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Solid State Ionics
Volume 181, Issues 35-36, 9 November 2010, Pages 1601-1606

Synthesis of La1 − xSrxSc1 − yFeyO3 − δ (LSSF) and measurement of water content in LSSF, LSCF and LSC hydrated in wet artificial air at 300 °C

Donglin Hanlow asterisk, a, E-mail The Corresponding Author, Yusuke Okumuraa, Yoshitaro Nosea and Tetsuya Udaa

a Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Kyoto University, Yoshida-Honmachi, Sakyo, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan

Received 25 February 2010; 

revised 18 May 2010; 

accepted 3 September 2010. 

Available online 2 October 2010.


The La1 − xSrxSc1 − yFeyO3 − δ (LSSF) samples were prepared by solid state reaction with heat treatment at 1300 °C and subsequent sintering at 1500 °C. Hydration behavior, nonstoichiometry of oxide ions, and conductivity of LSSF were investigated. The results revealed that single phase of LSSF was obtained in a wide composition range after the sintering. The concentrations of hydroxide ions in the LSSF samples hydrated at 300 °C in the atmosphere of 5% H2O–16% O2–Ar increased with the increasing Sr content or the decreasing Fe content. No linear relationship between concentration of hydroxide ions and that of oxide ion vacancies was recognized. For example, the concentration of hydroxide ions per unit cell of La0.8Sr0.2ScO2.9 was as high as 1.32 × 10− 1, but a dramatic drop in the concentration of hydroxide ions was observed by introducing just a small amount of Fe of y = 0.05. The Fe content of LSSF plays an important role in the hydration properties. In addition, the concentrations of hydroxide ions in La1 − xSrxCoO3 − δ (LSC) and La1 − xSrxCo1 − yFeyO3 − δ (LSCF) were also measured, and found to be quite low.

Keywords: Fuel cell; Cathode; Mixed proton/electron conductor; Hydration; Perovskite

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