05.09.2008 | Карта сайта Language |
Now, a team led by Bernd Winter at BESSY, the synchrotron facility in Berlin, have confirmed that the second theory must be correct. Winter showed that, unlike a proton, the hydrogen atom of the hydroxide ion can form a weak hydrogen donor bond to a nearby water molecule. Hydroxide ions are known to accept up to four hydrogen bonds from neighbouring water molecules through the oxygen of the hydroxide - but finding evidence that they can also donate a hydrogen bond has been more difficult. To settle the argument, the team used an electron spectroscopy technique that is sensitive enough to distinguish between hydrogen bonds that are donated and accepted. The technique works by probing the local electronic structure of molecules in hydroxide aqueous solutions - detecting energy transfers that occur in extremely short time frames of around 6 femtoseconds. 'Our studies revealed a peculiar energy transfer mechanism that has never been observed before in an aqueous system,' Winter told Chemistry World, noting that this indicates the presence of the weak bonds. 'This is the first direct evidence of the local solvation state of hydroxide,' says Mark Tuckerman, who investigates the molecular dynamics of water systems at New York University, US. 'I don't know if this settles the argument for certain, but it is very compelling evidence.' 'This work adds important details regarding the solvation, mobility and electron dynamics of the aqueous hydroxide ion,' says Richard Saykally at the University of California at Berkeley, US. 'If these results stand up to further scrutiny, they will represent a qualitative advance in our understanding.' Lewis Brindley Enjoy this story? Spread the word using the 'tools' menu on the left. ReferencesE F Aziz et al, Nature, 2008, 455, 89 (DOI: 10.1038/nature07252)