We would like to kindly inform you that the E-MRS 2012 Fall Meeting abstract submission deadline is the 28th May 2012. All specialists wishing to attend the conference and present a paper are kindly asked to register and submit an abstract online as soon as possible.
Registration and abstract submission via the Conference website: www.european-mrs.com
E-MRS 2012 Fall Meeting Symposia: Acta Materialia Gold Medal Symposium: "Recent Developments in the Processing and Properties of Ultrafine-Grained Materials" Symposium A: Advanced Composite Materials: technologies, properties, applications Symposium B: Renewable polymers as multifunctional materials: properties, processing, applications Symposium C: Functional Perovskites Symposium D Novel Materials in Biomedical Applications Symposium E: Nanoscaled Si, Ge based materials: Fabrication, characterization, devices Symposium F: Nanoceramics and Ceramic based Nanocomposites Symposium G Graphene, nanotubes and related materials Symposium H: Organized Nanostructures and Nano-objects: Fabrication, characterization and applications Symposium I: Computer modelling in nanoscience and nanotechnology: an atomic-scale perspective II (CMNN2) Symposium J: High-resolution electrical and chemical characterization of nanometer-scale organic and inorganic devices Symposium K: Highly precise characterization of materials for nano and bio technologies Symposium L: Defect-induced effects in nanomaterials
Please find the First Announcement in the attachment.
In case of any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.