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 13.06.2018   Карта сайта     Language По-русски По-английски
Новые материалы
Электротехника и обработка материалов
Статистика публикаций


Дорогие коллеги!
Пересылаю полученную информацию о предстоящей конференции в Испании и о новом журнале Американского керамического общества.
С уважением,
секретарь совета по керамике РАН
Л. Мезенцева

2018 International Conference on Advanced Functional Materials and Composites (ICAFMC2018) will be held on Sep. 5-7, 2018 in Barcelona, Spain.
Press: "MATEC Web of Conferences"(ISSN Online: 2261-236X)
Conference website:http://www.icafmc.org/
Email: cfp@icafmc.org
Conference Date: Sept. 5-7, 2018
Paper submission: June 30, 2018
Notification of acceptance: July 6. 15, 2018
Registration deadline: July 13, 2018

-------- Пересылаемое сообщение --------
От кого: v.huart@bcrc.be
Кому: v.huart@bcrc.be
Копия: J.Binner@bham.ac.uk, f.cambier@bcrc.be, anne.leriche@univ-valenciennes.fr, moritz.von.witzleben@inmatec-gmbh.com, Pavol.Sajgalik@savba.sk
Дата: Вторник, 12 июня 2018, 11:42 +03:00
Тема: New ACerS journal
Dear ECerS Council members,
Please find below a message from Prof. Jon Binner, purely for information:
The American Ceramic Society has announced that it is launching a new journal, tentatively titled International Journal of Ceramic Engineering and Science (IJCES). The aim of this new open access, online only journal is to provide a peer-reviewed venue for robust studies in our field that do not fit the scopes of the three existing ACerS journals. The subject matter for IJCES is research, development, engineering, education and application of the extensive range of materials that are comprised of ceramics, glasses and composite materials and structures containing ceramics and glasses. It will seek manuscripts that fall into one or more of the following categories:
• Conservation, cultural heritage, and traditional ceramics including refractories and whiteware
• Historical, present, and future perspectives
• Incremental advancements to the state-of-the-art
• Synthesis, processing, production, fabrication and assembly methods
• Characterization and modeling of structures, properties, and energies of change
• Well documented methods, with discussions connecting results to current practices and prospective benefits
• Reports from conference presentations
• Engineering, development, modeling and testing for traditional and advanced applications
IJCES also aims to provide very rapid turnaround from submission to decision using the single-referee model for its review process. Our plans anticipate approximately 100 submissions in 2019 ramping up to 250 per year over 5 years. We have put in place an APC discount and waiver program to attract top authors and articles, particularly during the journal’s induction period.

Professor Jon Binner, CEng, FIMMM, FECerS, FACerS, FAmpere

Deputy Head of College
College of Engineering and Physical Sciences
Room Q11, Poynting Building
Professor of Ceramic Science and Engineering
Room 2B7, School of Metallurgy and Materials

My PA is Ms Allie Hardwick, email: a.b.hardwick@bham.ac.uk; tel: +44-(0)121 4151082

University of Birmingham
B15 2TT, UK
Tel: +44-(0)121 4144396 (College Hub) or 4145180 (Met & Mat)
Email: j.binner@bham.ac.uk

President-Elect, ECerS

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