva, E.A. Filonova, O.I. Gyrdasova, S.M. Pikalov, V.A. Vorotnikov, A.I. Vylkov, N.I. Moskalenko, E.Y. Pikalova // Journal of Alloys and Compounds. - 2021. - V. 853. - P. 156728.
16. Effect of nonstoichiometry on elastic properties of niobium carbide NbCy / A.A. Valeeva, A.I. Gusev // International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials. - 2021. - V. 95. - P. 105435.
17. High-temperature transport properties of LaSr3Fe3-xMoxO10-δ / O.V. Merkulov, I.A. Leonidov, M.V. Patrakeev // Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. - 2021. - V. 149. - P. 109820.
18. Catalytic methane activation over La1-xSrxScO3-α proton-conducting oxide surface: A comprehensive study / D.M. Zakharov, N.A. Zhuravlev, T.A. Denisova, A.S. Belozerov, A.Y. Stroeva, E.G. Vovkotrub, A.S. Farlenkov, M.V. Ananyev // Journal of Catalysis. - 2021. - V. 394. - P. 67-82.
19. Crystal and electronic structure, thermochemical and photophysical properties of europium-silver sulfate monohydrate AgEu(SO4)2*H2O / Y.G. Denisenko, A.E. Sedykh, M.S. Molokeev, A.S. Oreshonkov, A.S. Aleksandrovsky, A.S. Krylov, N.A. Khritokhin, E.I. Salnikova, O.V. Andreev, K. Muller-Buschbaum // Journal of Solid State Chemistry. - 2021. - V. 294. - P. 121898.
20. Elastic properties of superionic cubic silver sulfide β-Ag2S / S.I. Sadovnikov, A.I. Gusev // Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. - 2021. - V. 23. - P. 2914-2922.
21. The formation and migration of non-equivalent oxygen vacancies in PrBaCo2-xMxO6-δ, where M = Fe, Co, Ni and Cu / V.P. Zhukov, E.V. Chulkov, B.V. Politov, A.Y. Suntsov, V.L. Kozhevnikov // Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. - 2021. - V. 23. - P. 2313-2319.
22. SrFe12O19 as an impurity in perovskite-type ferrites / I.V. Shamsutov, O.V. Merkulov, M.V. Patrakeev // Materials Letters. - 2021. - V. 283. - P. 128753.
23. Defect chemistry and charge transport in LaSr3Fe3-xMoxO10-δ / S.S. Nikitin, E.N. Naumovich, O.V. Merkulov, I.A. Leonidov, M.V. Patrakeev // Acta Materialia. - 2021. - V. 203. - P. 116489.
24. Thermal and kinetic studies of sulfur-rich molybdenum and tungsten polysulfides / A.A. Poltarak, V.A. Logvinenko, A.N. Enyashin, S.B. Artemkina, P.A. Poltarak, M.N. Ivanova, E.D. Grayfer, V.E. Fedorov // Journal of Alloys and Compounds. - 2021. - V. 851. - P. 156705.
25. Thermal expansion and phase transitions in the perovskites Sr0.5Ca0.5Mn1-xVxO3-δ / E.I. Konstantinova, O.N. Leonidova, A.V. Chukin, I.A. Leonidov // Materials Letters. - 2021. - V. 283. - P. 128803.
26. Upconversion luminescence and ratiometric temperature sensing behavior of Er3+/Yb3+-codoped CaY2Ge3O10 germanate / O.A. Lipina, L.L. Surat, A.Y. Chufarov, A.P. Tyutyunnik, V.G. Zubkov // Mendeleev Communications. - 2021. - V. 31. - P. 113-115.
27. Electrochemical performance and superior CO2 endurance of PrBaCo2O6-δ-PrBaCoTaO6 composite cathode for IT-SOFCs / E.A. Antipinskaya, B.V. Politov, D.A. Osinkin, A.Y. Suntsov, V.L. Kozhevnikov // Electrochimica Acta. - 2021. - V. 365. - P. 137372.
28. Microwave-Assisted Hydrothermal Synthesis of α-MoO3 / Z.A. Fattakhova, E.G. Vovkotrub, G.S. Zakharova // Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. - 2021. - V. 66. - P. 35-41.
29. Thermal analysis of the products of SCS of zinc nitrate with glycine and citric acid / L.V. Ermakova, V.D. Zhuravlev, S.M. Khaliullin, E.G. Vovkotrub // Thermochimica Acta. - 2021. - V. 695. - P. 178809.
30. Raman analysis and crystal structure of polycrystalline LiNi1-xCoxPO4 (x=0-0.5) / M.A. Semkin, N.V. Urusova, Kumar. Rajesh, N.A. Kulesh, M.O. Kalinkin, K.V. Grzhegorzhevskii, D.K. Kuznetsov, A.A. Ostroushko, A.N. Pirogov // Applied Physics A. - 2021. - V. 127. - P. 67.
31. Concurrent Ca2+ and Pb2+ ions transport in Ca6.25Pb4.25(VO4)7 with the β-Ca3(PO4)2-type structure / V.A. Morozov, D.V. Deyneko, P.B. Dzhevakov, O.N. Leonidova, I.A. Leonidov, O.V. Baryshnikova, S.V. Savilov, B.I. Lazoryak // Solid State Ionics. - 2021. - V. 359. - P. 115518.
32. Vibrational and luminescent properties of polycrystalline zircon: Effect of structural and impurity defects / O.V. Merkulov, Y.V. Shchapova, N.S. Uporova, D.A. Zamyatin, A.A. Markov, S.L. Votyakov // Journal of Solid State Chemistry. - 2021. - V. 293. - P. 121783.
33. Revealing sodium-ion diffusion in alluaudite-type Na4-2xM1+x(MoO4)3 (M = Mg, Zn, Cd) from 23Na MAS NMR and ab initio studies / A.L. Buzlukov, N.I. Medvedeva, D.V. Suetin, A.V. Serdtsev, Y.V. Baklanova, S.F. Solodovnikov, A.P. Tyutyunnik, T.A. Denisova, O.A. Gulyaeva // Journal of Solid State Chemistry. - 2021. - V. 293. - P. 121800.
34. The effectiveness of interaction between scientific supervisors and graduate students at the university and at the academy of sciences / E.V. Biricheva, Z.A. Fattakhova // Vysshee Obrazovanie v Rossii. - 2021. - V. 30. - P. 9-22.
35. Synthesis and luminescent properties of (RE0.95Ln0.05)2O2S (RE = La, Y, Ln = Ho, Tm) / E.I. Salnikova, Y.G. Denisenko, I.E. Kolesnikov, E. Lahderanta, O.V. Andreev, N.O. Azarapin, S.A. Basova, A.A. Gubin, A.S. Oreshonkov // Journal of Solid State Chemistry. - 2021. - V. 293. - P. 121753.
36. Effects of irradiation of ZnO/CdS/Cu2ZnSnSe4/Mo/glass solar cells by 10 MeV electrons on photoluminescence spectra / M.A. Sulimov, M.N. Sarychev, M.V. Yakushev, J. Marquez-Prieto, I. Forbes, V.Y. Ivanov, P.R. Edwards, A.V. Mudryi, J. Krustok, R.W. Martin // Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing. - 2021. - V. 121. - P. 105301.
37. Enhanced thermal stability and red-ox activity of PrBaMn2-xFexO6-δ oxides / V.S. Kudyakova, A.M. Shalamova, A.V. Chukin, A.Y. Suntsov // Materials Research Bulletin. - 2021. - V. 140. - P. 111309.
38. Influence of fuel on phase formation, morphology, electric and dielectric properties of iron oxides obtained by SCS method / S.M. Khaliullin, A.A. Koshkina // Ceramics International. - 2021. - V. 47. - P. 11942-11950.
39. Colossal enhancement of the thermoelectric power factor in stress-released orthorhombic phase of SnTe / N.V. Morozova, I.V. Korobeynikov, S.V. Ovsyannikov // Applied Physics Letters. - 2021. - V. 118. - P. 103903.
40. Tunneling Relaxation Mechanisms of the Jahn-Teller Complexes in a CaF2:Cr2+ Crystal / M.N. Sarychev, A.S. Bondarevskaya, I.V. Zhevstovskikh, V.A. Ulanov, G.S. Shakurov, A.V. Egranov, V.T. Surikov, N.S. Averkiev, V.V. Gudkov // JETP Letters. - 2021. - V. 113. - P. 47-51.
41. Thermodynamics of Fluorite-Structured Oxides Relevant to Nuclear Energy: A Review / A.S. Shelyug, A. Navrotsky // ACS Earth and Space Chemistry. - 2021. - V. 5. - P. 703-721.
42. Iron oxidation state in La0.7Sr1.3Fe0.7Ti0.3O4 and La0.5Sr1.5Fe0.5Ti0.5O4 layered perovskites: Magnetic properties / T.P. Gavrilova, A.R. Yagfarova, Y.A. Deeva, I.V. Yatsyk, I.F. Gilmutdinov, M.A. Cherosov, F.G. Vagizov, T.I. Chupakhina, R.M. Eremina // Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. - 2021. - V. 153. - P. 109994.
43. Phase transformation in vacuum and basic physicochemical properties of heterophasic amorphocrystalline Bi2O3-based nanopowder produced by pulsed electron beam evaporation / V.G. Ilves, V.S. Gaviko, O.A. Malova, A.M. Murzakaev, S.Y. Sokovnin, M.A. Uimin, M.G. Zuev // Journal of Alloys and Compounds. - 2021. - V. 881. - P. 160514.
44. The impact of cerium content on oxygen stoichiometry, defect equilibrium, and thermodynamic quantities of Sr1-xCexFeO3-δ / A.A. Markov, S.S. Nikitin, B.V. Politov, E.V. Shalaeva, A.P. Tyutyunnik, I.A. Leonidov, M.V. Patrakeev // Journal of Alloys and Compounds. - 2021. - V. 875. - P. 160051.
45. Electrochemical determination of SrFe12O19 impurity in perovskite ferrites / S.S. Nikitin, O.V. Merkulov, A.D. Bamburov, M.V. Patrakeev // Journal of Alloys and Compounds. - 2021. - V. 873. - P. 159677.
46. Evaluation of Ca2CuO3 as an oxygen carrier material / A.A. Burdina, O.V. Merkulov, A.A. Markov, M.V. Patrakeev // Materials Letters. - 2021. - V. 297. - P. 129968.
47. Phase transition at ambient pressure in complex oxide Sr3ScCoO6+δ. Morphotropic row Sr3ScMO7-δ (M = Ni-Cr) / T.I. Chupakhina, L.B. Vedmid, D.G. Kellerman, Y.A. Deeva, I.V. Baklanova // Journal of Solid State Chemistry. - 2021. - V. 300. - P. 122265.
48. Novel synthesis and electrochemical investigations of ZnO/C composites for lithium-ion batteries / E. Thauer, G.S. Zakharova, E.I. Andreikov, V. Adam, S.A. Wegener, J.H. Nolke, L. Singer, A. Ottmann, A. Asyuda, M. Zharnikov, D.M. Kiselkov, Q. Zhu, I.S. Puzyrev, N.V. Podvalnaya, R. Klingeler // Journal of Materials Science. - 2021. - V. 56. - P. 13227-13242.
49. Ag2S interparticle interaction in an aqueous solution: Mechanism of steric and electrostatic stabilization / Y.V. Kuznetsova, I.A. Balyakin, I.D. Popov, B. Schummer, B. Sochor, S.V. Rempel, A.A. Rempel // Journal of Molecular Liquids. - 2021. - V. 335. - P. 116130.
50. Synthesis, structure, melting and optical properties of three complex orthorhombic sulfides BaDyCuS3, BaHoCuS3 and BaYbCuS3 / N.O. Azarapin, V.V. Atuchin, N.G. Maximov, A.S. Aleksandrovsky, M.S. Molokeev, A.S. Oreshonkov, N.P. Shestakov, A.S. Krylov, T.M. Burkhanova, S. Mukherjee, O.V. Andreev // Materials Research Bulletin. - 2021. - V. 140. - P. 111314.
51. Performance of the layered cobaltites in membrane mediated oxygen separation from air and methane partial oxidation / A.Y. Suntsov, S.N. Marshenya, A.A. Markov, V.L. Kozhevnikov // Materials Letters. - 2021. - V. 295. - P. 129818.
52. 18O/16O isotope exchange for yttria stabilised zirconia in dry and humid oxygen / A.V. Khodimchuk, D.M. Zakharov, N.A. Shevyrev, A.S. Farlenkov, N.A. Zhuravlev, T.A. Denisova, M.V. Ananyev // International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. - 2021. - V. 46. - P. 20023-20036.
53. The Peculiarities of Extraction of Vanadium(V) by Aminophenols from Sulfuric Acid Solutions / L.D. Kurbatova, O.V. Koryakova, M.S. Valova, I.N. Ganebnykh // Journal of Solution Chemistry. - 2021. - V. 50. - P. 823-832.
54. V2O3/C composite fabricated by carboxylic acid-assisted sol-gel synthesis as anode material for lithium-ion batteries / G.S. Zakharova, E. Thauer, A.N. Enyashin, L.F. Deeg, Q. Zhu, R. Klingeler // Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology. - 2021. - V. 98. - P. 549-558.
