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January 2020 Winter School - ECerS Grant

In the framework of the European and International Ceramist Student Exchange Program, the European Ceramic Society presents the

January 2020

Winter Workshop Grant

The purpose of this grant awarded by ECerS with the financial support of the JECS Trust is to help European students to participate in the Winter Workshop organized by The American Ceramic Society from 24th to 28th January 2020 at Hilton Daytona Beach - Oceanfront Resort Hotel in Daytona Beach, Florida (USA).


The ACerS Winter Workshop is designed for ceramic and glass students and young professionals from around the world. The workshop provides a combination of technical and professional development sessions, outstanding networking opportunities, and concludes with a tour of the Kennedy Space Center.


Special registration price of $625 includes both registrations to the Winter Workshop and to the International Conference and Expo on Advanced Ceramics and Composites (ICACC) 2020 conference that will take place from 26th to 31st January also at Daytona Beach, Florida (USA).


A Grant of € 1200 will be awarded to the selected students - Up to 15 grants will be awarded. Both PhD students and post-docs are eligible but a priority will be given to PhD.

Deadline: 13th September 2019

For more information, please visit

the ECerS.org website


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