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07.04.2008 |
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Getting industrial Absorbing CO2 from a power plant's waste stream - or post-combustion capture - is a well-developed technology that could be retrofitted to existing plants, though it is expensive and not proved at industrial scale. In November 2007, the UK ruled that its competition for a large 300MW CCS demonstration plant (which will not be built until around 2015), should be post-combustion. But the Netherlands also plans to extend into other carbon capture technologies more suited to new power plants, as Bert Stuij, manager of energy strategy and transition at Dutch government agency SenterNovem, explained at a conference held alongside the Rotterdam pilot launch. These include a gasification plant - where coal is not burnt but turned into a synthesis gas, from which carbon dioxide is extracted before the remaining hydrogen is used to produce electricity. And there will be an 'oxy fuel' demonstration, where fossil fuels are burnt in nearly pure oxygen, producing a cleaner stream of carbon dioxide. These could eventually lead to large scale, integrated plants which both capture and store carbon dioxide. The Dutch government's ambition, which also includes two carbon storage demonstrations, is matched in Europe only by Norway and the UK, says Nick Otter, director of technology and external affairs at French-based engineering firm Alstom. Though energy companies are investing in many CCS projects - including in countries where, unlike the Netherlands, there is little official support or funding - Otter fears that a series of isolated projects won't get CCS to industrial scale fast enough. Ready or not 'The EU won't meet its 2050 carbon reduction targets without CCS - but this won't happen unless private and publicly-funded demonstrations are brought together under a European flagship programme,' he says. In order to get CCS viable for all new power plants by 2020, he explains, the EU wants to encourage around 12 full-scale CCS demonstration projects by 2015. But this short time frame means there is a lot to be worked on at once, says Otter - not just capture and storage demonstrations and R&D, but also all the piping and infrastructure required to move CO2 into storage sites, and the regulations and financial assurances for investors who have to pay the huge capital costs - about 100 million euros for each demonstration plant. That effort has left many observers doubting that that CCS technology will be ready by 2020 - even though new coal-fired plants are often proposed as being 'carbon capture ready'. Far better, they say, to stop building new coal-fired power plants altogether, rather than lock in such a dirty technology in the hope of CCS. US climate researcher James Hansen, for instance, has urged Australia to stop building new coal-fired power plants until carbon capture and storage is fully demonstrated. But Dutch industry and government have a different vision. 'Rotterdam can be the CO2 hub of northwestern Europe,' says Jan van den Heuvel, who is on the board of the Rotterdam climate initiative, which hopes to see the city halve its carbon emissions compared to 1990 levels by as early as 2025. As he points out, Rotterdam's unique concentration of industry means there is plenty of wasted heat which could be used to drive energy-sucking CO2 capture systems. The port is also close to the North Sea, where carbon might be stored - and it is already experimenting with other novelties such as piping spare CO2 out to be used in greenhouses. 'Rotterdam will be the world showcase for capture projects,' says van den Heuvel. 'If CCS cannot be done here, where could it be done?' Richard Van Noorden Also of interestCarbon capture and storage could allow us to burn fossil fuels without climate consequences - but only with more investment in R&D, argues Stuart Haszeldine Illinois lawmakers round on DOE over FutureGen Political row erupts after DOE decides to pull out of flagship clean coal plant The world's first integrated plant to capture and store carbon dioxide Air, can we have our carbon back? Chemical process promises to suck greenhouse gasses from the air EU-wide carbon capture project A four-year carbon sequestration project backed by 30 European universities and energy companies will test the viability of CO2 capture.
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