55. High purity scandium extraction from red mud by novel simple technology / L.A. Pasechnik, V.M. Skachkov, A.Y. Chufarov, A.Y. Suntsov, S.P. Yatsenko // Hydrometallurgy. - 2021. - V. 202. - P. 105597.
56. Development of composite LaNi0.6Fe0.4O3-δ-based air electrodes for solid oxide fuel cells with a thin-film bilayer electrolyte / E. Pikalova, N. Bogdanovich, A. Kolchugin, K. Shubin, L.V. Ermakova, N. Eremeev, A. Farlenkov, A. Khrustov, E. Filonova, V. Sadykov // International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. - 2021. - V. 46. - P. 16947-16964.
57. Novel testing procedure of area-specific exchange current density for photoactive powder: Application in PEC water splitting / E.S. Ulyanova, S.N. Shkerin, E.V. Shalaeva, O.I. Gyrdasova, A.A. Yushkov, V.N. Krasilnikov, B.T. Tarasanov, V.Y. Kolosov // International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. - 2021. - V. 46. - P. 16888-16898.
58. A nonlinear evolution of the structure, morphology, and optical properties of PbS-CdS films with cadmium nitrate in the reaction mixture / L.N. Maskaeva, I.V. Vaganova, V.F. Markov, V.I. Voronin, V.S. Belov, O.A. Lipina, E.V. Mostovshchikova, I.N. Miroshnikova // Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. - 2021. - V. 23. - P. 10600-10614.
59. Nonstoichiometry, structure and properties of nanocrystalline oxides, carbides and sulfides / A.A. Valeeva, A.A. Rempel, S.V. Rempel, S.I. Sadovnikov, A.I. Gusev // Russian Chemical Reviews. - 2021. - V. 60. - P. 601-626.
60. Adsorption properties of mesoporous carbon synthesized by pyrolysis of zinc glycerolate / I.S. Puzyrev, E.I. Andreikov, G.S. Zakharova, N.V. Podvalnaya, V.A. Osipova // Russian Chemical Bulletin. - 2021. - V. 70. - P. 805-810.
61. Synthesis and Physicochemical Properties of Nanostructured TiO2 with Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity / I.B. Dorosheva, A.A. Valeeva, A.A. Rempel, M.A. Trestsova, I.A. Utepova, O.N. Chupakhin // Inorganic Materials. - 2021. - V. 57. - P. 503-510.
62. Plutonium complexes in water: New approach to ab initio modeling / M.V. Ryzhkov, A.N. Enyashin, B. Delley // Radiochimica Acta. - 2021. - V. 109. - P. 327-342.
63. Li-nafion membrane plasticised with ethylene carbonate/sulfolane: Influence of mixing temperature on the physicochemical properties / A.S. Istomina, T.V. Yaroslavtseva, O.G. Reznitskikh, R.R. Kayumov, L.V. Shmygleva, E.A. Sanginov, Y.A. Dobrovolsky, O.V. Bushkova // Polymers. - 2021. - V. 13. - P. 1150.
64. Regularities of Chromium(VI) Ions Sorption by Magnetite (Review) / O.D. Linnikov // Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces. - 2021. - V. 57. - P. 235-259.
65. The Structure of Defects, the Electron Energy-Band Structure, and the Semiconductor-Metal Transition in PrBaCo2O5.5 Cobaltite: Ab Initio PAW Approach / V.P. Zhukov, E.V. Chulkov // Physics of the Solid State. - 2021. - V. 63. - P. 395-404.
66. New Nickel-Cobalt-Manganese Spinels / V.D. Zhuravlev, L.V. Ermakova, E.A. Sherstobitova, V.G. Bamburov // Doklady Chemistry. - 2021. - V. 496. - P. 25-27.
67. Magnetic properties of Li3V2(PO4)3/Li3PO4 composite / T. Gavrilova, S. Khantimerov, M. Cherosov, R. Batulin, N. Lyadov, I. Yatsyk, Y.A. Deeva, D.I. Turkin, T.I. Chupakhina, N. Suleimanov // Magnetochemistry. - 2021. - V. 7. - P. 64.
68. Interplay between decarburization, oxide segregation, and densification during sintering of nanocrystalline TaC and NbC / A.A. Bokov, A.S. Shelyug, A.S. Kurlov // Journal of the European Ceramic Society. - 2021. - V. 41. - P. 5801-5812.
69. Effect of lithium borate coating on the electrochemical properties of LiCoO2 electrode for lithium-ion batteries / V.D. Zhuravlev, K.V. Nefedova, E.Y. Evshchik, E.A. Sherstobitova, V.G. Kolmakov, Y.A. Dobrovolsky, N.M. Porotnikova, A.V. Korchun, A.V. Shikhovtseva // Chimica Techno Acta. - 2021. - V. 8. - P. 20218101.
70. Study of the Composition of a Precipitate Formed from Solutions for the Synthesis of Cathodic Materials Containing Manganese and Citric Acid / K.V. Nefedova, V.D. Zhuravlev, S.M. Khaliullin, A.P. Tyutyunnik, L.Y. Buldakova // Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Engineering. - 2021. - V. 55. - P. 117-122.
71. Microstructure and luminescence properties of the high pressure high temperature sintered AlN-TiN ceramics / V.S. Kudyakova, I.I. Leonidov, D.V. Chaikin, R.A. Shishkin, D.A. Zamyatin, I.A. Weinstein // Ceramics International. - 2021. - V. 47. - P. 16876-16881.
72. Solar photocatalysts based on titanium dioxide nanotubes for hydrogen evolution from aqueous solutions of ethanol / A.A. Valeeva, I.B. Dorosheva, E.A. Kozlova, A.A. Sushnikova, A.Y. Kurenkova, A.A. Saraev, H. Schroettner, A.A. Rempel // International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. - 2021. - V. 46. - P. 16917-16924.
73. MnS-Tb2S3 Phase Diagram / L.N. Monina, I.G. Zhikhareva, O.V. Andreev // Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion. - 2021. - V. 42. - P. 206-216.
74. Large-scale preparation of powder composites xNiO/(1-x)Al2O3 in reactions of solution combustion synthesis / V.D. Zhuravlev, L.V. Ermakova // Advanced Powder Technology. - 2021. - V. 32. - P. 1106-1115.
75. Novel high stable electrocatalyst based on non-stoichiometric nanocrystalline niobium carbide toward effective hydrogen evolution / M.I. Chebanenko, D.P. Danilovich, A.A. Lobinsky, V.I. Popkov, A.A. Rempel, A.A. Valeeva // International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. - 2021. - V. 46. - P. 16907-16916.
76. Conductivity and oxygen diffusion in bixbyites and fluorites Ln6-xMoO12-δ (Ln = Er, Tm, x = 0, 0.5) / A.V. Shlyakhtina, N.V. Lyskov, T. Salkus, A. Kezionis, M.V. Patrakeev, I.A. Leonidov, L.G. Shcherbakova, S.A. Chemyak, K.I. Shefer, E.M. Sadovskaya, N.F. Eremeev, V.A. Sadykov // International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. - 2021. - V. 46. - P. 16965-16976.
77. Structural changes in V2O5-P2O5 glasses: non-constant force field molecular dynamics and IR spectroscopy / A.A. Raskovalov, N.S. Saetova, I.S. Popov // Chimica Techno Acta. - 2021. - V. 8. - P. 20218211.
78. The impact of atomic defects on high-temperature stability and electron transport properties in Sr2Mg1-xNixMoO6-δ solid solutions / K.S. Tolstov, B.V. Politov, V.P. Zhukov, E.V. Chulkov, V.L. Kozhevnikov // Journal of Alloys and Compounds. - 2021. - V. 883. - P. 160821.
79. The impact of structural features on ion and electron transport in Y0.25Sr0.75FeO3-δ / A.D. Koryakov, A.A. Markov, E.V. Shalaeva, I.A. Leonidov, M.V. Patrakeev // Materials Letters. - 2021. - V. 301. - P. 130261.
80. Possible Sources of Chemical Elements in the Mud Volcanoes of the Bulganak Volcanic Field (Crimea) / A.E. Kozarenko, Y.L. Melchakov, V.T. Surikov // Geochemistry International. - 2021. - V. 59. - P. 599-606.
81. Electronic Structure and Nature of Chemical Bonds in BkO2 / A.E. Putkov, Y.A. Teterin, M.V. Ryzhkov, A.Y. Teterin, K.I. Maslakov, K.E. Ivanov, S.N. Kalmykov, V.G. Petrov // Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. - 2021. - V. 95. - P. 1169-1176.
82. Phase Diagram of Ethylene Carbonate-Sulfolane System / O.G. Reznitskikh, A.S. Istomina, S.S. Borisevich, E.Y. Evshchik, E.A. Sanginov, O.V. Bushkova, Y.A. Dobrovolsky // Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. - 2021. - V. 95. - P. 1121-1127.
83. Crystal structure, infrared luminescence and magnetic properties of Tm3+-doped and Tm3+-, Dy3+-codoped BaY2Ge3O10 germanates / Y.V. Baklanova, O.A. Lipina, A.Y. Chufarov, L.L. Surat, A.P. Tyutyunnik, D.G. Kellerman, V.G. Zubkov // Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics. - 2021. - V. 32. - P. 14976-14989.
84. Hydrogen in nonstoichiometric cubic titanium monoxides: X-ray and neutron diffraction, neutron vibrational spectroscopy and NMR studies / A.V. Skripov, A.V. Soloninin, A.A. Valeeva, A.I. Gusev, A.A. Rempel, H. Wu, T.J. Udovic // Journal of Alloys and Compounds. - 2021. - V. 887. - P. 161353.
85. Electrical transport properties of the six-layer hexagonal SrMn1-xVxO3-δ (x = 0.02) / E.I. Konstantinova, O.N. Leonidova, A.A. Markov, I.A. Leonidov // Journal of Alloys and Compounds. - 2021. - V. 886. - P. 161232.
86. Specific interrelations of magnetic, thermodynamic and structural properties in highly non-stoichiometric PrBaMnFeO6-δ double perovskite / V.S. Kudyakova, A.M. Shalamova, B.V. Politov, A.Y. Suntsov // Journal of Alloys and Compounds. - 2021. - V. 886. - P. 161133.
87. Phase equilibrium within the composites of the cadmium sulfide nanoparticles and a silicate glass: An atomistic view / I.S. Popov, N.S. Kozhevnikova, A.N. Enyashin // Computational Materials Science. - 2021. - V. 199. - P. 110726.
88. Room-temperature mechanochemical synthesis of RE molybdates: Impact of structural similarity and basicity of oxides / I.V. Kolbanev, A.V. Shlyakhtina, E.N. Degtyarev, E.Y. Konysheva, N.V. Lyskov, D.N. Stolbov, A.N. Streletskii // Journal of the American Ceramic Society. - 2021. - V. 104. - P. 5698-5710.
89. Na9In(MoO4)6: synthesis, crystal structure, and Na+ ion diffusion / A.L. Buzlukov, Y.V. Baklanova, I.Y. Arapova, A.A. Savina, V.A. Morozov, M. Bardet, B.I. Lazoryak, E.G. Khaikina, T.A. Denisova, N.I. Medvedeva // Ionics. - 2021. - V. 27. - P. 4281-4293.
90. Valence state of europium and samarium in Ln2Hf2O7 (Ln = Eu, Sm) based oxygen ion conductors / A.V. Shlyakhtina, N.V. Lyskov, A.N. Shchegolikhin, I.V. Kolbanev, S.A. Chemyak, E.Y. Konysheva // Ceramics International. - 2021. - V. 47. - P. 26898-26906.
91. On the energy transfer in LiMgPO4 doped with rare-earth elements / D.G. Kellerman, M.O. Kalinkin, D.A. Akulov, R.M. Abashev, V.G. Zubkov, A.I. Surdo, N.I. Medvedeva, M.V. Kuznetsov // Journal of Materials Chemistry C. - 2021. - V. 9. - P. 11272-11283.
92. Mechanical properties of nonstoichiometric cubic titanium carbide TiCy / A.I. Gusev // Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. - 2021. - V. 23. - P. 18558-18567.
93. Hierarchically structured V2O3/C microspheres: Synthesis, characterization, and their electrochemical properties / E. Thauer, G.S. Zakharova, L.F. Deeg, Q. Zhu, R. Klingeler // Electrochimica Acta. - 2021. - V. 390. - P. 138881.
94. High-temperature charge transport in Nd0.25Sr0.75FeO3-δ: The influence of various factors / S.S. Nikitin, O.V. Merkulov, I.A. Leonidov, M.V. Patrakeev // Dalton Transactions. - 2021. - V. 50. - P. 11429-11439.
95. Evolution of Structural, Thermal, Optical, and Vibrational Properties of Sc2S3, ScCuS2, and BaScCuS3 Semiconductors / N.O. Azarapin, A.S. Oreshonkov, I.A. Razumkova, A.S. Aleksandrovsky, N.G. Maximov, I.I. Leonidov, N.P. Shestakov, O.V. Andreev // European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. - 2021. - V. 2021. - P. 3355-3366.
96. Crystal structure, vibrational, spectroscopic and thermochemical properties of double sulfate crystalline hydrate [CsEu(H2O)3(SO4)2]*H2O and its thermal dehydration product CsEu(SO4)2 / Y.G. Denisenko, M.S. Molokeev, A.S. Oreshonkov, A.S. Krylov, A.S. Aleksandrovsky, N.O. Azarapin, O.V. Andreev, I.A. Razumkova, V.V. Atuchin // Crystals. - 2021. - V. 11. - P. 1027.
