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S. Krohnsa, F. Schrettlea, P. Lunkenheimera,
, V. Tsurkana, b and A. Loidla
aExperimental Physics V, Center for Electronic Correlations and Magnetism, University of Augsburg, Universitaetsstr. 1, D-86135 Augsburg, Germany
bInstitute of Applied Physics, Academy of Sciences of Moldova, MD-2028 Chişinău, R.. Moldova
Available online 30 September 2008.
In the present work, we address the question of an impurity-related origin of the colossal magnetocapacitive effect in the spinel system CdCr2S4. We demonstrate that a strong variation in the dielectric constant below the magnetic transition temperature or in external magnetic fields also arises in crystals prepared without chlorine. This excludes that an inhomogeneous distribution of chlorine impurities at the surface or in the bulk material gives rise to the unusual effects in the spinel multiferroics. In addition, we show that the colossal magnetocapacitive effects can also be generated in chlorine-free ceramic samples of CdCr2S4, doped with indium.
Keywords: Multiferroics; Magnetocapacitive effect
PACS classification codes: 75.80.+q; 77.22.Ch

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