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Invitation for Submission in Journals Published by AAAFM

Announcing the Emerging Scientific Collections and Awards!

American Association for Advances in Functional Materials (AAAFM) Publishing is committed to recognizing the most prominent research and news in the materials science. We are therefore proud to announce the AAAFM Emerging Special Collection and the accompanying AAAFM Best Papers Awards. These publications will be highly visible through promotion by AAAFM.

Awards: Five winners will be selected for each Journal published by AAAFM. Each winner will be:

  • Awarded 500 USD

  • Announced in an editorial and an email from the AAAFM journals

  • Invited to write AAAFM Perspective on their field

  • Invited to an awards ceremony which will be held at University of California Los Angles (UCLA)


Manuscripts should be of very high quality and novelty. 


The scope of the manuscripts encompasses the AAAFM-Energy (ISSN : 2692-5060) and AAAFM-Material CommunicationsJournals.

How to submit AAAFM Energy: Submit through the online submission system.

How to submit AAAFM-Material Communications: Submit through the online submission system.

Award Selection Process:  Subcommittee of the AAAFM Editorial Advisory Board will choose five winners from each of its Journal among the papers accepted. The winners will be announced in December 2020.

We look forward to your submissions to the Emerging Scientific Collections and Awards! If you have any questions, please contact us.

Authors will receive the following benefits:

  • No publication charges

  • No charges for color figures and Illustrations

  • Fast peer-reviewing and publication times (Two Weeks Time)

  • World-wide subscriptions by top universities

  • Distinguished editorial board

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