97. Effect of Cu+ ions on the structure, morphology, optical and photocatalytic properties of nanostructured ZnO / O.I. Gyrdasova, E.V. Shalaeva, V.N. Krasilnikov, L.Y. Buldakova, I.V. Baklanova, M.A. Melkozerova, M.V. Kuznetsov, M.Y. Yanchenko // Materials Characterization. - 2021. - V. 179. - P. 111384.
98. Asymmetric misfit nanotubes: Chemical affinity outwits the entropy at high-temperature solid-state reactions / M.B. Sreedhara, S. Hettler, I. Kaplan-Ashiri, K. Rechav, Y. Feldman, A.N. Enyashin, L. Houben, R. Arenal, R. Tenne // Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. - 2021. - V. 118. - P. e2109945118.
99. Structural and spectroscopic characterization of a new series of Ba2RE2Ge4O13 (RE = Pr, Nd, Gd, and Dy) and Ba2Gd2-xEuxGe4O13 tetragermanates / O.A. Lipina, L.L. Surat, A.Y. Chufarov, A.P. Tyutyunnik, A.N. Enyashin, Y.V. Baklanova, A.V. Chvanova, L.Y. Mironov, K.G. Belova, V.G. Zubkov // Dalton Transactions. - 2021. - V. 50. - P. 10935-10946.
100. Discovery of Elgoresyite, (Mg,Fe)5Si2O9: Implications for Novel Iron-Magnesium Silicates in Rocky Planetary Interiors / L. Bindi, R. Sinmyo, E. Bykova, S.V. Ovsyannikov, C. McCammon, I. Kupenko, L. Ismailova, L. Dubrovinsky, X. Xie // ACS Earth and Space Chemistry. - 2021. - V. 5. - P. 2124-2130.
101. Effect of Annealing on Structural and Thermodynamic Properties of ThSiO4-ErPO4 Xenotime Solid Solution / A.S. Shelyug, M.R. Rafiuddin, A. Mesbah, N. Clavier, S. Szenknect, N. Dacheux, X. Guo, A. Navrotsky // Inorganic Chemistry. - 2021. - V. 60. - P. 12020-12028.
102. First-principles study on the plutonium ions interaction with diamide molecules in acid solutions / M.V. Ryzhkov, A.N. Enyashin, B. Delley // International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. - 2021. - V. 121. - P. e26681.
103. Impact of Cerium Content on Ion and Electron Transport in Sr1-xCexFeO3-δ / S.S. Nikitin, A.A. Markov, I.A. Leonidov, M.V. Patrakeev // Journal of Physical Chemistry C. - 2021. - V. 125. - P. 17546-17555.
104. Stress-controlled n-p conductivity switch based on intercalated ZrTe2 / N.V. Morozova, I.V. Korobeynikov, E.G. Shkvarina, A.A. Titov, A.N. Titov, S.V. Ovsyannikov // Applied Physics Letters. - 2021. - V. 119. - P. 053103.
105. The Valence XPS Structure and the Nature of Chemical Bond in CmO2 / A.E. Putkov, Y.A. Teterin, M.V. Ryzhkov, K.I. Maslakov, A.Y. Teterin, K.E. Ivanov, S.N. Kalmykov, V.G. Petrov // Radiochemistry. - 2021. - V. 63. - P. 401-412.
106. Ion-Selective Properties of KxV2O5*nH2O / N.V. Podvalnaya, G.S. Zakharova // Inorganic Materials. - 2021. - V. 57. - P. 798-804.
107. The influence of chalcogen atom on conformation and phase transition in chalcogenazinoquinolinium monoiodides / I. Yushina, A. Krylov, I.I. Leonidov, V. Batalov, Y.S. Chen, S.G. Wang, A. Stash, E. Bartashevich // Acta Crystallographica Section B. - 2021. - V. 77. - P. 526-536.
108. First-principles study of electronic structure, sodium diffusion, and (de)intercalation in NASICON NaMR(MoO4)3 (M = Mg, Ni; R = Cr, Fe) / A.V. Serdtsev, I. Kotova, N.I. Medvedeva // Ionics. - 2021. - V. 27. - P. 3383-3392.
109. Off-Stoichiometric NixCo3-xO4 (x < 1) Spinels by Solution-Combustion Synthesis Using Citric Acid-Glycine Mixtures as a Dual Fuel / V.D. Zhuravlev, A.V. Dmitriev, E.V. Vladimirova, I.M. Giniyatullin, D.I. Pereverzev, E.A. Sherstobitova // International Journal of Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis. - 2021. - V. 30. - P. 170-174.
110. Solution-Combustion Synthesis of 4CuO/Al2O3 Composite from Starting Solutions Containing Copper Acetate as Ballast / V.D. Zhuravlev, L.V. Ermakova, S.M. Khaliullin, K.V. Nefedova, E.A. Sherstobitova // International Journal of Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis. - 2021. - V. 30. - P. 132-138.
111. Prospects for Using a Binding Agent to Improve the Adhesion of a Bioactive Coating on Surfaces with Different Structures / E.A. Bogdanova, V.M. Skachkov, K.V. Nefedova // Journal of Surface Investigation. - 2021. - V. 15. - P. 823-828.
112. Challenges of formation of thin-film solid electrolyte layers on non-conductive substrates by electrophoretic deposition / E. Kalinina, E. Pikalova, L.V. Ermakova, N. Bogdanovich // Coatings. - 2021. - V. 11. - P. 805.
113. Formation of CdxPb1-xS/Cd1-δS thin-film two-phase compositions by chemical bath deposition: composition, structure, and optical properties / L.N. Maskaeva, I.V. Vaganova, V.F. Markov, V.I. Voronin, O.A. Lipina, E.V. Mostovshchikova, V.S. Belov, I.N. Miroshnikova // Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics. - 2021. - V. 32. - P. 19230-19247.
114. Tubular Thermoelectric Module Based on Oxide Elements Grown by the Laser Floating Zone / O.V. Merkulov, D. Lopes, A.A. Markov, N.M. Ferreira, M.V. Patrakeev, A.V. Kovalevsky // ACS Applied Energy Materials. - 2021. - V. 4. - P. 5848-5857.
115. Interface in Ag2S/ZnS Nanoheterostructures / S.I. Sadovnikov, A.I. Gusev // JETP Letters. - 2021. - V. 113. - P. 706-712.
116. Extraction of valuable elements from red mud with a focus on using liquid media - a review / D. Zinoveev, L.A. Pasechnik, M. Fedotov, V. Dyubanov, P. Grudinsky, A. Alpatov // Recycling. - 2021. - V. 6. - P. 38.
117. Scale-up of the Solution Combustion Synthesis of Iron Oxides with the Addition of the Inactive Component FeO / S.M. Khaliullin, A.M. Murzakaev, V.D. Zhuravlev, O.V. Russkikh, V.G. Bamburov // Doklady Physical Chemistry. - 2021. - V. 498. - P. 54-59.
118. Relaxation Contribution of a System of Jahn-Teller Complexes to the Elastic Moduli of Doped Fluorites / M.N. Sarychev, A.S. Bondarevskaya, I.V. Zhevstovskikh, V.A. Ulanov, G.S. Shakurov, A.V. Egranov, V.T. Surikov, N.S. Averkiev, V.V. Gudkov // Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics. - 2021. - V. 132. - P. 790-799.
119. Sorption Properties of MIU-S Coal Sorbent in Relation to Nickel(II) Ions / O.D. Linnikov, I.V. Rodina, I.V. Baklanova, A.Y. Suntsov // Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces. - 2021. - V. 57. - P. 469-474.
120. Multifractal Structure of the Surface of Cu/Co Superlattices / I.G. Grigorov, L.N. Romashev // Journal of Surface Investigation. - 2021. - V. 15. - P. 436-440.
121. Properties of prussian blue filled membrane mini-reactor in Cs(I) adsorption processes / A.A. Ioshin, E.V. Polyakov, I.V. Volkov, E. Denisov // Nanosystems: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics. - 2021. - V. 12. - P. 512-519.
122. Synthesis of Ilmenite-type ε-Mn2O3 and Its Properties / S.V. Ovsyannikov, A.A. Tsirlin, I.V. Korobeynikov, N.V. Morozova, A.A. Aslandukova, G. Steinle-Neumann, S. Chariton, S. Khandarkhaeva, K. Glazyrin, F. Wilhelm, A. Rogalev, L. Dubrovinsky // Inorganic Chemistry. - 2021. - V. 60. - P. 11348-13358.
123. Structural Stability and Properties of Marokite-Type γ-Mn3O4 / S.V. Ovsyannikov, A.A. Aslandukova, A. Aslandukov, S. Chariton, A.A. Tsirlin, I.V. Korobeynikov, N.V. Morozova, T. Fedotenko, S. Khandarkhaeva, L. Dubrovinsky // Inorganic Chemistry. - 2021. - V. 60. - P. 13440-13452.
124. Influence of Cation Impurities and Both Cation and Anion Nonstoichiometry on Aluminum Oxide Energy Gap Width / V.M. Zainullina, M.A. Korotin // JETP Letters. - 2021. - V. 114. - P. 346-347.
125. Conductivity of Lithium-Conducting Nafion Membranes Plasticized by Binary and Ternary Mixtures in the Sulfolan-Ethylene Carbonate-Diglyme System / R.R. Kayumov, L.V. Shmygleva, E.Y. Evshchik, E.A. Sanginov, N.A. Popov, O.V. Bushkova, Y.A. Dobrovolsky // Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. - 2021. - V. 57. - P. 911-920.
126. Removing of hexavalent chromium from polluted water solutions by magnetite: A review / O.D. Linnikov // Advances in Chemistry Research. - 2021. - V. 67. - P. 13-67.
127. BaYb2-xErxGe3O10 and BaY2-10yYb9yEryGe3O10: Luminescent Properties and Prospects for Applications in Remote Temperature Determination / O.A. Lipina, L.L. Surat, A.A. Melentsova, Y.V. Baklanova, A.Y. Chufarov, A.P. Tyutyunnik, V.G. Zubkov // Physics of the Solid State. - 2021. - V. 63. - P. 1076-1081.
128. Fabrication of Cu2ZnSnSe4 Thin Films by Selenising Cu1.8Se, SnSe, and ZnSe Precursor Layers: Effects of the Sequence of Layers / L.N. Maskaeva, V.F. Markov, E.A. Gracheva, V.I. Voronin, N.S. Kozhevnikova, R.W. Martin, M.V. Yakushev, M.V. Kuznetsov // Semiconductors. - 2021. - V. 55. - P. 1073-1078.
129. Methods to increase electrochemical activity of lanthanum nickelate-ferrite electrodes for intermediate and low temperature SOFCs / E. Pikalova, N. Bogdanovich, A. Kolchugin, L.V. Ermakova, A. Khrustov, A. Farlenkov, D. Bronin // International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. - 2021. - V. 46. - P. 35923-35937.
130. Synthesis of the Zn1.9Cu0.1SiO4 pigment via the sol-gel and coprecipitation methods / M.V. Rotermel, R.F. Samigullina, I.V. Ivanova, E.V. Vladimirova, I.V. Baklanova, T.I. Krasnenko // Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology. - 2021. - V. 100. - P. 404-413.
131. Ionic transport in (La,Sr)CoO3-δ ceramics / E.V. Tsipis, E.N. Naumovich, M.V. Patrakeev, A.A. Yaremchenko, A.V. Kovalevsky, J.C. Waerenborgh, V.V. Kharton // Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry. - 2021. - V. 25. - P. 2777-2791.
132. Photoluminescence, stimulated and laser emission in CuInSe2 crystals / I.E. Svitsiankou, V.N. Pavlovskii, E.V. Lutsenko, G.P. Yablonskii, A.V. Mudryi, O.M. Borodavchenko, V.D. Zhivulko, R.W. Martin, M.V. Yakushev // Applied Physics Letters. - 2021. - V. 119. - P. 212103.
133. Short- and Long-Range Order in Ytterbium-Doped Zirconia / S.N. Shkerin, E.S. Ulyanova, E.G. Vovkotrub // Inorganic Materials. - 2021. - V. 57. - P. 1145-1151.
134. Exploration of the structural, spectroscopic and thermal properties of double sulfate monohydrate NaSm(SO4)2*H2O and its thermal decomposition product NaSm(SO4)2 / Y.G. Denisenko, A.E. Sedykh, S.A. Basova, V.V. Atuchin, M.S. Molokeev, A.S. Aleksandrovsky, A.S. Krylov, A.S. Oreshonkov, N.A. Khritokhin, E.I. Salnikova, O.V. Andreev, K. Muller-Buschbaum // Advanced Powder Technology. - 2021. - V. 32. - P. 3943-3953.
135. Electrochemical properties of PrBaCo2O6 electrode in the oxidation of glucose and methyle orange / A.M. Shalamova, Y.A. Glazyrina // IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. - 2021. - V. 864. - P. 012025.
136. Impact of A-site cation deficiency on charge transport in La0.5-xSr0.5FeO3-δ / O.V. Merkulov, R.R. Samigullin, A.A. Markov, M.V. Patrakeev // Materials. - 2021. - V. 14. - P. 5990.
