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 30.08.2007   Карта сайта     Language По-русски По-английски
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Электротехника и обработка материалов
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Austrian NANO Initiative

„National cooperative Research and Technological Development in Cluster projects”



Nano-structured Materials for Drug Targeting, Release and Imaging


The joint research project Nano-Health, which consists up to now of thirteen single projects,

aims to develop a platform of new multifunctional nanoparticles. These multifunctional

nanoparticles will be employed for:

 the non-invasive targeted delivery of active substances for the treatment of chronical

diseases by different application routes, e.g. nasal, oral and pulmonary.

 nanodiagnostics as contrast media in clinical imaging via magnetic resonance imaging

(MRI), via fluorescence and via nuclear imaging by PET/SPECT.

 nanodiagnostics for clinical applications for the early detection of atherosclerotic

vascular lesions and to trace stem cells in cancer treatment

 toxicological studies of nanostructured materials

Project description

The ageing population, the high expectations for better quality of life and the changing

lifestyle of the European society call for an improved, more efficient and affordable health

care. Cardiovascular problems, diabetes, cancer, inflammatory and infectious diseases are

severe illnesses to be dealt with. Nanotechnology applied to medical problems can offer

impressive solutions. Early diagnosis, imaging and ‘smart’ treatments by using nanoparticles

potentiate better personalized health care. The benefit of nanoparticles for early diagnosis,

imaging and as highly potent drug delivery systems is generally accepted. The Nano-Health

project consists of 13 research projects aiming to develop new generations of nanoparticles

for diagnosis, imaging and drug delivery. These new, multifunctional nanoparticles will be

employed for clinical relevant and severe illnesses, such as diabetes, cancer, pulmonary

arterial hypertension (PAH) and atherosclerosis . Nano-Health pursuits three major goals: i)

the development of a nanoparticle toolbox consisting of new, multifunctional nanoparticles

based on four different technologies; ii) the optimization and use of the best suitable

nanoparticles for early diagnosis and imaging of different applications like cancer,

atherosclerotic plaque, and stem cell monitoring; iii) optimization and use of the best suitable

nanoparticles for non-invasive drug delivery to the lung in the case of PAH, via oral

administration to the mucosa of the gut in the case of diabetes and osteoporosis, and via

nasal administration in the case of dwarfism.

The development of multifunctional nanoparticles in this RPC focuses on four different types

of nanoparticles. These nanoparticles are lipid based (LIPO-NP), protamine based

(Proticles), poly lactid acid – human serum albumin (PLA-HSA) based and thiomer based

(Thiomers). Each of theses technologies is the main research field of independent academic

partners of the research consortium. In the case of diagnosis and imaging, three different

visualization strategies by using magnetic resonance (MRI), fluorescence and radioactivity

are followed. Coupling of these tags allows the in vitro characterisation as well as in vivo

tracing of the different nanoparticles developed within the Consortium. In the case of drug

delivery, the pulmonary, oral and nasal delivery routes are envisaged. The focus in this

context is the “Injectable-to-non-invasive-conversion”.

Nanotoxicology is one important aspect of nanoparticles and nanotechnology in general.

Nanotoxicology will be particularly emphasized in the single research project Nano-Tox

which deals with toxicological aspects of nanostructured materials. Within this project,

numerous in vitro models will be established and used for the evaluation of possible toxicity

of the used nanoparticles within the consortium. This project closely collaborates with the

integrated EU project [Nano(Biopharmaceuticals], 6 RP. All four Austrian partners in this EU

project are also partners of Nano-Health and the EU project was stimulated by the design of


In order to reach our goals, the collaboration of numerous scientific disciplines is needed.

Close cooperation between industry, research centres, academia, hospitals, funding

Austrian NANO Initiative

„National cooperative Research and Technological Development in Cluster projects”


agencies, and other stakeholders is a key factor of success. Therefore, all medical

universities of Austria, three Austrian universities, two non-university research organisations

and three Small and Medium size Enterprise (SME) as well as one global player (Siemens

Medical Solutions) ally to build the joint research project Nano-Health.

Number of RTD projects in the cluster: 13 projects

Recent funding period: March 2005 – February 2009

Overall planned duration: Until 2011

Project volume: EUR 4.129.055,-

Funding: EUR 3.532.927,- (funding rate: 85,6%)

Project partner

- Institute of Medical Technologies and Health Management Joanneum Research

Forschungs GmbH; - Clinical Department of Nuclear Medicine, Innsbruck Medical Univ.;

Center for Medical Research, Medical University of Graz; - Clinical Institute of Medical and

Chemical Laboratory Diagnostics Medical University of Graz; - Department of Anatomy,

Histology & Embryology, Section of Histology & Embryology, Medical University of Innsbruck;

- Department of Chemistry, University of Vienna; - Department of Internal Medicine, Division

of Haematology, Medical University of Graz; - Department of Pharmaceutical Technology,

Univ. of Innsbruck; - Institute of Biophysics and Nanosystems Research, Austrian Academy

of Science; - Institute of Cancer Research, Univ. of Vienna Institute of Pharmaceutical

Chemistry & Pharmaceutical Technology, Univ. of Graz; - piCHEM Research&Development;

- Siemens Medical Solutions; - ThioMatrix Forschungs- und Beratungs GmbH

Project coordinator:

Dr. Frank Sinner, Elisabethstraße 9 – 11, 8010 Graz; JOANNEUM RESEARCH und

BioNanoNet Forschungsgesellschaft mbH; frank.sinner@joanneum.at und

frank.sinner@bionanonet.at, Tel.: +43-316-876-2111, www.bionanonet.at

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