373 K Superconductors
Ivan Zahariev Kostadinov
373K-SUPERCONDUCTORS, Private Research Institute
(Dated: March 7, 2016)
Experimental evidence of superconductors with critical temperatures above 373K is presented. In
a family of different compounds we demonstrate the superconductor state, the transition to normal
state above 387K, an intermediate 242K superconductor, susceptibility up to 350K, I−V curves at
4.2K in magnetic field of 12T and current up to 60A, 300K Josephson Junctions and Shapiro steps
with radiation of 5GHz to 21THz, 300K tapes tests with high currents up to 3000A and many THz
images of coins and washers. Due to a pending patent1, the exact chemical characterization and
technological processes for these materials are temporarily withheld and will be presented elsewhere.
PACS numbers: 74.25.F-, 74.25.N-, 74.55.+v