137. Synthesis and Ion-Selective Properties of the MoO2/C Composite / G.S. Zakharova, Z.A. Fattakhova // Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. - 2021. - V. 66. - P. 1469-1476.
138. Formation of titanium-cobalt nitride Ti0.7Co0.3N under plasma-chemical synthesis conditions in a low-temperature nitrogen plasma / Y.A. Avdeeva, I.V. Luzhkova, A.N. Ermakov // Nanosystems: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics. - 2021. - V. 12. - P. 641-649.
139. Imogolite: Curvature-Induced Hospitality for Trivalent Dopants / I.S. Popov, A.N. Enyashin // Physica Status Solidi B. - 2021. - V. 258. - P. 2100188.
140. Synthesis and structure assignment of vanadyl(IV) citrate [(VO)3(C6H5O7)2]*H2O / I.V. Baklanova, V.D. Zhuravlev, A.P. Tyutyunnik, M.A. Melkozerova, T.A. Patrusheva // Mendeleev Communications. - 2021. - V. 31. - P. 723-725.
141. Magnetic Structures of the LiNi0.9Co0.1PO4 Crystal / M.A. Semkin, N.V. Urusova, A. Hoser, A.I. Beskrovnyi, A.N. Pirogov // Journal of Surface Investigation. - 2021. - V. 15. - P. 890-895.
142. Phase Transition in Ag2S and the Relative Position of Atomic Planes of the α-Ag2S and β-Ag2S Phases / S.I. Sadovnikov, A.I. Gusev // JETP Letters. - 2021. - V. 114. - P. 156-162.
143. The effect of the concentration of vanadium pentoxide hydrogel applied on ASD-4 grade aluminum on its structural and adsorption properties / A.V. Ryabina, V.G. Shevchenko // Izvestiya Vuzov. Poroshkovaya Metallurgiya i Funktsionalnye Pokrytiya. - 2021. - V. 15. - P. 4-11.
144. A study of oxide layer growth on the surface of aluminium alloys with Ti, Zr, Hf during heating in air / N.A. Popov, V.M. Skachkov, L.A. Akashev, D.A. Eselevich, I.V. Baklanova // Thin Solid Films. - 2021. - V. 738. - P. 138961.
145. Janus Layers in the TiSe2-TiS2 System / A.N. Titov, A.S. Shkvarin, A.I. Merentsov, O.V. Bushkova, E.A. Suslov, A.A. Titov, J. Avila, M.C. Asensio, N.V. Kazantseva, M.S. Postnikov // Chemistry of Materials. - 2021. - V. 33. - P. 8915-8925.
146. Titanium dioxide nanotubes: synthesis, structure, properties and Applications / A.A. Rempel, A.A. Valeeva, A.S. Vokhmintsev, I.A. Weinstein // Russian Chemical Reviews. - 2021. - V. 90. - P. 1397-1414.
147. Parameters of Glycine-Nitrate Synthesis of NiCo2O4 Spinel / V.D. Zhuravlev, A.V. Dmitriev, E.V. Vladimirova, I.M. Giniyatullin, D.I. Pereverzev, E.A. Sherstobitova // Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. - 2021. - V. 66. - P. 1895-1903.
148. The Effect of the Lithium Borate Surface Layer on the Electrochemical Properties of the Lithium-Ion Battery Positive Electrode Material LiNi1/3Mn1/3Co1/3O2 / K.V. Nefedova, V.D. Zhuravlev, A.M. Murzakaev, V.V. Yagodin, M.V. Kuznetsov, E.Y. Evshchik, V.M. Skachkov, O.V. Bushkova // Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. - 2021. - V. 57. - P. 1055-1069.
149. Sorption of 60Co with Composite Sorbent Termoksid-35 in the Presence of Humic Acids / E.V. Polyakov, E.I. Denisov, I.V. Volkov // Radiochemistry. - 2021. - V. 63. - P. 774-781.
150. Optical Properties and Electronic Characteristics of Praseodymium and Neodymium in Condensed State / L.A. Akashev, N.A. Popov, V.G. Shevchenko // Optics and Spectroscopy. - 2021. - V. 129. - P. 848-855.
151. Исследование плотности сплавов системы Al-V для оптимизации режимов получения порошков для 3D печати / V.G. Shevchenko, D.A. Eselevich, M.N. Baklanov, V.E. Sidorov, B.A. Rusanov // Расплавы. - 2021. - V. 2021. - P. 460-468.
152. Electronic Structure and Diffusion of Sodium in Na4-xKx(MoO4)3 / D.V. Suetin, A.V. Serdtsev, N.I. Medvedeva // Physics of the Solid State. - 2021. - V. 63. - P. 1605-1611.
153. Elastic Properties of Ag2S and ZnS Nanocrystalline Cubic Sulfides / S.I. Sadovnikov // Physics of the Solid State. - 2021. - V. 63. - P. 1407-1414.
154. Влияние дефектности углеродной подрешетки на упругие свойства кубического карбида титана TiCy / A.I. Gusev // Физика твердого тела. - 2021. - V. 63. - P. 1921-1926.
155. Фазовый переход первого рода в нанотубулярном диоксиде титана / A.A. Sushnikova, A.A. Valeeva, I.B. Dorosheva, A.A. Rempel // Физика твердого тела. - 2021. - V. 63. - P. 2016-2019.
156. Изменение свойств диффузионно-твердеющего припоя от состава жидкометаллической компоненты / V.M. Skachkov // Физико-химические аспекты изучения кластеров, наноструктур и наноматериалов. - 2021. - V. 13. - P. 788-795.
157. Изучение свойств диффузионно-твердеющих композиционных припоев модифицированных смесью порошков Ti-Mo / V.M. Skachkov, L.A. Pasechnik, I.S. Medyankina, N.A. Sabirzyanov // Физико-химические аспекты изучения кластеров, наноструктур и наноматериалов. - 2021. - V. 13. - P. 392-399.
158. Кинетика гидрохимического фторирования кремнийсодержащих отходов титаномагнетитовых руд / I.S. Medyankina, V.M. Skachkov, L.A. Pasechnik // Физико-химические аспекты изучения кластеров, наноструктур и наноматериалов. - 2021. - V. 13. - P. 900-909.
159. Влияние металлических добавок на конверсию гематита при переработке бокситов методом Байера / S.A. Bibanaeva, V.M. Skachkov // Физико-химические аспекты изучения кластеров, наноструктур и наноматериалов. - 2021. - V. 13. - P. 809-817.
160. Получение биокомозитов на основе наноразмерного гидроксиапатита с оксидами циркония и кремния / E.A. Bogdanova, V.M. Skachkov, I.M. Giniyatullin, D.I. Pereverzev, K.V. Nefedova // Физико-химические аспекты изучения кластеров, наноструктур и наноматериалов. - 2021. - V. 13. - P. 655-663.
161. Перспективные композиционные материалы на основе наноразмерного апатита со связующим агентом - желатин / E.A. Bogdanova, V.M. Skachkov // Физико-химические аспекты изучения кластеров, наноструктур и наноматериалов. - 2021. - V. 13. - P. 664-671.
162. Electronic structure of dioxide CfO2 / A.E. Putkov, K.I. Maslakov, Y.A. Teterin, M.V. Ryzhkov, A.Y. Teterin, K.E. Ivanov, S.N. Kalmykov, V.G. Petrov // Journal of Structural Chemistry. - 2021. - V. 62. - P. 1846-1856.
163. Impact of oxygen content on preferred localization of p- and n-type carriers in La0.5Sr0.5Fe1-xMnxO3-δ / S.S. Nikitin, A.A. Markov, O.V. Merkulov, A.V. Chukin, M.V. Patrakeev // Dalton Transactions. - 2021. - V. 50. - P. 17967-17980.
164. Влияние структурно-морфологических характеристик на сенсорные свойства пленок CdxPb1-xS / L.N. Maskaeva, I.V. Vaganova, V.F. Markov, A.E. Bezdetnova, A.D. Selyanina, V.I. Voronin, I.O. Selyanin // Физика и техника полупроводников. - 2021. - V. 55. - P. 1186.
165. Химически осажденные пленки сульфида свинца, легированные кобальтом / L.N. Maskaeva, E.V. Mostovshchikova, V.F. Markov, V.I. Voronin, A.V. Pozdin, I.O. Selyanin, A.I. Mikhailova // Физика и техника полупроводников. - 2021. - V. 55. - P. 1049.
166. Структурные и электрофизические свойства пленок PbS, легированных Cr3+ в процессе химического осаждения / L.N. Maskaeva, E.V. Mostovshchikova, V.I. Voronin, A.V. Pozdin, I.O. Selyanin, I.A. Anokhina, V.F. Markov // Физика и техника полупроводников. - 2021. - V. 55. - P. 937.
167. Surface tension and shear strain contributions to the mechanical behaviour of individual Mg-Ni-phyllosilicate nanoscrolls / A.A. Krasilin, M.M. Khalisov, E.K. Khrapova, T.S. Kunkel, D.A. Kozlov, N.M. Anuchin, A.N. Enyashin, A.V. Ankudinov // Particle and Particle Systems Characterization. - 2021. - V. 38. - P. 2100153.
168. Spectral luminescnce properties of La1-xSrxYO3-δ electrolytes / M.G. Zuev // AIP Conference Proceedings. - 2021. - V. 2388. - P. 040025.
169. Photon avalanche in nanoluminophore obtained by REE silicate evaporation / M.G. Zuev, V.G. Ilves, S.Y. Sokovnin, A.A. Vasin // Results in Optics. - 2021. - V. 5. - P. 100189.

Cписок общего КБПР институтов за 2020 г., входящих в Уральское отделение Российской Академии наук,
в сравнении с сильнейшими научными и образовательными организациями России


1. Baking nanoparticles: Linking the synthesis parameters of CdS nanoparticles in a glass matrix with their size and size distribution / I.D. Popov, B. Sochor, B. Schummer, Y.V. Kuznetsova, S.V. Rempel, S. Gerth, A.A. Rempel // Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. - 2020. - V. 529. - P. 119781.
2. The crystal structure and magnetic properties of the new phosphate-vanadates Sr2.4-xCo2.6+xP3VO15, x=0.00, 0.02 and 0.04 / V.D. Zhuravlev, M.O. Kalinkin, D.G. Kellerman, A.P. Tyutyunnik, A.Y. Chufarov, N.I. Lobachevskaya, L.V. Ermakova, I.V. Baklanova // Journal of Solid State Chemistry. - 2020. - V. 282. - P. 121117.
3. Liquid low-level radioactive wastes treatment by using hydrophobized track-etched membranes / M.V. Zdorovets, A.B. Yeszhanov, I.V. Korolkov, O. Guven, S.S. Dosmagambetova, D.I. Shlimas, Z.K. Zhatkanbayeva, I.S. Zhidkov, P.V. Kharkin, V.N. Gluchshenko, D.A. Zheltov, N.A. Khlebnikov, I.E. Kuklin // Progress in Nuclear Energy. - 2020. - V. 118. - P. 103128.
4. Effect of the residual water content in gels on solution combustion synthesis temperature / S.M. Khaliullin, V.D. Zhuravlev, V.G. Bamburov, A.A. Khort, S.I. Roslyakov, G.V. Trusov, D.O. Moskovskikh // Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology. - 2020. - V. 93. - P. 251-261.
5. Ni-WSe2 nanostructures as efficient catalysts for electrochemical hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) in acidic and alkaline media / S.R. Kadam, A.N. Enyashin, L. Houben, R. Bar-Ziv, M. Bar-Sadan // Journal of Materials Chemistry A. - 2020. - V. 8. - P. 1403-1416.
6. Decomposition of single-source precursors under high-temperature high-pressure to access osmium-platinum refractory alloys / K.V. Yusenko, K. Spektor, S. Khandarkhaeva, T. Fedotenko, A. Pakhomova, I. Kupenko, A. Rohrbach, S. Klemme, W.A. Crichton, T.V. Dyachkova, A.P. Tyutyunnik, Y.G. Zainulin, L.S. Dubrovinsky, S.A. Gromilov // Journal of Alloys and Compounds. - 2020. - V. 813. - P. 152121.
7. Coexistence of three types of sodium motion in double molybdate Na9Sc(MoO4)6: 23Na and 45Sc NMR data and ab initio calculations / A.L. Buzlukov, I.Y. Arapova, Y.V. Baklanova, N.I. Medvedeva, T.A. Denisova, A.A. Savina, B.I. Lazoryak, E.G. Khaikina, M. Bardet // Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. - 2020. - V. 22. - P. 144-154.
8. Oxygen and electron transport in Ce0.1Sr0.9FeO3-δ / A.A. Markov, S.S. Nikitin, I.A. Leonidov, M.V. Patrakeev // Solid State Ionics. - 2020. - V. 344. - P. 115131.
9. Structural disorder and short-range order in full Heusler alloys Fe2VAl and Co2CrAl from first principles calculations / M.G. Kostenko, A.V. Lukoyanov // Materials Chemistry and Physics. - 2020. - V. 239. - P. 122100.
10. Crystal structure and magnetic properties of Sr2Ni1-xMgxMoO6 (x=0, 0.25, 0.5, and 0.75) polycrystals / N.V. Urusova, M.R. Kumar, M. Semkin, E. Filonova, M. Kratochvilova, D. Neznakhin, K. Grzhegorzhevskii, A. Ostroushko, J.G. Park, A. Pirogov // Solid State Sciences. - 2020. - V. 99. - P. 106008.
