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ONLINE conference

Electroceramics XVII: 24-27 August 2020

Dear colleagues,

A final decision regarding this year’s Electroceramics XVII conference has been made. Due to the ongoing pandemic, we had to cancel the physical conference in Darmstadt, Germany, which has been scheduled for August 24-27. Nevertheless, we are very pleased to announce that the Electroceramics XVII conference will be organized as the first all-virtual version of this biannual meeting in order to share our research and stay connected during these insecure times.

Updated information about the conference organization, technical details, fees and extra events will be available soon on the conference webpage: www.electroceramics17.org.

 Some features of the conference are:

  • The conference will be held at the same time, August 24-27, probably extended till August 28 depending on the number of contributions

  • Abstract submission will remain open until June 5. Those who have already submitted an abstract can keep their abstract, modify or retract it also until June 5.

Submit an abstract

  • The conference will include plenary, invited and contributed talks as well as poster sessions. In addition, we will organize topical discussion sessions and also look for an opportunity to realize virtual coffee breaks

  • Talks and posters should be previously recorded and uploaded to the server, from which they can be viewed but not downloaded.

  • Presenters have to be available during their scheduled presentation time for answering questions live. Time slots will be organized to be compatible with the time zones of the speakers.

  • The conference fees will be reduced to 120 Euro, 90 Euro and 50 Euros for regular participants, ECERs members and students, respectively.

  • The planned summer school will also be organized as an online event with live presentations.

  • The Poster awards and the Electroceramics Young Researcher Award will be presented as planned.

We are looking forward to welcoming you in virtual Darmstadt in August,

Conference chairs:

Andreas Klein (aklein@esm.tu-darmstadt.de)

Jurij Koruza (koruza@ceramics.tu-darmstadt.de)

Organizing team:

Véronique Huart (ecers@bcrc.be), Jessica Bagnoli, Till Frömling, Marga Lang, Gila Völzke, Michael Scherer, An Phuc Hoang, Nicole Bein, Marion Höfling.


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