11. New phase within the SrO-RE2O3-GeO2 (RE = Dy-Lu) systems: Synthesis and quantum-chemical modeling / M.A. Melkozerova, A.N. Enyashin, A.Y. Chufarov, Y.V. Baklanova, A.P. Tyutyunnik, V.G. Zubkov // Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. - 2020. - V. 138. - P. 109241.
12. One-pot green synthesis of copper sulfide (I) thin films with p-type conductivity / N.S. Kozhevnikova, L.N. Maskaeva, V.P. Markov, O.A. Lipina, A.Y. Chufarov, M.V. Kuznetsov // Materials Chemistry and Physics. - 2020. - V. 242. - P. 122447.
13. Synthesis, spectroscopic and luminescence properties of Ga-doped gamma-Al2O3 / I.V. Baklanova, V.N. Krasilnikov, A.P. Tyutyunnik, A.N. Enyashin, Y.V. Baklanova, O.I. Gyrdasova, R.F. Samigullina, E.G. Vovkotrub // Spectrochimica Acta A. - 2020. - V. 227. - P. 117658.
14. Hybrid h-BN-Graphene Monolayer with B-C Boundaries on a Lattice-Matched Surface / K.A. Bokai, A.V. Tarasov, V.O. Shevelev, O.Y. Vilkov, A.A. Makarova, D. Marchenko, A.E. Petukhov, M. Muntwiler, A.V. Fedorov, V.Y. Voroshnin, L.V. Yashina, C. Laubschat, D.V. Vyalikh, D.Y. Usachov // Chemistry of Materials. - 2020. - V. 32. - P. 1172-1181.
15. Crystal structure and cation ordering in novel perovskite type oxides PrBaCoTa(Nb)O6-δ / B.V. Politov, S.N. Marshenya, M.O. Kalinkin, M.Y. Mychinko, A.Y. Suntsov, S.A. Petrova, V.P. Zhukov, E.V. Chulkov, V.L. Kozhevnikov // Journal of Alloys and Compounds. - 2020. - V. 824. - P. 153909.
16. Impact of the matrix on optical properties of nanocomposites with CdS QDs / S.V. Rempel, Y.V. Kuznetsova, I.D. Popov, A.A. Rempel // Journal of Alloys and Compounds. - 2020. - V. 823. - P. 153811.
17. Regulation of corundum band gap width by p elements and vacancy co-doping / V.M. Zainullina, M.A. Korotin // Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. - 2020. - V. 140. - P. 109357.
18. Solvation of anions in acetonitrile solutions: FTIR and quantum chemical study for Br-, ClO4-, AsF6-, and CF3SO3- / A.M. Erkabaev, T.V. Yaroslavtseva, O.G. Reznitskikh, O.V. Bushkova // Spectrochimica Acta A. - 2020. - V. 229. - P. 117873.
19. Composition, structure and functional properties of nanostructured PbSe films deposited using different antioxidants / L.N. Maskaeva, V.M. Yurk, V.F. Markov, M.V. Kuznetsov, V.I. Voronin, R.D. Muhamediarov, G.V. Zyrianov // Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing. - 2020. - V. 108. - P. 104867.
20. Effect of nonstoichiometry on crystal structure, charge and spin states of cobalt ions in Tb1-yBa1+yCo2-xO5.5-δ: Neutron diffraction and soft X-ray absorption spectroscopy studies / S.V. Naumov, V.I. Voronin, I.F. Berger, M.S. Udintseva, V.V. Mesilov, B.A. Gizhevskii, S.V. Telegin, V.R. Galakhov // Journal of Alloys and Compounds. - 2020. - V. 817. - P. 152775.
21. Nanosize effect on phase transformations of titanium oxide Ti2O3 / A.A. Valeeva, S.Z. Nazarova, A.A. Rempel // Journal of Alloys and Compounds. - 2020. - V. 817. - P. 153215.
22. Multimodal upconversion CaF2:Mn/Yb/Er/Si nanoparticles / V.G. Ilves, S.Y. Sokovnin, M.G. Zuev, M.A. Uimin, D.V. Privalova, J. Kozlova, V. Sammelselg // Journal of Fluorine Chemistry. - 2020. - V. 231. - P. 109457.
23. Enhanced surface sensitivity of X-ray photoelectron holography through the example of Bi2Te3(111) surface / I.I. Ogorodnikov, M.V. Kuznetsov, F. Matsui, D.I. Usachov, L.V. Yashina // Applied Surface Science. - 2020. - V. 505. - P. 144531.
24. Comparative analysis of water contamination of the Shagan river at the Semipalatinsk test site with heavy metals and artificial radionuclides / I. Gorlachev, P. Kharkin, M. Dyussembayeva, S. Lukashenko, G. Gluchshenko, L. Matiyenko, D. Zheltov, A. Kitamura, N.A. Khlebnikov // Journal of Environmental Radioactivity. - 2020. - V. 213. - P. 106110.
25. Effect of chemical reaction mechanism on the formation of ZnS colloid particles with structure disordering / N.S. Kozhevnikova, L.N. Maskaeva, V.F. Markov, A.S. Vorokh // Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing. - 2020. - V. 113. - P. 105047.
26. Study of d0 magnetism of BaF2 nanopowder after thermal and radiation exposure / V.G. Ilves, S.Y. Sokovnin, M.G. Zuev, A.M. Murzakaev // Journal of Magnetism and magnetic Materials. - 2020. - V. 504. - P. 166666.
27. Unconventional magnetism of non-uniform distribution of Co in TiO2 nanoparticles / A.Y. Yermakov, D.W. Boukhvalov, A.S. Volegov, M.A. Uimin, G.S. Zakharova, A.V. Korolev, E.V. Rosenfeld, V.V. Mesilov, A.S. Minin, V.R. Galakhov, L.S. Molochnikov, A.F. Gubkin, A.M. Murzakaev, S.F. Konev // Journal of Alloys and Compounds. - 2020. - V. 826. - P. 154194.
28. Quaternary LnxLa1-xS-TaS2 nanotubes (Ln=Pr, Sm, Ho, and Yb) as a vehicle for improving the yield of misfit nanotubes / M. Serra, L. Lajaunie, M.B. Sreedhara, Y. Miroshnikov, I. Pinkas, J.J. Calvino, A.N. Enyashin, R. Tenne // Applied Materials Today. - 2020. - V. 19. - P. 100581.
29. Negative volume thermal expansion of monoclinic Cu2-2xZn2xV2O7 in the temperature range from 93 to 673 K / M.V. Rotermel, T.I. Krasnenko, S.G. Titova, S.V. Praynichnikov // Journal of Solid State Chemistry. - 2020. - V. 285. - P. 121221.
30. Silicon-hydroxyapatite-glycerohydrogel as a promising biomaterial for dental applications / T.G. Khonina, O.N. Chupakhin, V.Y. Shur, A.P. Turygin, V.V. Sadovsky, Y.V. Mandra, E.A. Sementsova, A.Y. Kotikova, A.V. Legkikh, E.Y. Nikitina, E.A. Bogdanova, N.A. Sabirzyanov // Colloids and Surfaces B. - 2020. - V. 189. - P. 110851.
31. Structural and chemical mechanism underlying formation of Zn2SiO4:Mn crystalline phosphor properties / T.I. Krasnenko, A.N. Enyashin, N.A. Zaitseva, R.F. Samigullina, A.P. Tyutyunnik, I.V. Baklanova, M.V. Rotermel, T.A. Onufrieva // Journal of Alloys and Compounds. - 2020. - V. 820. - P. 153129.
32. Redox behavior and ionic conductivity of Al-doped Sr3LaFe3O10-δ / E.V. Tsipis, M.V. Patrakeev, P.V. Anikina, E.N. Naumovich, V.V. Kharton // Materials Letters. - 2020. - V. 265. - P. 127425.
33. Laser-synthesized Ce3+ and Pr3+ doped Y2O3 nanoparticles and their characteristics / I. Krutikova, M. Ivanov, A. Murzakaev, K.V. Nefedova // Materials Letters. - 2020. - V. 265. - P. 127435.
34. Structural stability, defects and competitive oxygen migration in Pr1-xYxBaCo2O6-δ / V.P. Zhukov, B.V. Politov, A.Y. Suntsov, I.A. Leonidov, I.R. Shein, V.L. Kozhevnikov // Solid State Ionics. - 2020. - V. 347. - P. 115230.
35. Radiation defects upon irradiation with Kr14+ ions of TaC0.81 ceramics / M.V. Zdorovets, A.S. Kurlov, A.L. Kozlovskiy // Surface and Coatings Technology. - 2020. - V. 386. - P. 125499.
36. Sodium diffusion and redox properties of alluaudite Na2+2xM2-x(MoO4)3 (M=Fe, Co, Ni) from DFT+U study / A.V. Serdtsev, S.F. Solodovnikov, N.I. Medvedeva // Materials Today Communications. - 2020. - V. 22. - P. 100825.
37. Anionic state of platinum-group metal atoms in a series of ternary and quarternary compounds / V.V. Bannikov, I.R. Shein // Computational Condensed Matter. - 2020. - V. 22. - P. e00441.
38. A Magneto-Reflectivity Study of CuInTe2 Single Crystals / M.V. Yakushev, C. Faugeras, A.V. Mudryi, R.W. Martin // Physica Status Solidi (B). - 2020. - V. 257. - P. 1900464.
39. Paramagnetic Mn Antisite Defects in Nanoceramics of Aluminum-Magnesium Spinel / A.F. Zatsepin, A.N. Kiryakov, D.R. Baytimirov, T.V. Dyachkova, A.P. Tyutyunnik, Y.G. Zainulin // Physics of the Solid State. - 2020. - V. 62. - P. 137-143.
40. Luminescence of alumina ceramic doped with lanthanum under medium- and high-dose irradiation / S.V. Zvonarev, V.Y. Churkin, V.A. Pankov, K.Y. Chesnokov, A.V. Chukin, A.V. Abramov // Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B. - 2020. - V. 465. - P. 42-46.
41. Influence of defects on thermoluminescence in pristine and doped LiMgPO4 / M.O. Kalinkin, R. Abashev, A. Surdo, N.I. Medvedeva, D.G. Kellerman // Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B. - 2020. - V. 465. - P. 1-5.
42. Anisotropy of microstructure and elastic properties of niobium carbide nanopowders / A.I. Gusev // Solid State Sciences. - 2020. - V. 100. - P. 106092.
43. Hopping conductivity in V2O5-P2O5 glasses: Experiment and non-constant force field molecular dynamics / I.A. Saiko, N.S. Saetova, A.A. Raskovalov, E.A. Ilina, N.G. Molchanova, N.I. Kadyrova // Solid State Ionics. - 2020. - V. 345. - P. 115180.
44. Photocatalytic activity of LiMgPO4 in the hydroquinone decomposition and related surface phenomena / M.O. Kalinkin, M.Y. Yanchenko, L.Y. Buldakova, A.V. Dmitriev, N.A. Zhuravlev, D.G. Kellerman // Reaction Kinetics Mechanisms and Catalysis. - 2020. - V. 129. - P. 1061-1076.
45. A Room-Temperature Verwey-type Transition in Iron Oxide, Fe5O6 / S.V. Ovsyannikov, M. Bykov, S.A. Medvedev, P.G. Naumov, A. Jesche, A.A. Tsirlin, E. Bykova, I. Chuvashova, A.E. Karkin, V. Dyadkin, D. Chernyshov, L.S. Dubrovinsky // Angewandte Chemie International Edition. - 2020. - V. 59. - P. 5632-5636.
46. Effect of High Temperatures on the Microstructure and Properties of Fluorine-Containing Hydroxyapatite-Based Materials / E.A. Bogdanova, V.M. Skachkov, O.V. Skachkova, N.A. Sabirzyanov // Inorganic Materials. - 2020. - V. 56. - P. 172-177.
47. Carbothermal Synthesis, Properties, and Structure of Ultrafine SiC Fibers / A.S. Lebedev, A.V. Suzdaltsev, V.N. Anfilogov, A.S. Farlenkov, N.M. Porotnikova, E.G. Vovkotrub, L.A. Akashev // Inorganic Materials. - 2020. - V. 56. - P. 20-27.
48. High Photocatalytic Activity Under Visible Light of Sandwich Structures Based on Anodic TiO2/CdS Nanoparticles/Sol-Gel TiO2 / A.A. Rempel, Y.V. Kuznetsova, I.B. Dorosheva, A.A. Valeeva, I.A. Weinstein, E.A. Kozlova, A.A. Saraev, D.S. Selishchev // Topics in Catalysis. - 2020. - V. 63. - P. 130-138.
49. Intrinsic defects and their influence on optical properties of ALa9(GeO4)6O2 (A = Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs) oxyapatites prepared by spray pyrolysis / M.A. Melkozerova, A.V. Ishchenko, A.N. Enyashin, Y.V. Baklanova, L.L. Surat, E.V. Vladimirova, O.A. Lipina, A.Y. Chufarov, A.V. Dmitriev, E.V. Zabolotskaya, A.P. Tyutyunnik, V.G. Zubkov // Journal of Alloys and Compounds. - 2020. - V. 839. - P. 155609.
50. Thermal analysis and mechanism of formation of Zn2SiO4:Mn phosphor under heating of synthetic hemimorphite / R.F. Samigullina, T.I. Krasnenko // Materials Research Bulletin. - 2020. - V. 129. - P. 110890.
51. The effect of Mo concentration on the electrical properties of CaV1-xMoxO3-δ (x=0.2-0.6) anode materials for solid oxide fuel cells / S.A. Belyakov, S.N. Shkerin, D.G. Kellerman, M.S. Plekhanov // Materials Research Bulletin. - 2020. - V. 129. - P. 110904.
52. Synthesis and optical properties of nanostructured ZnS and heteronanostructures based on zinc and silver sulfides / S.I. Sadovnikov, A.V. Ishchenko, I.A. Weinstein // Journal of Alloys and Compounds. - 2020. - V. 831. - P. 154846.
53. Novel orange-red-emitting Li5+xCaxLa3-xTa2O12:Sm3+ (x = 0) / Y.V. Baklanova, L.G. Maksimova, O.A. Lipina, A.P. Tyutyunnik, V.G. Zubkov // 1) phosphors: Crystal structure, luminescence and thermal quenching studies. - 2020. - V. Journal of Luminescence. - P. 224.
54. Sodium-ion diffusion in alluaudite Na5In(MoO4)4 / A.L. Buzlukov, N.I. Medvedeva, Y.V. Baklanova, A.V. Skachkov, A.A. Savina, I.E. Animitsa, T.A. Denisova, E.G. Khaikina // Solid State Ionics. - 2020. - V. 351. - P. 115328.
55. Phase stability and thermodynamic properties of PrBaMn2O6-δ / V.S. Kudyakova, B.V. Politov, A.Y. Suntsov, V.L. Kozhevnikov // Journal of Solid State Chemistry. - 2020. - V. 287. - P. 121382.
56. Dielectric properties of new oxide phases Ln0.65Sr1.35Co0.5Ti0.5O4 (Ln = La, Nd, Pr) with the K2NiF4-type structure / Y.A. Deeva, T.I. Chupakhina, N.V. Melnikova, A.A. Mirzorakhimov // Ceramics International. - 2020. - V. 46. - P. 15305-15313.
57. The crystal site engineering and turning of cross-relaxation in green-emitting beta-Ca3(PO4)2-related phosphors / D.V. Deyneko, V.A. Morozov, A.A. Vasin, S.M. Aksenov, Y.Y. Dikhtyar, S.Y. Stefanovich, B.I. Lazoryak // Journal of Luminescence. - 2020. - V. 223. - P. 117196.
58. Phase stability and oxygen storage capacity of PrBaMn2O6-δ / V.S. Kudyakova, B.V. Politov, A.V. Chukin, A.A. Markov, A.Y. Suntsov, V.L. Kozhevnikov // Materials Letters. - 2020. - V. 269. - P. 127650.
59. Thermal Properties of Ultra- and Nanodispersed Core-Shell Structures of Ti(Mo)C and Ti(Mo)C-Co Obtained During Plasma-Chemical Synthesis by Plasma Recondensation Scheme / Y.A. Avdeeva, I.V. Luzhkova, A.N. Ermakov, R.F. Samigullina, E.G. Vovkotrub, E. Dobrinsky, Y.G. Zainulin // Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B. - 2020. - V. 51. - P. 1048-1059.
60. Luminescence of impurity and intrinsic defects of Na-doped alumina ceramic / S.V. Zvonarev, V.A. Pankov, V.Y. Churkin, K.Y. Chesnokov, A.V. Chukin, A.V. Abramov // Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B. - 2020. - V. 471. - P. 53-58.
61. Quantum-Chemical and IR Spectroscopic Study of Ionic Association in Solutions of LiCF3SO3 in Acetonitrile / A.M. Erkabaev, T.V. Yaroslavtseva, O.V. Bushkova // Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. - 2020. - V. 94. - P. 933-938.
62. The g-factor of CuGaSe2 studied by circularly polarised magneto-reflectance / M.V. Yakushev, M.A. Sulimov, C. Faugeras, A.V. Mudryi, R.W. Martin // Journal of Physics D. - 2020. - V. 53. - P. 17LT02.
63. MoO2/C Composites: Synthesis, Properties, and Formation Mechanism / Z.A. Fattakhova, G.S. Zakharova // Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. - 2020. - V. 65. - P. 480-487.
64. Synthesis of samarium oxysulfate Sm2O2SO4 in the high-temperature oxidation reaction and its structural, thermal and luminescent properties / Y.G. Denisenko, E.I. Salnikova, S.A. Basova, M.S. Molokeev, A.S. Krylov, A.S. Aleksandrovsky, A.S. Oreshonkov, V.V. Atuchin, S.S. Volkova, N.A. Khritokhin, O.V. Andreev // Molecules. - 2020. - V. 25. - P. 25061330.
65. Determination of the Optical Properties and Electrical Characteristics of Solid and Liquid Ytterbium with Ellipsometric Measurements / L.A. Akashev, N.A. Popov, V.G. Shevchenko // Journal of Applied Spectroscopy. - 2020. - V. 87. - P. 134-142.
66. Li4Ti5O12/LiFePO4 solid-state lithium-ion full cell with lithiated nafion membrane / E.Y. Evshchik, E.A. Sanginov, R.R. Kayumov, V.D. Zhuravlev, O.V. Bushkova, Y.A. Dobrovolsky // International Journal of Electrochemical Science. - 2020. - V. 15. - P. 2216-2225.
67. Electrodeposition of Thin Silicon Films from the KF-KCl-KI-K2SiF6 Melt / M.V. Laptev, A.V. Isakov, O.V. Grishenkova, A.S. Vorobev, A.O. Khudorozhkova, L.A. Akashev, Y.P. Zaikov // Journal of the Electrochemical Society. - 2020. - V. 167. - P. 042506.
68. Interaction of Humic Acids with Microelements/Radionuclides in Sorption Systems / I.V. Volkov, E.V. Polyakov // Radiochemistry. - 2020. - V. 62. - P. 141-160.
69. Niobium Monoxide Superstructures / A.I. Gusev // JETP Letters. - 2020. - V. 111. - P. 176-182.
70. Nickel-Ceramic Electrodes with High Nickel Content for Solid Electrolyte Electrochemical Devices / D.A. Osinkin, V.D. Zhuravlev // Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry. - 2020. - V. 93. - P. 299-304.
71. Cycle of production of aluminum-scandium alloys and alloys / S.P. Yatsenko, V.M. Skachkov, L.A. Pasechnik, B.V. Ovsyannikov // Tsvetnye Metally. - 2020. - V. 2020. - P. 68-73.
72. Interaction of Microelements at Coprecipitation with Humic Acids / E.V. Polyakov, I.V. Volkov, A.A. Ioshin, M.Y. Chebotina, V.P. Guseva // Radiochemistry. - 2020. - V. 62. - P. 85-94.
73. YS-TaS2 and YxLa1-xS-TaS2 (0 <= x <= 1) Nanotubes: A Family of Misfit Layered Compounds / S. Hettler, M.B. Sreedhara, M. Serra, S.S. Sinha, R. Popovitz-Biro, I. Pnkas, A.N. Enyashin, R. Tenne, R. Arenal // ACS Nano. - 2020. - V. 14. - P. 5445-5458.
74. Molecular dynamics simulations of zinc sulfide deposition on silver sulfide from aqueous solution / S.I. Sadovnikov, I.A. Balyakin // Computational Materials Science. - 2020. - V. 184. - P. 109821.
75. Structural features of Li2O-V2O5-B2O3 glasses: Experiment and molecular dynamics simulation / N.S. Saetova, A.A. Raskovalov, B.D. Antonov, T.A. Denisova, N.A. Zhuravlev // Journal of Non-Crystalline-Solids. - 2020. - V. 545. - P. 120253.
76. A new approach for synthesis of epitaxial nano-thin Pt5Gd alloy via intercalation underneath a graphene / A.G. Rybkin, A.A. Rybkina, A.V. Tarasov, D.A. Pudikov, I.I. Klimovskikh, O.Y. Vilkov, A.E. Petukhov, D.Y. Usachov, D.A. Estyunin, V.Y. Voroshnin, A. Varykhalov, G. DiSanto, L. Petaccia, E.F. Schwier, K. Shimada, A. Kimura, A.M. Shikin // Applied Surface Science. - 2020. - V. 526. - P. 146687.
77. Transformation of electron density distribution induced by the cation point defects in uranium dioxide / M.V. Ryzhkov, M.A. Kovalenko, A.Y. Kupryazhkin, S.K. Gupta // Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry. - 2020. - V. 325. - P. 253-262.
78. Thermodynamics and Magnetic Characteristics of Mixed Oxides on the Basis of Bismuth, Erbium, and Cobalt / N.I. Matskevich, D.G. Kellerman, N.V. Gelfond, V.P. Zaitsev, V.G. Martynetz // Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. - 2020. - V. 65. - P. 720-724.
79. Upconversion luminescence of germanate nanophosphors activated by Er3+ and Yb3+ ions / M.G. Zuev, V.G. Ilves, S.Y. Sokovnin, A.A. Vasin, E.G. Vovkotrub, E.V. Batalova, E.A. Shebuhova, E.Y. Zhuravleva // Russian Chemical Bulletin. - 2020. - V. 69. - P. 952-957.
80. Dynamics of the Oxygen Adsorption Process on the Surface of Aluminum-Cerium Alloy in Polycrystalline and Amorphous States / A.I. Kiselev, V.G. Shevchenko, A.V. Konyukova // Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces. - 2020. - V. 56. - P. 252-255.
81. Gas-tight proton-conducting Nd2-xCaxZr2O7-δ (x = 0, 0.05) ceramics / A.V. Shlyakhtina, N.V. Lyskov, E.Y. Konysheva, S.A. Chernyak, I.V. Kolbanev, G.A. Vorobieva, L.G. Shcherbakova // Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry. - 2020. - V. 24. - P. 1475-1486.
82. Technology for Producing Ceramic Materials for Hydrocyclone Linings / R.A. Shishkin, Y.V. Yuferov // Glass and Ceramics. - 2020. - V. 77. - P. 57-61.
83. Prospects for Using Different Forms of Hydroxyapatite to Create a Biologically Active Scaffold / E.A. Bogdanova, A.G. Shirokova, V.M. Skachkov, N.A. Sabirzyanov // Journal of Surface Investigation. - 2020. - V. 14. - P. 473-478.
84. Adiabatic potential energy surface of the Jahn-Teller complexes in CaF2:Ni2+ crystal determined from experiment on ultrasonic attenuation / M.N. Sarychev, W.A.L. Hosseny, A.S. Bondarevskaya, I.V. Zhevstovskikh, A.V. Egranov, O.S. Grunskiy, V.T. Surikov, N.S. Averkiev, V.V. Gudkov // Journal of Alloys and Compounds. - 2020. - V. 848. - P. 156167.
85. An insight into indium effect on the crystal structure and thermoluminescence of LiMgPO4: Combined experiment and ab initio calculations / D.G. Kellerman, M.O. Kalinkin, A.P. Tyutyunnik, N.I. Medvedeva, R.M. Abashev, A.I. Surdo // Journal of Alloys and Compounds. - 2020. - V. 846. - P. 156242.
86. The effect of Mg introduction on structural and luminescence properties of Zn2SiO4:Mn phosphor / T.I. Krasnenko, N.A. Zaitseva, I.V. Ivanova, I.V. Baklanova, R.F. Samigullina, M.V. Rotermel // Journal of Alloys and Compounds. - 2020. - V. 845. - P. 156296.
87. Novel method for the production of copper(II) formates, their thermal, spectral and magnetic properties / V.N. Krasilnikov, V.P. Zhukov, E.V. Chulkov, I.V. Baklanova, D.G. Kellerman, O.I. Gyrdasova, T.V. Dyachkova, A.P. Tyutyunnik // Journal of Alloys and Compounds. - 2020. - V. 845. - P. 156208.
88. Precursor technology for the production of white and color phosphors based on Al2O3:Ln (Ln=Eu3+, Tb3+ or Eu3+/Tb3+) / I.V. Baklanova, V.N. Krasilnikov, A.P. Tyutyunnik, Y.V. Baklanova // Journal of Solid State Chemistry. - 2020. - V. 292. - P. 121699.
89. High-temperature polaronic transport in PrBaCoTa(Nb)O6 perovskite-like phases / B.V. Politov, E.A. Antipinskaya, I.R. Shein, A.Y. Suntsov // Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. - 2020. - V. 147. - P. 109645.
90. Synthesis, structure, magnetic behavior and dielectric relaxation of the LaxSr2-xFexTi1-xO4 (x = 0.5, 0.7) oxide ceramic / T.I. Chupakhina, N.V. Melnikova, N.I. Kadyrova, Y.A. Deeva, A.A. Mirzorakhimov, T.P. Gavrilova, I.F. Gilmutdinov, R.M. Eremina // Journal of Solid State Chemistry. - 2020. - V. 292. - P. 121687.
91. Local environment of CdS nanoparticles incorporated into anatase/brookite matrix via sol-gel route: HRTEM, Raman spectroscopy and MD simulation / E.S. Ulyanova, D.A. Zamyatin, A.M. Murzakaev, A.A. Yushkov, N.S. Kozhevnikova, T.I. Gorbunova, A.S. Vorokh, A.N. Enyashin, E.V. Shalaeva // Materials Today Communications. - 2020. - V. 25. - P. 101465.
92. Structural and optical characterization of Tm3+-doped apatite related NaLa9(GeO4)6O2 phosphors / O.A. Lipina, Y.V. Baklanova, L.L. Surat, M.A. Melkozerova, A.Y. Chufarov, A.P. Tyutyunnik, V.G. Zubkov // Ceramics International. - 2020. - V. 46. - P. 26416-26424.
93. Synthesis, morphology and electrochemical properties of spherulite titania nanocrystals / V.I. Popkov, A.K. Bachina, A.A. Valeeva, A.A. Lobinsky, E.Y. Gerasimov, A.A. Rempel // Ceramics International. - 2020. - V. 46. - P. 24483-24487.
94. A promising process for transformation of hematite to magnetite with simultaneous dissolution of alumina from red mud in alkaline medium / L.A. Pasechnik, V.M. Skachkov, E.A. Bogdanova, A.Y. Chufarov, D.G. Kellerman, I.S. Medyankina, S.P. Yatsenko // Hydrometallurgy. - 2020. - V. 196. - P. 105438.
95. Potassium Poly(Heptazine Imide): Transition Metal-Free Solid-State Triplet Sensitizer in Cascade Energy Transfer and [3+2]-cycloadditions / A. Savateev, N.V. Tarakina, V. Strauss, T. Hussain, K. DenBrummelhuis, J.M. SanchezVadillo, Y. Markushyna, S. Mazzanti, A.P. Tyutyunnik, R. Walczak, M. Oschatz, D.M. Guldi, A. Karton, M. Antonietti // Angewandte Chemie International Edition. - 2020. - V. 59. - P. 15061-15068.
96. New Li-Mg phosphates with a 3D framework: experimental and: ab initio calculations / D.G. Kellerman, A.P. Tyutyunnik, N.I. Medvedeva, A.Y. Chufarov, A.D. Fortes, A.S. Gibbs, N.V. Tarakina, M.O. Kalinkin, N.A. Zhuravlev, O.N. Leonidova // Dalton Transactions. - 2020. - V. 49. - P. 10069-10083.
97. Luminescence Properties of Sr2La8-xTmx(GeO4)6O2 Apatites (x = 0.1-1.0) in the Visible and Short-Wave IR Spectral Ranges / Y.V. Baklanova, O.A. Lipina, L.L. Surat, A.Y. Chufarov, A.P. Tyutyunnik, V.G. Zubkov // Physics of the Solid State. - 2020. - V. 62. - P. 1407-1414.
98. Low-temperature decomposition and segregation on a surface in carbide-containing solid solutions of the zirconium-niobium-carbon system and in related ternary systems / S.V. Rempel, A.I. Gusev // Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. - 2020. - V. 22. - P. 14918-14931.
99. Electrically Controlled Spin Injection from Giant Rashba Spin-Orbit Conductor BiTeBr / Z. Kovacs-Krausz, A.M. Hoque, P. Makk, B. Szentpeteri, M. Kocsis, B. Fulop, M.V. Yakushev, T.V. Kuznetsova, O.F. Tereshchenko, K.A. Kokh, I.E. Lukacs, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, S.P. Dash, S. Csonka // Nano Letters. - 2020. - V. 20. - P. 4782-4791.
100. Effects of high mechanical treatment and long-term annealing on crystal structure and thermal stability of Ti2O3 nanocrystals / A.A. Valeeva, S.Z. Nazarova, H. Schrottner, E.Y. Gerasimov, A.A. Rempel // RSC Advances. - 2020. - V. 10. - P. 25717-25720.
101. Synthesis and Ion-Selective Properties of (NH4)xV2O5*nH2O / N.V. Podvalnaya, G.S. Zakharova // Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. - 2020. - V. 65. - P. 967-974.
102. Vacuum Annealing of TaC Nanopowders / A.S. Kurlov, N.D. Yumasheva, D.A. Danilov // Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. - 2020. - V. 94. - P. 1447-1455.
103. Effect of Exposure to Air on the Phase Composition and Particle Size of Nanocrystalline Lead Sulfide / S.I. Sadovnikov // Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. - 2020. - V. 65. - P. 812-819.
104. Scandium extraction from multicomponent systems by crystallization of complex sulfates / L.A. Pasechnik, I.S. Medyankina, S.P. Yatsenko // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. - 2020. - V. 848. - P. 012064.
105. High-energy ball milling of nonstoichiometric compounds / A.I. Gusev // Physics-Uspekhi. - 2020. - V. 63. - P. 342-364.
106. SCSTempCal Software for Solution-Combustion-Synthesis Applications / S.M. Khaliullin, I.S. Popov, V.D. Zhuravlev // International Journal of Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis. - 2020. - V. 29. - P. 87-95.
107. Influence of the Amount of Fe2O3 Modifier on the Oxidation Rate of ASD-4 Micron-Sized Powder / V.G. Shevchenko, V.N. Krasilnikov, D.A. Eselevich, A.V. Konyukova, Z.S. Vinokurov, A.I. Ancharov, B.P. Tolochko // Combustion, Explosion and Shock Waves. - 2020. - V. 56. - P. 156-162.
108. Self-Assembly of Ag2S Colloidal Nanoparticles Stabilized by MPS in Water Solution / S.V. Rempel, Y.V. Kuznetsova, A.A. Rempel // ACS Omega. - 2020. - V. 5. - P. 16826-16832.
109. Effect of Stoichiometry and Ordering on the Microstructure of Titanium Monoxide TiOy / S.V. Rempel, A.A. Rempel, A.A. Valeeva // ACS Omega. - 2020. - V. 5. - P. 22513-22519.
110. Photocatalytic Properties of Bi2-xTi2O7-1.5x (x = 0, 0.5) Pyrochlores: Hybrid DFT Calculations and Experimental Study / A.G. Krasnov, M.S. Napalkov, M.I. Vlasov, M.S. Koroleva, I.R. Shein, I.V. Piir // Inorganic Chemistry. - 2020. - V. 59. - P. 12385-12396.
111. Controlling the thermoelectric power of silicon-germanium alloys in different crystalline phases by applying high pressure / N.V. Morozova, I.V. Korobeinikov, N.V. Abrosimov, S.V. Ovsyannikov // CrystEngComm. - 2020. - V. 22. - P. 5416-5435.
112. The impact of morphotropy and polymorphism on electric properties of manganites: the case of Sr0.5Ca0.5Mn1-xVxO3-δ / E.I. Konstantinova, I.A. Leonidov, A.A. Markov, R.F. Samigullina, A.V. Chukin, I.I. Leonidov // Journal of Materials Chemistry A. - 2020. - V. 8. - P. 16497-16505.
113. Formation of nanodimensional structures in precipitated hydroxyapatite by fluorine substitution / E.A. Bogdanova, V.M. Skachkov, I.S. Medyankina, H. Schrottner, N.A. Sabirzyanov, A.A. Rempel // SN Applied Sciences. - 2020. - V. 2. - P. 1565.
114. Supercritical fluid synthesis and possible properties of "cubic graphite" / A.V. Pokropivny, A.N. Enyashin, A.S. Smolyar, V.A. Kuts, V.G. Gurin, S.A. Antipov, P.M. Silenko, Y.M. Solonin // Nanosystems: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics. - 2020. - V. 11. - P. 408-416.
115. Visible light photoluminescence in TiO2/CdS nanopowders synthesized by sol-gel route: effect of gel aging time / E.S. Ulyanova, D.A. Zamyatin, V.Y. Kolosov, E.V. Shalaeva // Nanosystems: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics. - 2020. - V. 11. - P. 480-487.
116. ZnS Nanopowders and ZnS/Ag2S Heteronanostructures: Synthesis and Properties / S.I. Sadovnikov, A.V. Ishchenko, I.A. Weinstein // Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. - 2020. - V. 65. - P. 1312-1319.
117. Physicochemical Studies of Al-Cu Alloy Powder and Material on Its Basis Produced under Nonoptimal Conditions of 3D Printing / V.G. Shevchenko, D.A. Eselevich, N.A. Popov, M.V. Kuznetsov, A.G. Merkushev // Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces. - 2020. - V. 56. - P. 693-699.
118. Electronic structure and sodium-ion diffusion in glaserite-type A3-xNa1+x(MoO4)2 (A = Cs, K) studied with first-principles calculations / A.V. Serdtsev, D.V. Suetin, S.F. Solodovnikov, O.A. Gulyaeva, N.I. Medvedeva // Solid State Ionics. - 2020. - V. 357. - P. 115484.
119. Defect formation peculiarities and redox properties of novel oxygen carrier material LaCu0.5Ti0.5O3±δ at elevated temperatures / B.V. Politov, R.A. Shishkin, A.A. Markov, I.R. Shein, A.Y. Suntsov // Solid State Sciences. - 2020. - V. 110. - P. 106480.
120. Disorder-order and order-order phase transformations in Ta5C4 phases predicted using the evolutionary algorithm and symmetry analysis / M.G. Kostenko, A.I. Gusev, A.V. Lukoyanov // Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. - 2020. - V. 22. - P. 24116-24132.
121. Synthesis of Ag2S colloidal solutions in D2O heavy water / S.I. Sadovnikov, A.I. Gusev // RSC Advances. - 2020. - V. 10. - P. 40171-40179.
122. Adsorption and Structural Properties of ASD-4 Powder after Surface Modification with Mn, Fe, Co, and Ni Formates / A.V. Ryabina, V.G. Shevchenko // Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. - 2020. - V. 94. - P. 2325-2330.
123. Crystal structure, luminescence properties and thermal stability of BaY2-xEuxGe3O10 phosphors with high colour purity for blue-excited pc-LEDs / O.A. Lipina, L.L. Surat, Y.V. Baklanova, L.Y. Mironov, A.N. Enyashin, A.Y. Chufarov, A.P. Tyutyunnik, V.G. Zubkov // New Journal of Chemistry. - 2020. - V. 44. - P. 16400-16411.
124. Synthesis of Silver Sulfide Colloidal Solutions in Heavy Water D2O / S.I. Sadovnikov // Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. - 2020. - V. 65. - P. 1630-1635.
125. Synthesis and Properties of Manganese Oxides Obtained via Combustion Reactions with Glycine and Citric Acid / V.D. Zhuravlev, S.M. Khaliullin, L.V. Ermakova, V.G. Bamburov // Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. - 2020. - V. 65. - P. 1522-1528.
126. Synthesis and Crystal-Chemical, Thermal, and Spectrochemical Properties of the Zn2-2xNi2xSiO4 Solid Solution with a Willemite Structure / I.V. Ivanova, N.A. Zaitseva, R.F. Samigullina, I.V. Baklanova, M.V. Rotermel // Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. - 2020. - V. 65. - P. 1535-1540.
127. The effect of permanent magnetic field on photoluminescence of nanopowder oxides produced by pulsed electron beam evaporation / S.Y. Sokovnin, V.G. Ilves, M.G. Zuev // Nano-Structures and Nano-Objects. - 2020. - V. 24. - P. 100592.
128. Synthesis of nanostructured carbon materials with different morphology of aggregates and their sorption properties with respect to nickel(II) ions / V.N. Krasilnikov, O.D. Linnikov, O.I. Gyrdasova, I.V. Rodina, A.P. Tyutyunnik, I.V. Baklanova, E.V. Polyakov, N.A. Khlebnikov, N.V. Tarakina // Solid State Sciences. - 2020. - V. 108. - P. 106429.
129. Structure and Photoelectric Properties of PbSe Films Deposited in the Presence of Ascorbic Acid / L.N. Maskaeva, V.M. Yurk, V.F. Markov, M.V. Kuznetsov, V.I. Voronin, O.A. Lipina // Semiconductors. - 2020. - V. 54. - P. 1191-1197.
130. Velocities of Longitudinal and Transverse Elastic Vibrations in Superionic Silver Sulfide / S.I. Sadovnikov // JETP Letters. - 2020. - V. 112. - P. 193-198.
131. Production of rich aluminum master alloys containing scandium, yttrium and zirconium for non-ferrous and ferrous metallurgy / S.P. Yatsenko, V.M. Skachkov, L.A. Pasechnik // Tsvetnye Metally. - 2020. - V. 2020. - P. 49-55.
132. Deep machine learning interatomic potential for liquid silica / I.A. Balyakin, S.V. Rempel, R.E. Ryltsev, A.A. Rempel // Physical Review E. - 2020. - V. 102. - P. 052125.
133. Synthesis and comparative photocatalytic activity of CuO layers on SiO2 substrates / E.V. Polyakov, R.R. Tsukanov, I.V. Volkov, L.Y. Buldakova, I.V. Baklanova, O.A. Lipina, V.P. Zhukov, Y.V. Kuznetsova, A.P. Tyutyunnik, M.A. Maksimova // NANOSYSTEMS: PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY, MATHEMATICS. - 2020. - V. 11. - P. 601-607.
134. A facile low-temperature deposition of Sn-rich tin (II) monosulfide colloid particles / N.S. Kozhevnikova, L.N. Maskaeva, E.E. Lekomtseva, L.A. Pasechnik, A.Y. Chufarov, O.A. Lipina, A.N. Enyashin, V.F. Markov // NANOSYSTEMS: PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY, MATHEMATICS. - 2020. - V. 11. - P. 529-536.
135. Spin-glass transition in porous spheres BiFeO3 / A.V. Dmitriev, E.V. Vladimirova, M.A. Semkin, A.V. Korolev // NANOSYSTEMS: PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY, MATHEMATICS. - 2020. - V. 11. - P. 565-571.
136. Synthesis of nanostructured hollow microspheres of vanadium (III, V) oxides / E.V. Vladimirova, O.I. Gyrdasova, A.V. Dmitriev // NANOSYSTEMS: PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY, MATHEMATICS. - 2020. - V. 11. - P. 572-577.
137. Synthesis, characterization and luminescent properties of Mg- and Cr-doped alumina ceramics / E.I. Frolov, S.V. Zvonarev, Y.V. Moschensky, K.Y. Chesnokov, A.V. Chukin, A.V. Abramov, V.Y. Churkin, E.V. Moiseykin, N.V. Obvintseva // AIP Conference Proceedings. - 2020. - V. 2280. - P. 0018319.
138. New nanophosphors produced by evaporation of Sr2La8(1-x-y)ErxYbyGe6O26 polycrystals / M.G. Zuev, A.A. Vasin, E.V. Batalova, V.G. Ilves, S.Y. Sokovnin, E.Y. Zhuravleva // AIP Conference Proceedings. - 2020. - V. 2280. - P. 0027784.
139. Pulse cathodo- and photoluminescence of Mg-doped alumina ceramic / S.V. Zvonarev, N.O. Smirnov, A.V. Chukin, A.V. Abramov, K.Y. Chesnokov // AIP Conference Proceedings. - 2020. - V. 2280. - P. 0018461.
140. Application of synchrotron radiation to study the surface atomic structure of 2D materials / I.A. Arkhandeev, I.I. Ogorodnikov, L.V. Yashina, T.V. Kuznetsova, M.V. Kuznetsov // AIP Conference Proceedings. - 2020. - V. 2299. - P. 040004.
141. Determination of Oxygen Content in a Complex Oxide PrBaMn2O6-δ / A.A. Pikulo, D.A. Danilov, V.S. Kudyakova, A.Y. Suntsov // AIP Conference Proceedings. - 2020. - V. 2313. - P. 050051.
142. La2CuO4 as a promising oxygen carrier for CLOU process / R.A. Shishkin, A.Y. Suntsov // AIP Conference Proceedings. - 2020. - V. 2313. - P. 060024.
143. Preparation and study of films formed by Ag2S nanoparticles stabilized by MPS / E.S. Vorontsova, Y.V. Kuznetsova, S.V. Rempel // AIP Conference Proceedings. - 2020. - V. 2313. - P. 030042.
144. Synthesis of highly luminescent ZnS QDs in aqueous solution / Y.V. Kuznetsova, I.D. Popov, A.A. Rempel // AIP Conference Proceedings. - 2020. - V. 2313. - P. 030021.
145. Influence of irradiation of Cu(In,Ga)Se2 thin films by 10 MeV electrons on photoluminescence spectra / M.A. Sulimov, M.N. Sarychev, I.A. Mogilnikov, V.Y. Ivanov, V.D. Zhivulko, O.M. Borodavchenko, A.V. Mudryi, M.V. Yakushev // AIP Conference Proceedings. - 2020. - V. 2313. - P. 030007.
146. Reconstruction of atomic structure using holographic methods / I.A. Arkhandeev, I.I. Ogorodnikov, L.V. Yashina, T.V. Kuznetsova, M.V. Kuznetsov // AIP Conference Proceedings. - 2020. - V. 2313. - P. 030009.
147. Impurity Mn2+ defects in MgAl2O4 nanoceramics / V.A. Dutov, A.N. Kiryakov, A.F. Zatsepin, A.V. Fokin, T.V. Dyachkova, A.P. Tyutyunnik, Y.G. Zainulin // AIP Conference Proceedings. - 2020. - V. 2313. - P. 030013.
148. Effects of chemical treatment of Cu2ZnSnSe4 thin films on photoluminescence of solar cells ZnO/CdS/Cu2ZnSnSe4/Mo/Glass / I.A. Mogilnikov, M.A. Sulimov, V.Y. Ivanov, M.N. Sarychev, I. Forbes, V.D. Zhivulko, O.M. Borodavchenko, A.V. Mudryi, M.V. Yakushev // AIP Conference Proceedings. - 2020. - V. 2313. - P. 030022.
149. Adiabatic potential energy surface of the Jahn-Teller complexes in SrF2:Cr2+ crystal / M.N. Sarychev, W.A.L. Hosseny, A.S. Bondarevskaya, G.S. Shakurov, V.A. Ulanov, V.T. Surikov, I.V. Zhevstovskikh, N.S. Averkiev, V.V. Gudkov // AIP Conference Proceedings. - 2020. - V. 2313. - P. 030071.
150. Synthesis of nanosized silica from industrial waste and its characteristics / I.S. Medyankina, L.A. Pasechnik // AIP Conference Proceedings. - 2020. - V. 2313. - P. 050020.
151. Modification of the titanium oxide Ti2O3 powders structure on the duration of mechanical high-energy treatment / I.B. Dorosheva, A.A. Valeeva, A.A. Rempel // AIP Conference Proceedings. - 2020. - V. 2313. - P. 050046.
152. Electronic properties of disordered perovskite-like ferrites: Coherent potential approach / V.M. Zainullina, M.A. Korotin, V.L. Kozhevnikov // Progress in Solid State Chemistry. - 2020. - V. 60. - P. 100284.
153. Chemical Deposition of Metal Sulfides from Aqueous Solutions: From Thin Films to Colloidal Particles / N.S. Kozhevnikova, V.F. Markov, L.N. Maskaeva // Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. - 2020. - V. 94. - P. 2399-2412.
154. Photocatalytic Characteristics of Complex Oxides Bi4V1.8Me0.2O11-d (Me = Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Nb) / E.S. Buyanova, Z.A. Michaylovskaya, M.V. Yurchenko, O.A. Lipina // Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. - 2020. - V. 94. - P. 2527-2533.
155. High-Pressure Eu3+ - Eu2+ Reduction in a Matrix with the Structure of Apatite Silicate / A.A. Vasin, M.G. Zuev, I.D. Popov, I.V. Baklanova, D.G. Kellerman, E.V. Zabolotskaya, Y.G. Zainulin, N.I. Kadyrova // Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. - 2020. - V. 94. - P. 2467-2473.
156. Morphology, structure, and optical properties of nanocrystalline CdSe films doped with copper / L.N. Maskaeva, V.F. Markov, O.A. Lipina, A.V. Pozdin, I.A. Anokhina // Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. - 2020. - V. 94. - P. 2435-2442.
157. Nanostructured Pb(S, O) Films: Synthesis, Mechanism of Deposition, and Optical Properties / R.K. Saryeva, N.S. Kozhevnikova, L.N. Maskaeva, V.F. Markov, V.I. Voronin, O.A. Lipina, A.N. Enyashin, V.G. Bamburov // Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. - 2020. - V. 94. - P. 2121-2427.
158. Carbonization processing of bauxite residue as an alternative rare metal recovery process / I.N. Pyagay, E.A. Kremcheev, L.A. Pasechnik, S.P. Yatsenko // Tsvetnye Metally. - 2020. - V. 2020. - P. 56-63.
159. Optical Properties of Zinc Sulfide Nanopowders and ZnS/Ag2S Heteronanostructures / S.I. Sadovnikov, I.D. Popov // Physics of the Solid State. - 2020. - V. 62. - P. 2004-2011.
160. M5C4 Phases - New Family of Carbide Superstructures / M.G. Kostenko, S.I. Sadovnikov, A.I. Gusev // Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics. - 2020. - V. 131. - P. 572-581.
161. Investigation of rheological properties of hydroxyapatite and fluoroapatite in colloidal state / E.A. Bogdanova, V.M. Skachkov // Physical and chemical aspects of the study of clusters nanostructures and nanomaterials. - 2020. - V. 12. - P. 525-534.
162. Investigation of sintering features of ceramic materials based on hydroxyapatite and its substituted forms / E.A. Bogdanova, I.A. Vertennikova // Physical and chemical aspects of the study of clusters nanostructures and nanomaterials. - 2020. - V. 12. - P. 535-545.
163. Development of composite materials based on nanoscale hydroxyapatite reinforced with aluminum and zirconium oxides / I.M. Giniyatullin, E.A. Bogdanova, K.V. Nefedova // Physical and chemical aspects of the study of clusters nanostructures and nanomaterials. - 2020. - V. 12. - P. 571-578.
164. Mechanism and kinetics of neutralization of copper-containing solutions with modified red slurries of alumina production / L.A. Pasechnik, I.S. Medyankina, S.A. Bibanaeva, S.P. Yatsenko // Physical and chemical aspects of the study of clusters nanostructures and nanomaterials. - 2020. - V. 12. - P. 681-696.
165. Creating biocomposites based on nano-sized hydroxyapatite doped with zirconium oxide and calcium fluoride / D.I. Pereverzev, E.A. Bogdanova, K.V. Nefedova // Physical and chemical aspects of the study of clusters nanostructures and nanomaterials. - 2020. - V. 12. - P. 697-704.
166. Study of properties of diffusion-hardening composite solder GaSn-CuSn-Mo / V.M. Skachkov, L.A. Pasechnik, S.P. Yatsenko // Physical and chemical aspects of the study of clusters nanostructures and nanomaterials. - 2020. - V. 12. - P. 722-729.
167. Effect of metal additives in hydrochemical processing of diaspore-bemite bauxite on physicochemical properties of reduced muds / S.A. Bibanaeva, L.A. Pasechnik, V.M. Skachkov, V.T. Surikov, S.P. Yatsenko // Physical and chemical aspects of the study of clusters nanostructures and nanomaterials. - 2020. - V. 12. - P. 784-791.
168. Sorption and photocatalytic activity of Zn1-xCuxO (x = 0,05 and 0,15) to As(III) in an alkaline medium / O.I. Gyrdasova, L.A. Pasechnik, V.N. Krasilnikov, V.T. Surikov, M.V. Kuznetsov // Physical and chemical aspects of the study of clusters nanostructures and nanomaterials. - 2020. - V. 12. - P. 792-804.
169. Solid Phase Interaction of the Recondensed Finely Dispersed Mixture (VC0.40O0.53-C) with Titanium Hydride / Y.A. Avdeeva, A.N. Ermakov, I.V. Luzhkova, L.K. Askarova, E.K. Dobrinskii, Y.G. Zainulin // Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry. - 2020. - V. 93. - P. 1696-1704.
170. Peculiarities of the Composition and Morphology of CdxPb1-xS Films Formed on Various Substrates / L.N. Maskaeva, V.F. Markov, A.V. Pozdin, V.I. Voronin, M.V. Kuznetsov, O.A. Lipina // Physics of the Solid State. - 2020. - V. 62. - P. 2422-2433.
171. Morphology and Magnetic Properties of Hollow Co3O4 Spheres / A.V. Dmitriev, E.V. Vladimirova, A.P. Esaulkov, V.D. Zhuravlev, M.V. Kuznetsov, S.A. Uporov // Physics of the Solid State. - 2020. - V. 62. - P. 2332-2339.
172. Modulated and Incommensurate Superstructures of Atomic-Vacancy Ordering in Refractory Transition Metal Carbides / M.G. Kostenko, S.V. Sharf // Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics. - 2020. - V. 131. - P. 945-950.
173. Unusual intrinsic thermoluminescence in LiMgPO4:Er / D.G. Kellerman, M.O. Kalinkin, R.M. Abashev, N.I. Medvedeva, A.I. Surdo, A.P. Tyutyunnik // Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. - 2020. - V. 22. - P. 27632-27644.
174. TiO2 paste for DSSC photoanode: preparation and optimization of application method / I.O. Selyanin, A.S. Steparuk, R.A. Irgashev, A.V. Mekhaev, G.L. Rusinov, A.S. Vorokh // Chimica Techno Acta. - 2020. - V. 7. - P. 140-149.
175. Influence of a binder on the electrochemical behaviour of Si/RGO composite as negative electrode material for Li-ion batteries / A.V. Korchun, E.Y. Evshchik, S.A. Baskakov, O.V. Bushkova, Y.A. Dobrovolsky // Chimica Techno Acta. - 2020. - V. 7. - P. 259-268.
176. Synthesis and Characterization of (Ag2S)x(ZnS) Heteronanostructures / S.I. Sadovnikov, E.Y. Gerasimov // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. - 2020. - V. 1008. - P. 012019.
177. Simulations of ZnS deposition on Ag2S surface and formation of Ag2S/ZnS heteronanostructure / I.A. Balyakin, S.I. Sadovnikov // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. - 2020. - V. 1008. - P. 012020.
178. The interaction of defects in a mayenite structure / S.N. Shkerin, E.S. Ulyanova, S.V. Naumov, A.N. Shmakov, A.S. Tolkacheva // Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. - 2020. - V. 22. - P. 27818-27828.
179. Colossal variations in the thermopower and n-p conductivity switching in topological tellurides under pressure / N.V. Morozova, I.V. Korobeinikov, K.V. Kurochka, S.V. Ovsyannikov // Journal of Applied Physics. - 2020. - V. 128. - P. 245902.

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